Hi I had my 20 week scan today and all looked fine but I have to go back in a few weeks time for a re scan as they couldn't get a good look of the heart and there is fluid on baby's kidneys. She did try and explain what it could be but I was a bit upset so wasn't concentrating properly. Hoping someone may have some advice for me. Thanks in advance x
My boy has this too! It was picked up at the 201weeks scan and its just one kidney thats affected. He has a reading of 7mm.
I have another scan booked for 33 weeks as its extremely common for this to recify by itself. If not then buba will be scanned again within 6 weeks if birth.
Both my midwives and the sonographer assured me its nothing to worry about and is extremely common.....more so in boys than girls apparently.
Of course I was in panic mode when I found out but after doing a little research I can honestly I've hardly given it a second thought. As my hubby says "they've got two kidneys anyway lol".
Don't let it stress you out. Its upsetting but not life threatening and I've been assured it doesn't affect your choices for birth etc or make it a high risk pregnancy. To be fair all the medical professionals seemed very blasé about it xx