2010 Bumps & Flushes & Dimples

Pip - the midwife though that she might be trying to stimulate my milk supply as she though she was having a growth spurt? She also said it could just be frustration. We've got an angelcare one as my parents had it from my sister's boys, we haven't actually used it yet as she sleeps next to me in the cot and we haven't really left her for naps yet. All set up and ready to go though, but I think we'll just use the sound part of it rather than the movement sensor, so probably not the best recommendation from me! Friends have said the BT one is really good.

Yas - I'm so sorry about you and Gary. You are doing such a fab job with K, I know you'll make the co-parenting thing work, plus you've got your Dad as another amazing make influence on K as he grows up. Poor K and you about his op, I'm sure it will be so horrible to have to put him through that, but you'll cope well, as you have done with everything thrown at you so far!

How do you all settle your LOs to sleep at night, do you put them down awake? And if so, if they cry, what do you then do? J has in the last couple of nights become much more fussy about settling on her own and needs either to go down pretty much asleep, or she will need picking back up and calming several times, followed by a long stint of me gently jiggling the cot until she falls asleep?

Lia - great that you can have an evening scan, I hope you get it sorted so you can feel better asap. The Moby is similar to the close carrier I think, have you tried feeding in yours?
In the day I generally hold Kia to sleep. But at night he self settles... i've had this really clear, great bedtime routine in place and it obviously works- we've only had 3 difficult to settle nights.

So for us... it's bath, massage, pjs on, then I feed him in the dark bedroom, wind him, then lay him in his cot awake. I've recently started using a dummy so i'll pop that in, tuck his blankie over him and then leave the room. He often has a little whinge about 10 minutes later so I go in, put the dummy back in, kiss him then leave the room. That's it.

I only started this routine when he was 5 weeks old though, before that he couldn't settle and there was LOTS of rocking and shushing- I never let him cry. When he does cry, I pick him up, give him a cuddle, dummy in then lay back down although generally that never happens anymore. Since I started the routine though he seems to know what's coming and is nice and content at night, sleeping 830-4ish then a feed then sleep again till 7ish.

hope that helps?
P&F, there is a Surestart BF group locally, which I am hoping to go to with S next week.

MrsMils, as for bedtime: S loves falling asleep on mummy or daddy's chest, but we are hoping to introduce a bedtime routine similar to Yas' this weekend.
Thanks Pip and Yas, we're hoping to do a similar routine within the next few weeks. We were told by the hospital only to bath twice a week, when is it ok to start bathing every night (and when do you start using baby bath etc?). Also - when can I start doing baby massage?

The main problem with bedtime settling is that she's lovely and sleepy after her feed, but has ALWAYS filled her nappy during the feed, so no matter how dark/quiet etc the change is, it always wakes her up and then even if I feed again, she's wide awake. I'm hoping the poos calm down soon, literally every nappy at the moment...
MrsMils, I think we will go for a quick wash instead of a bath as we prefer not to bath him every day either. We were told once a week is sufficient and quick washes inbetween in order not to dry their skin out.

Not sure when you can start the baby massage, but we are going to a local Baby Club Monday after next, where they teach baby massage.
Thanks Pip and Yas, we're hoping to do a similar routine within the next few weeks. We were told by the hospital only to bath twice a week, when is it ok to start bathing every night (and when do you start using baby bath etc?). Also - when can I start doing baby massage?

The main problem with bedtime settling is that she's lovely and sleepy after her feed, but has ALWAYS filled her nappy during the feed, so no matter how dark/quiet etc the change is, it always wakes her up and then even if I feed again, she's wide awake. I'm hoping the poos calm down soon, literally every nappy at the moment...

See, that's the thing- the reason why the routine sort of 'happened' around 5 weeks was because that's when he stopped pooing so often in the night. She's only what, 2 weeks old? The first month or so there was no chance of a routine because every day was different.

What does she sleep in? If you haven't got them, maybe try nighties- Kia has them! (boys ones from tk max) then there's no faffing with poppers etc at change time.

Baby massage classes around here are from 4 months- i'll go when he's old enough- as it is I just bought some gorgeous natural lotions online and after his bath smother him and rub him till he cries- he loves it now! I started bathing him nightly at 6 weeks and putting in a squirt of natural baby bath, before that it was just every few nights in plain water.

I just wanted to add, I always said i'd never have a routine when I was pregnant and would be happy to be totally led by him, but it's lovely that he's loosely chosen his own- everything is a million times better when we're both rested and happy- it's so simple but true!

Hi Ladies!!!

So exciting...this is the most action our threads had in a while!! :thumbup:

OK...where to move?? Maybe just the general Chatter Section?? :shrug:

Yas: Sorry to hear about Garry :hugs: I'm sure you two will work out the co-parenting :hugs:

Claire: I don't think I did mention anything else...anyway, the specialist called and we have an apt Nov 18. I would have pushed for it sooner but BFing seems to be going ok. :shrug:

Also, I LOVE the tat (and your feet lol)...and the avatar...and Ana in her rocker!! Peyton has the same one!! :thumbup:

Pip: For a while when I was havinf trouble BFing I considered doing one formula bottle at night...when I told my MW she said it was a horrible idea...that even missing one breast feed could affect my supply and I may end up totally Formula feeding :-( Not sure if thats whats going on for you? :shrug: Is there a lactation consultant you can see? As for wraps...mine is a cuddly wrap. https://www.peapodcreations.ca/wheretobuy.html

Moggy: So happy you had a good night...must seem like heaven when they both do well!:haha: I know last night felt like heaven to me. I fed P at 12am...she fell asleep shortly after and slept till 5:55am!! I couldn't believe it!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Lydia: Yay for J's weight gain!!! as for night time. We prett much do the same as Yas. We started a routine this week...soak (we dont always wash either), massage with lotion, PJ, feed and then she falls asleep on daddy's tummy. We havent mastered her settling herself yet...or her taking a pacifier. I'm getting smaller ones tomorrow cause so far she doesn't want any of the ones we have!!:dohh:

Well that's all the one handed typing I have in me! Happy to hear from all of you! Ann, hope you're doing ok! :hugs:

Sorry about all the questions today, but are you all using baby monitors and if so, which ones? Are there any you wouldn't get at all?

we have tommee tippee one - its fab despite its age! It has sensor mat in cot, will find a link....
Sorry about all the questions today, but are you all using baby monitors and if so, which ones? Are there any you wouldn't get at all?

We don't have one yet, but the one I wanted was BT150 - lots of good reviews and lots of recommendations from friends. DH wanted one with a video screen though so we actually have none at the mo :dohh:

How do you all settle your LOs to sleep at night, do you put them down awake? And if so, if they cry, what do you then do? J has in the last couple of nights become much more fussy about settling on her own and needs either to go down pretty much asleep, or she will need picking back up and calming several times, followed by a long stint of me gently jiggling the cot until she falls asleep?

Lia - great that you can have an evening scan, I hope you get it sorted so you can feel better asap. The Moby is similar to the close carrier I think, have you tried feeding in yours?

Probably can't help you on the night sleeping as still co-sleeping at the mo but for naps and stuff he generally self settles. I pop him down if I spot him yawn and he drifts off mostly. Sometimes it's not so easy - this morning I had a lie-in as was up again with the suspected gall stones, and DH was struggling to get him to nap he was clearly so overtired and fighting it :dohh: Trouble is he still has a really bad startle reflex so wakes himself up heaps with that, but hates blankets/swaddling etc. Sleeping bag has been fab for getting him covered up but doesn't pin his arms lol.

Not tried feeding in the carrier yet but been told it's doable?

P&F, there is a Surestart BF group locally, which I am hoping to go to with S next week.

MrsMils, as for bedtime: S loves falling asleep on mummy or daddy's chest, but we are hoping to introduce a bedtime routine similar to Yas' this weekend.

Hope the group is good - ours is really nice and we are having a halloween party soon! The peer supporter is lovely there she calls me every now and then to see how we're doing if I have missed some sessions (I suspect my HV has asked her to do this as she did mention she'd spoken to her :dohh:)

Thanks Pip and Yas, we're hoping to do a similar routine within the next few weeks. We were told by the hospital only to bath twice a week, when is it ok to start bathing every night (and when do you start using baby bath etc?). Also - when can I start doing baby massage?

The main problem with bedtime settling is that she's lovely and sleepy after her feed, but has ALWAYS filled her nappy during the feed, so no matter how dark/quiet etc the change is, it always wakes her up and then even if I feed again, she's wide awake. I'm hoping the poos calm down soon, literally every nappy at the moment...

Dylan stopped filling his nappy so regularly after 6 weeks so this has become a lot easier. He now only does it a couple of times a week if we are lucky. We were every single nappy before.

Baby massage classes here start from 12 weeks but we just rub nighttime oil up and down, long soft strokes, after his bath and he likes it.

We didn't realise how important the evening bath was for settling Dylan. The other night we got in a bit late and I thought it best just to put him straight to bed. Well an hour or so of struggling later, hubby bathed him and we had no trouble.

AFM I am sleepy as didn't sleep the back end of the night and we're also struggling a bit with D's feeding because of his snotty cold but hubby got up with him this morning and I had a lie-in :thumbup: Can't believe he is 9 weeks already :wacko:

Yas - Dylan has only recently started laughing and playing a little, but I know lots of older babies who don't yet, they are all so different aren't they. Dylan is still up feeding in the night so I guess we all get a different mixed bag lol. You will do so well with Kia though I know it :hugs:

Can see the nap-monster is stirring so better go and finish my lunch :thumbup: big :hugs: everyone I have missed
I can't remember where it came from, but I have a Pampers Village DVD (I think it came in a Bounty pack) and there is a little video about baby massage on it. Have just watched it and given S a little massage to try. He loved it and is snoozing away now. :cloud9:

Day 2 of no more bottles of expressed BM here: The night was okay, although I was a bit concerned that he didn't drink as much as he should as he only fed three times during the night, but only for about five minutes at a time before falling asleep :sleep: and there was nothing I could do to wake him up (tried rubbing him in different places, changing him, undress him...). :shrug: I figured out he would wake up again if he was hungry, so left him to it. This morning we already had a nice full nappy, so it seems he got enough after all.

I read about the BT150. As you said, P&F, it got some good reviews. Bit expensive though. Moggy, is this the one you have? https://direct.asda.com/Tommee-Tippee-Sensor-Monitor/002654682,default,pd.html it is currently on offer at Asda's baby event.
MamaBird, I didn't FF him during the night. I fed him EBM from a bottle and expressed after, so I didn't really miss any if that makes sense, so it shouldn't have affected the supply. I get the feeling it was/is really down to it being easier for him drinking from the bottle, so he preferred it.
MamaBird, I didn't FF him during the night. I fed him EBM from a bottle and expressed after, so I didn't really miss any if that makes sense, so it shouldn't have affected the supply. I get the feeling it was/is really down to it being easier for him drinking from the bottle, so he preferred it.

Sorry my brain is mush and I missed that. lol
IDay 2 of no more bottles of expressed BM here: The night was okay, although I was a bit concerned that he didn't drink as much as he should as he only fed three times during the night, but only for about five minutes at a time before falling asleep :sleep: and there was nothing I could do to wake him up (tried rubbing him in different places, changing him, undress him...). :shrug: I figured out he would wake up again if he was hungry, so left him to it. This morning we already had a nice full nappy, so it seems he got enough after all.

I read about the BT150. As you said, P&F, it got some good reviews. Bit expensive though. Moggy, is this the one you have? https://direct.asda.com/Tommee-Tippee-Sensor-Monitor/002654682,default,pd.html it is currently on offer at Asda's baby event.

Pip its this one https://www.tommeetippee.co.uk/product/suresound_ultimate_monitor/

how many times did he feed before if last night was just 3? How far apart were the feeds?

Wrote long reply earlier and lost it to power cut so will catch up again after bathtime:hugs:
Pip its this one https://www.tommeetippee.co.uk/product/suresound_ultimate_monitor/

Ouch, that is even more expensive than the BT150. :shock:

how many times did he feed before if last night was just 3? How far apart were the feeds?

I can't really remember :blush:, but he didn't feed lots yesterday either or maybe I just find it a bit more difficult to judge it. But he didn't stay on the breast for long, whereas today he stayed on longer. And he poops and the poo is a nice colour too. Yay!
We don't have one yet, but the one I wanted was BT150 - lots of good reviews and lots of recommendations from friends. DH wanted one with a video screen though so we actually have none at the mo :dohh:

Looks like lots more positive opinions on the BT150 here. https://www.babyandbump.com/baby-club/427571-baby-monitor-please.html
I don't suppose anyone has a 20% off Mothercare discount like the one that was around about a month ago? I have found a 10%, but could really do with 20%.
MamaBird, I didn't FF him during the night. I fed him EBM from a bottle and expressed after, so I didn't really miss any if that makes sense, so it shouldn't have affected the supply. I get the feeling it was/is really down to it being easier for him drinking from the bottle, so he preferred it.

Sorry my brain is mush and I missed that. lol

Don't worry about it. :winkwink:
TT one on offer in babiesrus....£69.99

https://www.toysrus.co.uk/Babies-R-.../A-_-Tommee Tippee Suresound Ultimate Monitor

Have to find instore tho....
No code I'm afraid :wacko:

DH went and bought the bt150 yesterday - he is a fan, spent ages getting giddy over its functions last night :dohh:

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