20 week scans...


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2006
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I think there are a few of us due them within a few days of each other aren't there?

Mine is on Friday \:D/ I dreamt last night I was further on in my pregnancy and looked back on my notes and it said I was having a girl (even though they don't even write it in your notes). I'm sure I am so it will be a major shock if it's a boy! Hope the little one lets us see :D
hahahahaha I just asked in another post if you knew what you are having!!

So you going to find out at your scan babe?

WOW, I wonder if your dream is spot on?

Good Luck for Friday babe! x
Yeah we weren't going to find out, but that was more because people were telling us not to. But it's our baby and our choice and we would like to know if possible.

I get really scared at this point (did with Ella aswell) as we know someone who found out at this stage their baby had severe spina bifida and they had to abort. They were in their 20s aswell. I'm hoping that all the movements are a good sign that it's healthy though :)
Kina just to reassure you,spina bifida is picked up in the triple test as a AFP marker,so if you were low risk for the triple test then babe hasnt got it.

Relax everything is going to go well,hun and i reckon you have a girl. I thought it was boy for me and kept dreaming girl.I had 20 people say boy and only mum in law said girl and I reckons dreams must give you an inner look

Good luck dear
Awwwww Kina as Bex said, try not to worry hun.....you have everything on your side :hugs: x
Good Luck for Friday, hope babe behaves and lets you have a look. My scan is on Monday and we hope to find out too. I'm convinced I'm having a boy but knowing my instincts it'll be a girl. Was convinced a boy last time due to fact i was carrying similat to ds when they said a girl was really surprised
Mummy2twoplusbump said:
Good Luck for Friday, hope babe behaves and lets you have a look. My scan is on Monday and we hope to find out too. I'm convinced I'm having a boy but knowing my instincts it'll be a girl. Was convinced a boy last time due to fact i was carrying similat to ds when they said a girl was really surprised

Good Luck for Monday babe! x
Im having a healthy baby......

BOY!! What a surprise that was!!
OH WOW!!!!!!!

Join the club!!! :blue: :blue: :blue:

:happydance: :dance: :happydance:



Names? Pics? :lol:

Congrats hun.

A boy and a girl you'll be one of the lucky ones :D
I would have been just as happy with two girls :D

I do have pics but I need to take pics of them and upload them, which I will try to do tonight. Awww he's a cutie :D
Yay congrats hun, so pleased for u.

Ah congratulations, nice to have one of each!

Little boys are great, love their mummys lots!
I said to Matt I wonder if he'll be a mummys boy. He reckon he will be lol.

He's so excited at the thought of having a lad to do manly things with whilst I can go off and do girly stuff. He's got trips to Chelsea planned already :roll:
Kina said:
I said to Matt I wonder if he'll be a mummys boy. He reckon he will be lol.

He's so excited at the thought of having a lad to do manly things with whilst I can go off and do girly stuff. He's got trips to Chelsea planned already :roll:


Paul is the same, he is looking for Man U clothes and already planning trips.......and me & Jade will be going out shopping :roll:

I think it will be great having a boy, they usually are Mummy's boys :wink:

Bring it on.........I can handle that :lol:
congrags Kina a little boy how lovely, I reckon he'll be a mummy's boy.
I got my sexing scan monday i'm certain i'm having a boy too but then again I was convinced Summer was a boy too. although I didn't find out the sex on that preg think i need to know this time.

anyway congrags again haven't time gone fast xxx
Good luck for Monday Kayl, you'll have to let us know ASAP what your having :D

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