17 weeks and 6 days with opening cervix ~ FINAL UPDATE PAGE 19



Little back story first:
I had crazy cycles so I had an ultrasound to see how far along I am. During the ultrasound the tech noticed that I have a short cervix (only by a few cm).
So I had another ultrasound to remeasure my cervix and they noticed now that it is opening (looked like a lot to me).

So NOW I have to go to a specialist and find out why it is happening and if they can do anything:cry:
I am really scared. My doctor found it strange that my cervix is opening and yet I am not having any tightening of the abdomen, bleeding, or water breaking.
My husband is at work right now and I have been bawling my eyes out all day. I have seen baby, I have even felt baby and love baby so much already. I don't want to lose it. I don't understand why this is happening. I feel a little embarrassed that my body is failing to do what it was made to do. I wish I hadn't told anyone I was pregnant now because I don't want to have to face them with bad news.
Now I have to get an amniocentesis, I hate needles so it will not be fun at all.

I am so scared of losing baby.
Aww!!! Don't assume the worst right now. Wait until you have some more info before thinking the worst.

So sorry this is happening. Keep us posted.
Didn't want to read and run. I am not familiar with this kind of thing but I wanted to wish you good luck. I hope that everything works out perfectly. Also, my friend had an amnio and said it was over and done with so quickly and only very slightly uncomfortable. Good luck and I am sorry I can't be more helpful. I'm sure others on here will have a better idea than me and will be able to offer advice/reassurance. X
You poor thing. I can't offer any advice, but can imagine how worried you must be and want to send you my best wishes that you and bub are going to be just fine, and a hug xx
Awwww love don't feel embarrassed, :hug: so sorry you are going through this. I hope they can help. xxx
When do you go see the specialist? And have they put you on bedrest or anything in the mean time?
awww god bless you with hope and that the lil one stays put thinking of you! keep us posted x
Oh babe that's got to b terrifying,hopefully it's nothing and they can sort things out for u xxx
Hello hun, have a look in Gestational Complications incomplete cervix thread lots of help and advice there (hugs) xx
I hope it going ok? Can they stop you going into early labour- I think they can give you something for it? WOuld rest help? Keeping your feet up?
I'm sorry you are going through this and hopefully the dilation will stop... Why will they perform an amnio though (sorry if that's a dumb ?) ?
There are lots of things they can do hun and it is good that they have spotted it now. I would get advice from the gestational complications thread, but in my experience I would ask about stitch, progesterone, infections, bed rest and regular scanning. I am sending your baby some stay put vibes and good luck with your amnio. X
When do you go see the specialist? And have they put you on bedrest or anything in the mean time?

I have an appointment to see the specialist tomorrow morning. I am just going to try and have a relaxing evening with my hubby. Maybe order some take out and watch some movies. Tomorrow may make me feel better or worse. I guess we will just have to see.
I hope it going ok? Can they stop you going into early labour- I think they can give you something for it? WOuld rest help? Keeping your feet up?

We will probably discuss our options tomorrow when we see the specialist. My doctor mentioned possibly being put on bed rest or even hospitalized. I have been just trying to take it easy. I laid in bed crying for a few hours.
I'm sorry you are going through this and hopefully the dilation will stop... Why will they perform an amnio though (sorry if that's a dumb ?) ?

Not a dumb question, even though my doctor explained it I'm still confused. My doctor said they want to check and see if there is a genetic defect in the baby that is causing this to happen.
They noticed at my 20 week appt my cervix was almost 100% effaced and dialating. I had a rescue cerclage placed (cervical stitch) and was on complete bedrest. I was given progesterone shots and meds to prevent labor. I know exactly how you feel, but I made it to 29 weeks before I had my lil boy, just two days ago!! He is healthy and I am so blessed. If they wouldve found my cervix at 17 weeks, I wouldve went further than 29 weeks, but when they found my problem I was in serious risk of going into labor. After my dr appt, they rushed me straight to the hospital and I was laid out on the O.R. bed getting my stitch. The fact that they sent you home and referred you to a specialist tells me it hasn't shortened to badly. Good luck, and I know its hard but just relax and take it easy!
Awww this sounds scary hun but there's loads of things they can do these days, rest rest rest and rest some more!!!

Sending prayers and happy vibes, hope it all goes as it should xx
that really is nasty hun i kind of know how you feel ihad a op on my cervix and i am now 17weeks pregnant and have to wait until I'm 23weeks till they will do a scan to see if my cervix is opening so I'm soooo worried but i know you must be suffering more to know that urn is open i know they can put a stitch in my ob told me so maybe that's what they will do for you and then they take it out just before labour and it really dose help all i can say for now is make sure u have complet bed rest until you know where u stand let us know how you get on i know this is easier said then done but try not to stress so much it wont do u any good take care i wish u all the luck in the world xxx
Sounds like Incompetant Cervix to me. I'm no Dr but here are some suggestions. They can do a cerclage on a cervix that is just starting to open. After about 15 weeks, they consider it a rescue cerclage. I just had a preventative cerclage placed on the 13th at 13.5 weeks pregnant. This was to try to prevent changes from happening. I also have a short cervix, at 3.2 cms max.

Placing a cerclage before you have dilated completely, with membranes bulging, is ideal, however, I have heard of them having to place 'rescue' cerclages on women who's membranes are bulging already. The 2 main types of cerclage are a McDonald, in which they stitch through the bottom portion of your cervix which extends into your vagina. The Sharodkur is placed about halfway up, and requires more disection of the tissue to place it.

Keeping your feet up as much as possible is beneficial. You want to reduce the load on your cervix, as it can open under pressure. With my last pregnancy, with a McDonald suture, I was not on bedrest of any sort, and was doing fine. I contracted an infection after an internal exam, which resulted in my pre term labour. I was not told to do bedrest yet with this suture in, but I have chosen to take it easy anyways.

Your situation is not without hope, and is still salvagable.

So take it easy until you see your Dr. I have never heard of a genetic disease being the cause of Incompetant Cervix. There are mechanical reasons for a cervix to fail, and it has nothing to do with you being a failure personally. Sometimes they just ripen and thin prematurely, and sometimes they are just naturally weak. If a mother took the anti miscarriage meds back in the 60's, her daughter will have a greater chance of having a weak cervix. So if your mom took DTS (I think that's what it is), then this could be a reason. But no matter what the reason... its not your fault. It is solveable if caughte early enough. I think, right now, you are in an okay position to get this fixed.

Good luck, and yes, there is a thread about Incompetant Cervix in the Gestation Complications thread.

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