2012 Bump Buddies - The Watermelon Smugglers

Hi ladies! I hope you are all doing well..

Im not doing so good, just found out one of my friends who was 27 weeks pregnant lost her baby. I am completly devastated and heartbroken for her and her family. :cry:
amiii - Oh no hun thats terrible news im so sorry ((hugs))

Had my 20 week scan today baby's doing well and is measuring 2 - 3 days ahead. We're going team yellow but im sure I seen a winkie when they measured the legs ? Only problem is the placenta is lying low and is anterior so I need to get another scan at 32 weeks. So hope I don't need a c-section thats my worst fear :cry:

Here's a piccie :

oh amina thats always so hard regardless of who it happens to :( My thoughts are on your friend through this really hard time.
Claire I hope you dont have to have a csection! Will they be able to let you have a normal vaginal birth if the placenta is away from the cervix?
They never told me much today as I was only seen by a sonographer but from what I can find out through google it needs to be at least 5 cm's away from the cervix ? I've got the midwife in 2 weeks so ill need to ask then. If you look at the picture you can see a white bit just under the babies bum thats the placenta there so it looks like its pretty low down. Im not sure if thats maybe why ive been spotting ?

Hopefully by the time I go for my next scan's its moved up [-o<
amii-- so sorry to hear about your friend :hugs: pregn emotions only make those unfortunate things even worse to hear. Chin up hon.

Claire i've heard many times in here that as you progress and grow that the placenta will move so fx yours works it's way up! I'm sure that's why they'll scan you again at 32wks. I wouldn't worry about it, your gonna be fine :hugs:
thanks hun yeah the scan is to see if its moved up and then they'll decide what to do from there. I read somewhere that 90 % move up so fx
Louise, how you doing chick?

Amiii I'm so sorry for your friend :hugs:

Claire, I got told at 16 weeks that I had an anterior placenta and that it would dull any movement from the baby kicking (I know it's not the same) but I think my placenta moved soon after that as I felt kicks at 18 weeks and at 19 weeks my best friend felt kicks from the outside.
Here's hoping everything goes just the way you want it to :hugs: And! How cute is baby looking in that scan picture? I can't wait to see my little one again!

I'm officially halfway today :happydance: I can't believe how quick time has gone! To think I thought I was going to be completely organised by this point when I got my bfp :dohh:
Oh how things change :rofl:
Hahahahaha Kate I thought so too, lol. I was just going thru my lists of stuff needed
And what I have and boy do I have a long way to go!! Just 11wks left:wacko:
Isn't it scary how quick time seems to run out?

Although from reading 3rd tri, the last two weeks seem like years so looks like we'll be able to catch up with ourselves :haha:
kate, im doing ok thanks :D
had a bit of a bad day yesterday. had midwife appointment and got myself all in a flap about it. but everything was perfect although little man seems to have had another growth spurt!! my tummy is now measuring 32!! its gone up 3 inches in the last week!!! she said thats fine though! i'm gettin a bit impatient now, even thoguh i'm not ready for him yet, im fed up of worrying if he's ok so i want him to be here so i can see for myself lol.

amii really sorry to hear about ur friend :hugs:

claire fx ur placenta moves up a bit. cute scan pic...... just think at least u get to see ur little one again at 32 weeks now!

we get to see pickle again next thursday for our next growth scan. very nervous but excited!!
christina, urs must be monday?? think i remember you saying 30th? hope that goes well :D
Louise glad to hear your appt went well! It's amazing how quickly they grow at this point! Everyone keeps telling me i "got the preggo look" in the last 3 wks:haha: (basically my supersized work sweatshirts don't hide the bump anymore,lol) Even my belly button has given up the fight :rofl: Yeah my u/s is on monday. I'm excited to see the lil one again and finally get some answers about this stupid band. I have my lil sister coming with me which should be fun. She's never been to one before! I agreed with DH that having my mom come with me would probably not be the best idea (she's a nurse practitioner) since she tends to get pushy and spurt out more info then i should really have (i think i'm already worrying too much) Anyway sorry for the ramble:blush:
ah bless! bet ur sister will find it awesome!! hope u get some answers about the band thing. be interesting to see what they say about it all.

my belly button is still hanging in there, just about!!! its giving up the battle slowly though!
pickle had me awake at 4.30 this morning until 7.30, then i fell asleep for a couple of hours and he's been non stop again ever since. my belly just feels so bloated all the time!! there's hardly any room for food anymore! lol
isn't it funny how some days it seems like they are trying to break out, lol. I had that in the beginning of the week (although may have been a sugar high from the glucose test:haha:) then 2 days s/he was soooo quiet! But it seems when s/he's quiet i feel like my belly may just explode so i'm writing it off to growth spurt quiet. Now last night Cad seemed to enjoy the "bladder bongo" so my sleep was almost non existant. DH thinks it's payback for all the times i poke my belly :blush:
louise so glad to hear pickles is doing well:thumbup:

Just realised its the due date of my 2nd angel baby tomorrow :(
Hiya ladies!! Hope everyone had a good weekend! Just thought i'd give ya all an update. I had my doc appt & ultrasound this morning. After looking for 20minutes there is no longer any evidence of my sychenia band :happydance: We accounted for 2 hands/ 2 feet/ 10 fingers/ and 10 toes:happydance: They believe that as my uterus got bigger the last 8wks that the band grew into one of the walls and no longer poses a threat to bubs! I was also told that s/he has daddy's toes (2nd one longer than the big toe,lol) Unfortunately i went 1 point over the max for my glucose testing so i have to go back and do a 3hr but today i just don't care :cloud9: Belly is measuring 29cm and bubs measuring 3lbs!

PS i also snuck a peek and am 95% sure its a.........................BOY!!!! I wouldn't ask (as i'm supposed to be team yellow :blush:) but i've seen enough u/s pics on here i'm quite sure i'm buying lil sweater vests in 3mths :cloud9:
Christina youre too funny! Show me a picture of your bump and Im usually 80% right in guessing what the gender is :) Thats a bummer about having to go back for 3 hours! VERY exciting about the band!!!
I'm on my phone now but I'll upload my29 wk pic tommarrow! Lol I sooooooooo want to open that envelope!!:haha:
ahhh christina thats awesome! :D so happy for you.
glad it went well.
so do you have to have any more scans or is that it now??

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