16mths and counting ttc


Active Member
Apr 28, 2010
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Hi everyone,
I am very new here having recently just joined. Thought it would be nice to be able to chat to people going through the same kind of thing and also saves my husbands ears!!
Basically I have 2 beautiful little girls age 5 and a half and nearly 4 they were both born by c-section then 2 years ago we fell pregnant with our third but sadly at the 12wk scan i was told there was no baby and i had suffered a delayed miscarriage or blighted ovum. I had to go in for a d&c only because we were due to be going on holiday otherwise i would of let it go naturally. I went back on the pill as my first response was i didnt want to ever go through that again!! however we did decide we would still like our 3rd but have been unable to conceive since. 6 months ago i did get my blood checked to see if i ovulate and to check my hormone levels which came back fine. we hav'nt had any further testing would just like to hear from anyone who is going through a similar experience. Thanks for reading as its getting tougher every month.xx
Sorry about your loss hun :hugs:

This is our 16th cycle too :flower:

We don't have any children but have started our testing.
So far had my 'routine bloods' thyroid, kidneys etc.
All came back as normal.

We've both got FS appointments and SS arranged for within the next three weeks :thumbup:

Good Luck to you and keep me updated O:)

Thanks for your reply it is really apprecciated. I have decided to go back to doctors to see what is next. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your tests.xx:flower:
No probelm O:)

Good, let me know what happens?

Thanks hun :hugs:


I am also new to B&B and posted an introduction only today, so have cut & paste my post (don't know how to use the quote button yet!)


Me 35, DH 36 - happily married for 15 yrs.

DD#1 born 1999 after 3 months to conceive, normal pg & birth.
DD#2 born 2002 conceived first month, normal pg & birth.

As you can see, we have already been very lucky. We had hoped to eventually have 4 children, so didn't try to prevent getting pregnant since our 2nd daughter was born (other than avoiding my most fertile time for the first couple of years!!).

No happy accidents occurred, so we started actively trying in June 2006, as our youngest was nearly 4. However, here we are in April 2010, still waiting without even the slightest whiff of a BFP...

Had all the tests done, including a lap & dye test most recently in March 2010. Everything is completely normal for both of us - we are normal weight, don't smoke, rarely drink and are otherwise fit & healthy. We are officially in the 'Unexplained Infertility' category. However, we don't want to go the assisted conception route for both financial and emotional reasons.

The question is, how long do we keep trying, as the month-on-month disappointment is soul destroying? Secondary infertility is incredibly painful because you feel you can't tell people or expect any sympathy as you already have healthy children.

Just wondered if there is anyone else in a similar situation? "

So I am in a similar situation to yourself, although I have never suffered a loss - my heart goes out to you xxx
The below is what I had started in LTTTC. Im feeling like you ladies are. I do have a DD from a previous marriage who will be 10 this year. Otherwise I havent been able to conceive since:shrug:. Well maybe we can keep up with one anothers progress. What are some things you all are doing to get your BFPS? I had to leave the TTC groups because so many were getting their BFPs in like 6 months time and I couldnt stand the heartache any longer.

Here is my thread that I started:

14 months+ TTC?


So I want to talk with women who have been trying for 14 months+. We really need a group to discuss our ups and down, as well as our triumphs. How do you continue to go on? Im at a crossroads here. Im in such anguish. I feel I have tried everything on our own. OPKs, charting, guanefisn, metformin, softcups, clomid, and basically standing on my head! We've done all the testing and etc. Our next step is IUI but why try that when I havent heard of too many BFPS with it?

Im so discouraged so I dont know what to do? What should I call this group? What is this place that Im at? I need you alls help.
Thanks ladies O:)

mrskcbrown - I'm going to find it now

Hi Lovely to talk to you all,
It does feel so much better to be ble o talk to all of you who re going through similar experiences. I really empathise with you all. I have only told parents and my inlaws about ourlack of sucess as they knew I always wanted more children but I have not been able to tell friends and others when they ask the question ''are you going to have anymore children?'' because I have felt like maybe people will think badly of me when i already have 2 beautiful children. I do find myself just saying I prob wont have anymore when all the time im really thinking i'd love to have more.
It has't helped at the moment there seems to have been a bit of a baby boom for this month every where i turn there seems to be a new baby or new bump.!!! Really hope it happens for all of us just quite worried my body may be saying after 2 c-sections and 1 d+c enough is enough!! Take care .xx
There ARE loads of pregnant people around :(
They always come out in the summer! lol
Yep, loads of pregnant ladies here too..... at the school..... at the gym.... at the shops..... I could go on.

Normally doesn't bother me too much - I'm genuinely happy for anyone having a baby that they want. It's when I see someone pregnant who looks mega-unhealthy, smoking a fag and swearing at their other children :growlmad: Why can't I get pregnant and they can??????

But golly, did I feel sorry for myself last week though, when I found out my sister-in-law was pregnant with #3 - actually I cried (privately) :cry: and felt very depressed for the rest of the week.

I think it got to me because a) it's family, b) she's 42 and had previously said they weren't having any more, c) she said it wasn't really planned but was the result of only 1 :sex: and d) I only recently told her we had been trying for years to have #3...... have I become incredibly paranoid to think she only got pregnant to rub my nose in it? I don't know how to feel, I think I'm just being completely stupid, probably..... :shrug:
Ok so Im doing so incredibly miserable today with this TTC and DH both are getting on my last nerves. Ive decided against IUI for now and will try another month or so on my own. Hope you all are having a better day than me.:hugs:
Sorry you are feeling low - Wait & hope i do know how you feel in the time we have been ttc #3 2 of my cousins have got pregnant and 1 of them always said she didnt want anymore-luckily i only see them about once a year so its not so raw to deal with. I'm sure your sister in law didnt do it to rub your nose in it but i can totally understand why and how it would make you feel like that.
mrskcbrown- keep me posted on how you are doing- we have failed again this month which made me feel quite down. Am going to start charting my temp now for the first time -dont know if this is going to make a difference but i may understand myself a bit better each month.
Take Care.xx
Sorry you are feeling low - Wait & hope i do know how you feel in the time we have been ttc #3 2 of my cousins have got pregnant and 1 of them always said she didnt want anymore-luckily i only see them about once a year so its not so raw to deal with. I'm sure your sister in law didnt do it to rub your nose in it but i can totally understand why and how it would make you feel like that.
mrskcbrown- keep me posted on how you are doing- we have failed again this month which made me feel quite down. Am going to start charting my temp now for the first time -dont know if this is going to make a difference but i may understand myself a bit better each month.
Take Care.xx

I think charting is awesome and I actually have learned a lot about my cycle through it. I like to do it. Now Im hoping that we do it this month and it produces a BFP.:happydance:

Give it a try, fertility friend is the best. I do use another one called myfertilityfriend.com but to me its off sometimes and not as accurate as FF. With this being your first month, I do encourage you to use OPKs to know when you are ovulating because charting will only let you know after you have ovulated and you dont want to miss it!

Thank you for your advice will def use it. Good luck to you this month- keeping my fingers crossed.:baby:xx
We've been ttc for 30 months, 2 years next month :( We've had 2 BFP's, first 1 was 30months ago, which was mc at 9 weeks :( an then our 2nd was 5 - nearly 6 months ago which was a chemical, so it took us 1 year and half to get our 2nd bfp :( so far all my blood tests have came back fine and my OHs 1 SA wasn't good but his 2nd was better, not great but i guess it's not bad, we have our FS appointment on tues :D but i just turned 22 a week ago and obv can't get ivf etc yet so i guess the only thing we can do is keep ttc naturally for a year and see what happens.. but i feel for everyone thats been ttc 1 + :(
Hi ladies.
We try a lot of months too...almost 2 years and a half...but I could n't understand when my O was, because I have no cm at all after a surgery at cervical. Now I'm watching my O with OPK and using pre-seed the two last cycles.
I hope all of us have our BFP soon!:thumbup:
(sorry for my english:wacko:)
Your English is pretty good spicy!

Sorry you have been trying for such a long time
I hope you get your :bfp: very soon :hugs:
Hiya everybody! Where are you in your cycles? Im getting ready to O, so trying to get all the BDing in before hand and after, day of , all of it, LOL!

Temps haven't been that great compared to last months.
No symptoms really. . .
But had first FS apointment yesterday! :thumbup:

You get to :sex: lady! :)


Temps haven't been that great compared to last months.
No symptoms really. . .
But had first FS apointment yesterday! :thumbup:

You get to :sex: lady! :)


Hoping that you do get that BFP. I wish my cycle length was around yours. 34 days is a long time to wait. I didnt take clomid this month, so hoping that my cycle will be a day or 2 shorter.:hugs:

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