Hi everyone - got both hands for a change!

Sorry I haven't posted for a bit, I am reading, but generally only when I'm feeding!
Thanks Pip - I'll try and change signature/ticker now!
Claire - I LOVE the tattoo! So cute and you don't have horrible feet at all, you should see my bunions!
Moggy - glad you had a better night, I love both you and Claire's new pictures!
Hi everyone else!!
Had the health visitor today, J is up to 9lbs9.5, so once again, good weight gain, which makes me feel happier as I was worried that she wasn't getting enough milk as she usually doesn't feed very long and has started messing about a bit, pulling away whilst sucking (ouch) and head-shaking etc.
Had our first full day out yesterday which was lovely. Discovered Monsoon baby clothes, uh-oh... I bought the cutest little top, but all of the clothes are very expensive, so I think its going to be special occasion only!
Pip - I bought a Close baby carrier, my sister gave me a Baby Bjorn and a lady that designs them sent me a Tomy one (very lovely customer at hotel - how kind is that just to send me one?!), so I've got a few to try - I'll let you know which I prefer, I'm going to try out the Close one tomorrow.
Oh - and go for the move Claire, thank you!