Hi all! Thanks for asking after me. I'm feeling so much better thanks. Think my hormones/emotions are finally settling down. Harry is now nearly 3 1/2 weeks old and we're gradually understanding what he needs, or at least we're finding different tricks to distract him!
Nights are not as good as they were, he takes ages to settle after each feed which is generally 10/11pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm. He only feeds for 10 mins then falls asleep. I then try and burp him but even if I get lucky he wakes after 10 mins or so of lying in his basket with what I can only guess is wind or attempts to poo. I keep having to get up and rock him or rock the basket for ages.
It's interesting to read about the routine that Yas has adopted. I would love to do something like that when he's a little older. I guess 3 weeks is still a wee bit too young?
Does anyone know at what age their digestive system sorts itself out? I think that is our main issue at the moment so once that is more mature we should hopefully find him so much more settled.
We have the avent monitor SCD530 which was our one big spend. I think it was £90!! from the baby show. It's very cool though and it's so handy having the little monitor you can put in your pocket, especially as it can vibrate. https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Babies-R-...se-_-N/A-_-Phillips Avent SCD530 Baby Monitor
Pip, I would say that your LO will maybe demand more milk during the day so your body will start producing more to substitute the night feeds.
Sorry again for not coming on that much. My laptop still has no internet and by the time my dh comes home from work with his, I'm either too tired to log on or just have no time as have to eat and start getting Harry ready for bed.
Yas, sorry to hear about Gary but it sounds like you're doing an amazing job on your own. I have to take my hat off to you as that is no mean feat.
Claire, I love that tattoo and I personally think you have nice feet!
Yas, where abouts in London do you live as I'm planning on going in soon to see my work colleagues. We could always meet for a coffee and cake?
Lia, I'm so jealous that you can put your LO down during the day. As soon as I try Harry wakes up and cries! I keep trying though and he's going longer each time so FX we'll get there eventually.

to Moggy, Brigitte, Lia, Lydia, Yas, Costgang, Claire, Pip, dede xxx