19 weeks & NO amniotic fluid plus p.p.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2011
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Im 19 weeks + 4 days now.
a week ago i went for my fetal measurement u/s i knew there was something wrong instantly the picture was not clear and at this point i had seen 2 previous u/s & knew you could see the baby well... I asked her why it was so blurry & hazy. She said nothing. she asked me if i had any fluid leaking or water breaking...I said no of course not. she excused herself from the room & came back 5 minutes later told me to pick up the phone & talk to a doctor. The doctor told me I had NO FLUID at all around the baby & they couldn’t see any organs except the heart I also had placenta previa & i should really think about termination. I told her I wanted to see another doctor A SPECIALIST. i got a call later that day with an appointment to see a specialist the next morning.

at that appointment I was given a level 2 u/s she was able to see the heart pumping great & she was able to identify 1 kidney at least. She could not see a left kidney or bladder. (In u/s they don’t see the organs themselves they see the fluid in them) so the doctor than came in and told me...

The baby has no fluid... you either lost it slow enough not to notice or the baby’s kidneys & bladder are not working to recycle & reproduce the fluid. I would recommend a dye test but there is no room/fluid to get a needle in for the injection.... So if termination is not an option for you than go home for 2 weeks on bed rest, let’s see if any fluid at all builds up in that time.. if so the babies organs most likely work & you just lost the fluid, if there is no fluid still the babies organs do not work & there is no hope.

I am starting week 2 of my bed rest.

Have any of you experienced or heard anything like this?
Oh I am so sorry to hear this. I have no experience but just wanted to wish you well. I have my fingers crossed for you and your lo.
:hugs: sorry i have no advice for you, sounds awful hun.

Fx'd the fluid builds up again, :hugs: i hope it all works out for you xxx
Have they given you antibiotics in case your waters have actually broken? If they have then infection is the biggest risk to the pregnancy, plus, without fluid, the babies lungs will have problems developing. Baby can survive inside you perfectly well without any fluid though.

My waters went around one of my twins at 14+5 in a previous pregnancy. I did notice at the time, but once they had gone it became very difficult to see baby on any scans. At my 20 week scan they couldn't really do it at all on that twin, but they did tell me there was fluid in the bladder.

I would chase them up about antibiotics if they haven't given you any and go with the bedrest and drink as much water as you can (I was drinking about 8-10 pints of water a day). The more you drink the more your baby can produce amniotic fluid and also, drinking lots helps keep infection away as it 'flushes' your system out.

I will keep everything crossed that baby's kidney/s are working fine and there is fluid in the bladder at the next scan. :hugs:
im so sorry to hear this hun :hugs:

this happened to me but as midori1999 says you are at serious risk of infection once your membranes have ruptured

I was also told termination was recommended but that wasn't an option for me as I wanted to give my baby a chance so I was hospitalized on bedrest but unfortunately infection caused me to go into pre term labour & my little girl didn't survive :cry:

the prognosis is not very good in this situation but I sincerely hope things turn out differently for you :hugs: xxxxxxxx
Thank you for all your support. I have not been given antibiotics or anything yet.I have to take my temp 2 times a day to look for infection.
I had a pprom at 18+3 and I hadn't any fluid (the rupture was low).

What I know is that for the survival and to have chances for baby's health the mother has to have a "pocket" of 2cmx2cm of amniotic liquid (there are studies about this matter).

If you don't have a rupture, there is the possibility of amnioinfusion but you have to find a hospital that does it.

I'm so sorry for you, really. Try to find a specialist in patological pregnancy, it's the only thing you can do.
You are very courageous.
I don't have any advice but I wanted to say how sorry I was to read what you are going through. I hope things work out for you. Everything is crossed. Please let us know how you get on.

I am seeing a specialist Perinatology she is now my doctor. I have kaiser & i found out today I will be 100% covered for hospitalization (15-18weeks)the baby will also be 100% covered for NICU. Im so glad its one less thing for me to worry about.
There is 6 days left until my appointment to find out if any fluid has built up..I sure hope so, I want the baby's organs to be okay...I have read many stories of under developed lungs where the baby made it. I have only found about 2% of stories that organ problems found in pregnancy turned out well....oh the wait & see is soooo difficult.
My friend sent me a doppler so i can find and hear the baby's heart beat everyday...it has been 165,171,162
Aww hun i am so sorry you are going through this, i hope everything turns out ok. Keep us updated. Sending you lots of :hugs:
hope everything turns out ok for you fingers crossed xxxxx
This breaks my heart :cry:

I can remember feeling the way you do & clinging onto hope, I also listened to my babies heart every day to try and reassure myself... she was born alive & perfect in every way but she was too premature to survive :cry:

I pray with everything ive got that your fluid levels have risen when you go back :hugs: please stay on STRICT bedrest (by strict I mean don't get out of bed AT ALL other than to use the toilet) & drink drink drink as much water as humanly possible

it sounds awful but its the only chance you've got to increase your fluid & although you will be going stir crazy keeping still for a whole week - it gives you the very best chance of allowing any possible rupture to seal & will be sooooooo worth it if you can build up enough fluid to allow your baby a chance to make it past 24wks (im so sorry to tell you this but once your membranes have ruptured you are at risk of going into labour at any moment & if your baby arrives before this time they won't do anything to try to save him/her) :sad2:

I know this is scary & im really not trying to upset you... :nope: I just want you to be armed with the facts so you will have the best chance of avoiding what happened to me :hug:

please keep us informed of how you are doing :hugs: xxxx
I have everything crossed for you in the hope that the next scan shows a good improvement. Thinking of you xxx
I am sorry to read you are going thru this. I really hope that the bed rest does the trick xx
i had rupture at 25weeks and slowly leaked all the way through i was in hospital for 2weeks and on strong antibiotics..
i call it a miracle as my son s head was engaged in my pubic bone and plugged himself in and no infection to enter..
my son was born at 37 weeks by emcs due to placenta failiure and had a collapsed lung and in scubu for 2weeks but is now a 7month bruiser with no problems at all..
gl hun
I am so sorry you're going through this. I hope and pray you get good results at your next appointment x x x x
Flood yourself with fluids- make your liquids count towards calories so you don't have to fill up as much on solids- Broth, jello, popcycles, milk, tea anything you can get down, CONSTANTLY- and good luck to you hon!
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I have low fluid (2-3cm) but of course no fluid is just... wow :( At my last scan they could also only find 1 kidney. Big hugs hun hope everything turns out ok xxxx

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