16mths and counting ttc

Thanks hun O:)

I hope you get yours too!
I know what you mean I've rencently had two random cycles around that length and I was beside myself with all the waiting :hugs:

Hi girls,
Have'nt been on for a while has been quite a stressful week-had a sick child and other dramas in our household!!! Was'nt able to start my charting as a result of everything so am guessing this month. Am trying to Bd very other day at the moment as i think ov will occur sometime this week and may hit the target if were lucky!! Good Luck all.xx:thumbup:
Hi girls,
Have'nt been on for a while has been quite a stressful week-had a sick child and other dramas in our household!!! Was'nt able to start my charting as a result of everything so am guessing this month. Am trying to Bd very other day at the moment as i think ov will occur sometime this week and may hit the target if were lucky!! Good Luck all.xx:thumbup:

Good luck and I hope you catch the eggy. We are trying to bd every other day to every 3rd day as well.:hugs:
Sorry to crash this thread, but I was in your position last year ladies. OH and I were TTC for 18 months with no luck at all, and every month was such heartache. I have a 7yr old from a previous relationship and PCOS for the last 8 years.
My story was, i had to have ovarian drilling for the PCOS as I was diagnosed with 2ndry infertility and then progesterone and clomid. Alongside this, OH had low motility and poor morphology results from his sperm count. As you can imagine the odds were against us.
We finally managed a BFP and we know we were lucky.

I just hijacked to tell you a positive outcome from a very similar situation you find yourselves in. I wish you all the world for your BFPs. xx
Sorry to crash this thread, but I was in your position last year ladies. OH and I were TTC for 18 months with no luck at all, and every month was such heartache. I have a 7yr old from a previous relationship and PCOS for the last 8 years.
My story was, i had to have ovarian drilling for the PCOS as I was diagnosed with 2ndry infertility and then progesterone and clomid. Alongside this, OH had low motility and poor morphology results from his sperm count. As you can imagine the odds were against us.
We finally managed a BFP and we know we were lucky.

I just hijacked to tell you a positive outcome from a very similar situation you find yourselves in. I wish you all the world for your BFPs. xx

Hey TeenyWeeny:flower:

Thanks for crashing this thread!!!! I too have PCOS and DH has low morphology 6% to be exact. I know that their is a God and that their is hope. Im not giving up. Thanks sooooooooooo muchhhhh! I love positivity in the face of adversity:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi Ladies

Would love to join you, been trying for nearly 3 years, have a 4 year old, numerous tests for me and DH came back normal but then a lap (after 8 month waiting list) showed blocked tubes after a c-section with #1. all lesions were removed and tubes unblocked now

Carried on TTC but still no luck, feeling quite down
thinking of trying accupuncture and then IVF in time

have to lose 10kg weight before they will consider me for IVF even, so another battle to fight

had my first personal trainer session in the gym last thursday, so I am on the right track just need to keep motivated and keep going I guess...all worth it for my little jellybean!

sending you all lots of baby dust

T x
Hi, Ladies. I think I finally found a thread for me. My story is similar.

I had 2 easy pregnancies 20 months apart and have been ttc for the past year, 14 months. I had 3 miscarriages so dr had me try clomid for 2 cycles (no success) and then another cycle try with an iui. I didn't really respond to the clomid - only 1 egg each time. Cycle before clomid - I had 2 eggs!

I know I picked the wrong doctor for a lot of reasons but don't have the patience, energy or money to change. (The dr some friends use isn't covered by my insurance). I'm not saying the specialist I'm using is bad - he's helped a few of my friends - just not for me. I never had problems getting pregnant this past year, just getting it to stick. Since I've gone to a specialist, clomid and constant monitoring and progesterone etc, I can't even get pregnant! Sorry about the rant - just sooooo frustrated and want someone to blame!

I decided to do nothing this month except try on my own. I am so regular that I ovulate the same day and time every month!

Keeping my fingers crossed!
Keep going and be strong Stilldoing it

some time you need time out from all the intervention to just nuture you, try some pampering and 'me time' to help you relax.

May seem obvious but has OH had all the relevant tests too?

have you thought about more natural remedies and approaches?

sending you lots of happy thoughts

T x
Hi Tammy and stilldoingit! So happy you are here. Now Im praying that you get your BFPs really soon!:hugs:
Hey Tammi - My hubby is fine - he's been tested. (And he was the one who kept knockin me up this year!)

I think I do need to just relax. I said this summer was the end of my time but I feel like it's going to happen before that. Positive thinking, positive thinking, positive thinking . . . .

Until then - my goal is to become super fit!
Thanks - Mrs Brown and Tammi!
lisaloo - b/c you asked . . . .

Went to dr yesterday to have a look at ovaries. I was suppose to up my clomid this month but skipped it. (last 2 cycles only produced one egg and I just feel better without) He wasn't too psyched, but I had a surge at 11am, a big follicle (23mm), and am scheduled for an iui in a few hours this morning! Same as the past 2 months so who knows. . .

I figure something good has to happen for one of us! Positive thoughts for all of you.

I am so blessed to have a beautiful, healthy girl sitting on my lap right now. ;) God willing we will all get what we need - one way or another - all in due time.
Update ladies/lisaloo :winkwink: because u asked

Went for a follow-up appt @ hospital following my lap & dye on 1st March - everything completely normal (as I was told after the op) which is great news, but doesn't explain why we can't achieve a BFP. Doc said we could pay to have up to 3 rounds of IUI, but we don't want to take this step (yet). I asked if there was anything else (tests/drugs) we could try before moving to IUI - Doc said it could be possible I'm not ov every month, even though a Day 21 test I had (a few years ago, mind!) showed I ov'd that particular month - he said I could try Clomid for 3 months and have 2 more Day 21 tests, one the 1st clomid cycle and then one the 3rd cycle! So feel a bit more positive and hopeful this month :thumbup:

Currently CD19, 5DPO on my first clomid cycle (50mg took days 2-6). Had a +OPK result on CD13 and temp charting on FF shows ov as CD14, so all text book so far........ Used pre-seed and soft cups for the first time this month too, so we really have pulled out all the stops, lol!!!

BTW, just to rub salt in my already sore wounds, found out today my OTHER sis-in-law is also pregnant now (see my posts on page 1 of this thread)...Also accidentally :shock: She says she took the morning after pill too and it didn't work :saywhat: She already has 3 children by her first (& newly divorced) marriage and this pg is with her on/off BF who doesn't live with her.
She rang my DH tonight & was on the phone to him (she & he are twins, so quite close) for over an hour offloading her dilemma & saying she doesn't know whether to keep it...... :shock:...........please bear in mind that we only told her 2 months ago we had been desperately trying for almost 4yrs to have another baby!! Did she not think that sharing the intimate details of her current predicament with us a little thoughtless???? WHY did she feel the need to tell my DH all of this if there is the possibility she will terminate the pg??? WHY tell us, of all people?! Couldn't she have told one of her many close friends instead or her other brother or her parents? grrr

Sorry for the rant, these things are sent to try us......
hey still, finbgers crossed it all goes well :)

ah wait that was awful for you then what a cow !!!! talk about rub your nose in it :(
just wondering - how's it going?

I'm crampy, my face is blotchy like an allergic reaction, and don't think I can stomach the 2nd 1/2 of the tww.

I've been ignoring this site trying not to think about this . . .
just wondering - how's it going?

I'm crampy, my face is blotchy like an allergic reaction, and don't think I can stomach the 2nd 1/2 of the tww.

I've been ignoring this site trying not to think about this . . .

Oh I understand. I have tried to ignore this site as well. I am either 6 or 8dpo depending upon whether fertility friend wants my O date to be cd26 or cd28??:shrug: I just dont know anymore. Its so hard.:hugs:
Ok - in the same boat - same dpo or good enough guess at this point. I feel comfort of someone waiting too. I don't think I'm going to get the result I want. I'm going to be pulling for you!
ok ladies, it's early in the morning and I have a question so I can't call dr yet.

I stopped taking clomid this month after only 2 cycles, low doses and never had more than one egg. I had one good egg day 16 and did natural cycle iui. Sounds good until - 6/7dpo I had terrible rash on face (hormone issue yhat'a happened before), insane yeast infection 9dpo with some spotting, and today 10dpo I have lots of blood, more than spotting, dark red but still.

Is my period starting early? Why? I have no luteal defect, never did before. What is going on? so frustrated!
Hi Ladies,
Have just been reading and catching up, I have been on holiday for the last few weeks. thought we had cracked it whilst we were away as AF was due during the first week of hols however it didnt turn up until the second week! :(Really do empathise with you all and I shall be making a doctors appt asap as I cant keep just hoping every month that this is our month!!! Think we need to find out now if there is a specific problem or if this is just the way it is now. It has been 2 years this month since my miscarriage (blighted ovum) and even though we didnt ttc again straight away I have not been able to get pregnant since.:nope: Thinking of you all and hope we all get what we so really want soon.:cloud9:
Got my :bfp: finally with afternoon wee on a digital!:yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:
Still praying for everyone. This is our 15th month! My dh has low morphology and I have pcos, so anything is possible!

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