2+ miscarriages? Read here!

I don't think I am even going to bother waiting ttc as I think I would just have the treatment anyway just in case so long as it's not harming the baby. I'm hoping for a Christmas bfp too!!
Age started ttc: 29 properly now 31

Mc's: 6 between 6 - 9.3 weeks

Patterns in mc's: 5 MC then immune treatment = one boy and now next mmc. usually pretty quickly the last one at 9.3 weeks I thought i was going full term as it is longer than previous !

Time to conceive: 1-3 months

Tests: I have done everything but I am very amazed at the results found on this site. I went private and had either negative / positive come back never told me exact results which everyone is providing on here - maybe next time I will find out !!! or defo ask!!!!

Results: Im the perfect person regarding my results but how do i keep on mc its so annoying !!!! . I am ok to understand 1/5 mc but i believe there is something defo wrong with me as I havent found out any reason why I always mc and my stats are something like 1/244 ...... Also, found it interesting as husband never had SA as he can get me prego easy but maybe now thinking it could be his issue too (which I have NEVER thought it could be his issue) - only thought it was a blood clotting issue with me (however last pregnancy took aspirin did nothing bubs still died)

Chromosome of the fetus tested / result? previously everything ok but now waiting for 2 weeks since erpc.

Treatment / did it work this time? I had immune treatment which worked after 5mc. However gone privately again to test blood with different consultant and he did NOT agree with immune treatment but only thing i know is that it produced my first baby !!! maybe luck or maybe it did work very con traversal !

Plan for next time: wait for testing my dead baby at 9.3 weeks and bloods if everything comes up fine. Go back to immune treatment.

Any living children / mc before after?: yep one after 5mc i am sooooo grateful for and then one MMC now oct 2011x
Hi Pretty Please! Thanks for replying and so sorry you are going through a lot too :hugs: I bet you think the absolute world of your son!! I agree with everything you said about there must be something wrong. The Royal College of Gynochologist Guidelines (link above) which all the good consultants use say that the more times you miscarry the more likely you are to be losing normal pregnancies (unless you or your husband have abnormal chromosome karyotypes) which can be tested ie a translocation or something like that - have you had this done? We have and we were normal but this does not mean our embryos have to always have the right number of chromosomes. I find this upsetting, to think of losing normal pregnancies but it does make sense when they say that random chromosome errors are unlikely to recur so 3-6 times??? When you talk about immune treatment, did they put you on Prednisolone? The jury's still out on immune stuff and Dr Quenby seems to be leading the field with this research along with some clinic in Chicago as i'm sure you know but it does seem to have worked in your case or it is a very big coincidence ?! My question is, if it worked then why didn't you carry on this treatment exactly for subsequent pregnancies, or did you? Yeah I am suspicious about those sperms and if you google image 'abnormal sperms' it's freaky!!! 97% of my DH's sperm have 'head defects' and i am sure that's where the DNA info is. I don't want my eggs dating those kind of unsuitable sperms!! However, the fertility specialist we saw said it was 'unlikely' that an abnormal sperm would be able to fertilise an egg but... i'm not so sure!! It's such a puzzle to solve this miscarriage stuff as my husband's mum for eg. had my husband no problem, then 4mc's then another son who was a twin survivor, then 2 years later a daughter with no more mc's before or since. She had no treatment. I would think that if you had the immune treatment again and it didn't work say 2 more times then you can't attribute your success to that and it was actually a coincidence???? Or you may know something I don't. Let us know your chromosome result is, I'll be posting mine on here when I get it, it seems like such a long wait though! All the best to you and I hope everything works out for you soon x
UGH 8 weeks? Hell 4 seems like forever to me. I'll have to talk to my RE about this. See if he'll agree to let us try again while we wait for results. I'm sure they'd probably send off the tests and no idea how long it would take to get results back. BLEH!
Seems like that's all we do when TTC. Wait wait and wait some more.
UGH 8 weeks? Hell 4 seems like forever to me. I'll have to talk to my RE about this. See if he'll agree to let us try again while we wait for results. I'm sure they'd probably send off the tests and no idea how long it would take to get results back. BLEH!
Seems like that's all we do when TTC. Wait wait and wait some more.

I HATE the waiting too. :dohh::growlmad:
The immune treatment I had was the same style as the beer book. Then I thought I would be immune from my husband / my body attacking bubs. I had no meds it's a one off treatment where you oh white blood cells are injected into you. Painful. I will read the link I'm on my phone at moment. Time will tell but not impressed at all by new consultant but he was a guy that did erpc so thought it would be worth testing everything with him. It just seems to be a gambling game pregnancy to me there are a hundred different factors each time why potentially mc and no one seems to know why :( hopefully soon I will. Yeah will do immune treatment or put my name on waiting list (6 months) if nothing comes back.....

Good luck to everyone xxxxxxxx

Hi Pretty Please! Thanks for replying and so sorry you are going through a lot too :hugs: I bet you think the absolute world of your son!! I agree with everything you said about there must be something wrong. The Royal College of Gynochologist Guidelines (link above) which all the good consultants use say that the more times you miscarry the more likely you are to be losing normal pregnancies (unless you or your husband have abnormal chromosome karyotypes) which can be tested ie a translocation or something like that - have you had this done? We have and we were normal but this does not mean our embryos have to always have the right number of chromosomes. I find this upsetting, to think of losing normal pregnancies but it does make sense when they say that random chromosome errors are unlikely to recur so 3-6 times??? When you talk about immune treatment, did they put you on Prednisolone? The jury's still out on immune stuff and Dr Quenby seems to be leading the field with this research along with some clinic in Chicago as i'm sure you know but it does seem to have worked in your case or it is a very big coincidence ?! My question is, if it worked then why didn't you carry on this treatment exactly for subsequent pregnancies, or did you? Yeah I am suspicious about those sperms and if you google image 'abnormal sperms' it's freaky!!! 97% of my DH's sperm have 'head defects' and i am sure that's where the DNA info is. I don't want my eggs dating those kind of unsuitable sperms!! However, the fertility specialist we saw said it was 'unlikely' that an abnormal sperm would be able to fertilise an egg but... i'm not so sure!! It's such a puzzle to solve this miscarriage stuff as my husband's mum for eg. had my husband no problem, then 4mc's then another son who was a twin survivor, then 2 years later a daughter with no more mc's before or since. She had no treatment. I would think that if you had the immune treatment again and it didn't work say 2 more times then you can't attribute your success to that and it was actually a coincidence???? Or you may know something I don't. Let us know your chromosome result is, I'll be posting mine on here when I get it, it seems like such a long wait though! All the best to you and I hope everything works out for you soon x
Yeah it's definitely a gambling game! Good luck pretty please, I hope you get what you need from your new consultant and that the immune treatment works out again for you. Keep us posted x x x
MCed when OH and I got together at about 5 weeks, then about 3 months ago again at around that time. I'm trying not to remember... but it's getting harder to forget... :'( It's really getting to me at the moment.
Hey ladies - can I ask a question? For those of you who have been referred to the recurrent miscarriage unit, did you have to wait to TTC while you were having the tests. I have been told that I can be referred but have been told that I wouldn't be able to TTC for four months whilst I was under investigation.

Does this match with your experiences?
MCed when OH and I got together at about 5 weeks, then about 3 months ago again at around that time. I'm trying not to remember... but it's getting harder to forget... :'( It's really getting to me at the moment.

Hi, thanks for posting. Do you think you will have some tests done? The doctors tend not to test until after 3 mc's which is really frustrating :growlmad: but then they also say that you're more than likely to be successful next time...
I think if I MC one more time I will insist upon it. However I'm hoping third time lucky x
Wishing you all the luck in the world, let us know your success story! x
Hey ladies - can I ask a question? For those of you who have been referred to the recurrent miscarriage unit, did you have to wait to TTC while you were having the tests. I have been told that I can be referred but have been told that I wouldn't be able to TTC for four months whilst I was under investigation.

Does this match with your experiences?

Hi Struth, I wasnt told not to ttc but i decided that it made sense to wait as I couldnt bear miscarrying again when there may have been an underlying/treatable reason. Sure enough the first lot of my results have came back showing a blood clotting problem so had I fallen pregnant again whilst waiting for results Im certain I'd have miscarried again. Its not worth putting yourself through that, its a personal decision but I think wise to wait.
Whilst I was waiting for my results a nurse actually gave me a phone number to call should I fall pregnant in the meantime, but straight away I said there was no way it was going to happen. Its a total nightmare the waiting game but Im trying to get myself healthy mentally and physically and strong for the next time. The both times that I've miscarried it has knocked me so low mentally, I still feel like crying a lot when I think of it. I think to myself why is this happening to me when others sail through pregnancy, I think its a very difficult thing to deal with. Good luck x
Hey ladies - can I ask a question? For those of you who have been referred to the recurrent miscarriage unit, did you have to wait to TTC while you were having the tests. I have been told that I can be referred but have been told that I wouldn't be able to TTC for four months whilst I was under investigation.

Does this match with your experiences?

Hi Struth, I wasnt told not to ttc but i decided that it made sense to wait as I couldnt bear miscarrying again when there may have been an underlying/treatable reason. Sure enough the first lot of my results have came back showing a blood clotting problem so had I fallen pregnant again whilst waiting for results Im certain I'd have miscarried again. Its not worth putting yourself through that, its a personal decision but I think wise to wait.
Whilst I was waiting for my results a nurse actually gave me a phone number to call should I fall pregnant in the meantime, but straight away I said there was no way it was going to happen. Its a total nightmare the waiting game but Im trying to get myself healthy mentally and physically and strong for the next time. The both times that I've miscarried it has knocked me so low mentally, I still feel like crying a lot when I think of it. I think to myself why is this happening to me when others sail through pregnancy, I think its a very difficult thing to deal with. Good luck x

Thanks for replying - how long did it take for your referral and so on? Was it 4 months?

I was offered a referral after my second mc (I had one when I was 19, I'm 35 now, and then one in August) and they offered to refer me. The one in August was a mmc at 9 weeks. I decided to not take the referral as the first one was so long ago and had complicating factors to it so we decided to give it another go (especially as we didn't want to wait for 4 months). I got pregnant straight away again but knew something was wrong straight away and went on to mc at 6 weeks. I'm wondering whether to ask for the referral or not. My gut says to try again and if it happens again then go for the referral then. My pregnancies and mc's have all been so different so I figure that they could all just be freak occurrences.

I'm sorry to hear about your blood clotting disorder - have they put you on aspirin and heparin? At least you know that there is an underlying reason and they can do something to help you next time. I truly hope it works out for you. :hugs:
Hi Struth, I would get some basic tests done if you can. It does take a while to be referred and then it takes a while for the tests to come through. Perhaps 4 months in total?? If you can afford it, the private route is MUCH quicker but really expensive. You might be looking at at least £600 for the consultation and basic tests but I thought it was worth it so I did it after my second mc. x
Hi Struth, I would get some basic tests done if you can. It does take a while to be referred and then it takes a while for the tests to come through. Perhaps 4 months in total?? If you can afford it, the private route is MUCH quicker but really expensive. You might be looking at at least £600 for the consultation and basic tests but I thought it was worth it so I did it after my second mc. x

Thanks Filipenko - and do you have to not TTC for the whole time (referral AND waiting for tests)?

How did it take you to go private and did you have to not TTC while you waited to?
Hi Struth, I would get some basic tests done if you can. It does take a while to be referred and then it takes a while for the tests to come through. Perhaps 4 months in total?? If you can afford it, the private route is MUCH quicker but really expensive. You might be looking at at least £600 for the consultation and basic tests but I thought it was worth it so I did it after my second mc. x

Thanks Filipenko - and do you have to not TTC for the whole time (referral AND waiting for tests)?

How did it take you to go private and did you have to not TTC while you waited to?

I didn't wait at all! But as it happened I didn't get pregnant for 2 cycles (1 was the mc bleed) anyway so it worked out but it wasn't because we didn't try. It's a bit complicated how I did it. After the 1st mc I panicked and went to see a fertility specialist!! They of course said go away as I had only had one and they said we'd be fine. No tests. Then I had my 2nd mc and thought there must be something wrong. So I went to a clinic in Kingston called myultrababy and they offered recurrent miscarriage blood testing so I did that and it cost £1000 in total - that was all done and dusted in 10 days. I got a lot of relief seeing those results which they emailed to me. We went back to the fertlity specialist in London (appointment within a week) and he tested us for: semen analysis and chromosome tests for me and my DH (to see if we carried anything which would cause the miscarriages) Everything came back fine and within 2 weeks. So we're up to a month now and we were still ttc. Then I went to a private gyn in London who did an antral follicle count to check my fertility and a scan to check uterine health - all fine - appointment the very day I decided to go and results there and then. So you can see that I pretty much had everything done inside a month and did not stop ttc. Then I had a mission... I knew that I got pregnant quickly and the results only showed a protein s deficiency which could be a very rare cause of recurrent mc's (blood clotting) so I had to find a specialist who would treat and look after us. I found one and 4 days before my BFP I had the Clexane injections and progesterone ready to go! It was hard trying to convince him that I would be pregnant and needed all meds before i left his office after 1st consultation!! He was treating us for the sake of it though as he didn't really recognise the protein s deficiency even though it's mentioned in important mc guidelines. So from 2nd to 3rd pregnany no more than a 6 week turnaround. Didn't take aspirin though and that's going to be the key to my success next time! Nobody helped me, not the NHS, I had to do all the leg work and research myself and we have spent a lot of money too with no success yet. I don't know if any of that's helpful but that's my story. So quick turnaround, lots of money spent but didn't want to wait!
Oh and now we have to wait 4-6 weeks for the results of the chromosome test on the fetus after they gave me the erpc last Thursday but still not going to wait to ttc because i'll do the aspirin, clexane and progesterone anyway so what's the point of waiting!?
If you get referred to a clinic they will advise waiting and waiting for the results of the tests either privately or on NHS but I suppose I kind of got all my results in quickly beforehand if that makes sense. I don't know if we did the right thing but getting results and a picture of the situation really helped me to cope too.

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