2012 TTC chat

HEY!!! So great to hear from you :) I don't come on here as much as I used to either but glad I popped on today :)

Ah that is fantastic news about the house :happydance: You guys must be so excited! We finally moved in on Sept 1st and very happy. It just needs some work!! Starting decorating the lounge next week. Every single room needs doing but can't afford it all at once! Patrick is great thank you :) V confident walker and although he still doesn't STTN he is improving. He is just so much fun at the moment I love it. We have talked about ttc2, probably next year. Eek!

Omg haha you really have your hands full eh! How do they all get along together? How are you, do you get much sleep?? And what about your DH is he still happy with work?
Hi!!! :wave::wave::wave:

Sorry we have been so busy trying to get settled in the new house. I think we are finally unpacked! That's so great about your house! How are things coming along??

The kids are doing well, driving me crazy :wacko: but Lane will start school next year and I may decide to try to go back to work at that point. My husband is still loving his job. He works so much overtime though I am by myself a lot. It can get pretty lonely. How is Patrick?? How are you? We are celebrating Austin's birthday December 13 but he won't be 1 until the 24th. Can't believe he is almost 1 and a Christmas Eve baby! :cry: time flies. I feel like I just had him yesterday.
Ah no worries I completely understand what it is like getting set up in a new house :D We still have bits and pieces that need unpacking but until we sort other things out we can't! Like we are hoping to get an office set up in the back garden, so until we do that all our officey things are either piled up on the table or still in boxes :D Are you loving your new place? It must feel so great that you built exactly what you wanted :) We love our house though it's not without it's problems!! It is over 100 years old so to be expected really!

Oh yeah I totally forgot Austin is a Christmas baby! Just like my nephew :) That's nice you're celebrating early so he gets a full day of attention! I admire you handling 3 kids if you're on your own a lot - Patrick is in nursery 2 days a week so I only do 3 days on my own with 1 child but that is certainly enough! Are there no play groups or anything near you? I guess with 3 kids it is hard, and also expensive! I take Patrick to a soft play centre every now and again and sometimes meet some other ladies there but apart from that we are usually on our own. But wow that Lane starts school next year! Does he know and understand it's coming? Is he excited?

We are thinking of putting Patrick in nursery for 3 days but I can't decide. He loves his nursery so I know he'll be fine but I feel bad he will have less time with me. But on the flip side I should try to earn as much money as I can now to help get the house sorted because once we have another one I won't be able to work for at least a year I reckon. Decisions decisions! But overall he is great thank you :) Getting some challenging behaviour now but I guess that's normal. He can't talk yet so I think he gets frustrated, and he certainly does not like being told "no" haha :)

We had sad news a few weeks ago, found out FIL has cancer and I don't think they are going to be able to help him. DH has taken it very hard because he adores his dad. We are going to visit them this weekend; I know they can't wait to see Patrick but also I know he is very tiring!! So I hope we don't wear him out too much.

What are your plans for Christmas, will you get to spend it with your families?
HI!! How is everything?? I'm so sorry I am just getting around to getting on here. Lane started preschool so my schedule has become a little more hectic. We are loving our new home! How are things going with you? How is your father in law doing, I am so sorry to hear that news :(

How is Patrick? Austin is walking everywhere. I can't keep up with him :) I actually had some surgery on the 13th of February so I have been down and not able to lift. My mother in law is here helping me though until I heal. I had a breast lift done :) After the three kiddos and the breastfeeding, my poor boobs were pitiful haha!

Did you have a good Christmas? We had a small get together here at the new house but nothing fancy. I hope everything is going great!
Oh wow! Congrats on the surgery, I hope you are happy with your new boobs :D How long is the recovery?

Ah that is great you guys are so happy in your house :) We are happy in ours too, just got so much to do. All boring things like fix the roof, replace the boiler, blah blah! And not enough money, haha.

Patrick is great, thank you! He sounds like Austin, a bit of a whirlwind :) Do your kids all get along ok? I would really like Patrick to have a brother or sister, is just a question of when... Still can't decide! I came off the pill in January but DH is so busy with work we barely see each other so it doesn't really matter, lol. Sadly his dad has decided to stop treatment for his cancer, they said there was only a 20% chance it would do anything, and even then it would only have given him an extra few months, so he would rather be well for as long as possible, spend quality time with family etc rather than be in bed sick all the time. So it is really sad and can make things a bit tense round here at times as DH is not very good at talking about his feelings...like most men! So thinking about another baby right now isn't at the front of his mind. We'll see, leave it to fate I suppose!

How is Lane getting on at preschool? How is Madison? Hope everyone is doing really well. Great to hear from you xx
Hi!! Things have been horrible here lately. We had the biggest scare of our entire life. On March 4th, Austin spiked a very high fever. He had no other symptoms but had a low-grade fever a few days prior to this. For some reason that day it spiked to over 104. Well I tried to get cool rags on him and get it down and my mother in law was still here helping me and we were trying to cool him off. Well all of the sudden he got this blank stare on his face and began having a seizure :( We immediately called 911 and they talked us through how to handle it until they got here. They tried two doses of Valium on the ambulance but his seizure wouldn't stop. I rode with him on the ambulance and my heart was just bursting into a million pieces, I felt so helpless. We finally got to the ER and they had to give him 3 more doses of some medicine to stop his seizure. They gave him so much medicine it sedated him to the point he quit breathing on his own so they had to put a breathing tube in him. His seizure lasted for over 45 minutes. We were then transported with the care flight team to Children's Hospital in Dallas and he was taken to the intensive care unit. After several tests they are saying he had some sort of virus and diagnosed him with a complex febrile seizure. So far since we have been home he has been well except for he is anemic so he is now on iron supplements. We have an emergency medicine to give him if he seizes again. They truly feel it was related to the fever coming up way to quickly and his brain not being able to handle it. They did a brain scan on him and it came back normal and he will have another one in 6 months to double check his brain activity. I just can't understand it. Our other children or ourselves have never had seizures. I just hope and pray it was a one time thing! When he stopped breathing they sent us to the waiting room with a chaplain I thought I would never see him again. My heart hurts just typing this :(

But he is still here and he is thriving! He quit walking for a while after this happened but started again about 3 days ago!! :)

But on another note, my kiddos fight constantly lol. Lane and Madison do. It seems to have gotten better since he started school but they still bicker here and there. I am so sorry with what you two are dealing with, I hate that your father in law is ill. I know how stressful that must be and how hurtful it is for your husband. Maybe soon you two can start to plan a new baby, that would be wonderful! Do you think you will have to try the Clomid again or will your try naturally?

I called the school today and I will enroll Lane in Kindergarten in a month! I can't believe it! Madison throws horrible tantrums but I guess that's normal for a 2 year old haha!

Hope to hear from you soon!!
Oh my goodness I am SO sorry to hear about Austin, bless his heart. What a traumatic experience for you all, it sounds absolutely terrifying and I know if it were me I'd be in pieces. So glad to hear he is ok now and no permanent damage caused. How are you and DH? Something like that must be quite scarring, emotionally. So relieved the outcome was good, honestly my heart was pounding reading that :hugs:

Thanks for your kind words re FIL :) It is ok a lot of the time, but when DH dwells on it he gets really down. FIL to be honest is not my most favourite person in the world but I wish so badly it wasn't happening and he was ok. My best friend's dad died yesterday of cancer as well, and his final days were horrible. I am scared the same thing will happen to FIL and cause DH immense heartache. But just have to take each day as it comes.

As for another baby...well I don't know :) I am gradually feeling more and more ready to have another one and I honestly think it'll be a good thing for Patrick to have a sibling (even if they bicker a lot, lol). It is so weird, I think AF is probably about 5-7 days away, but I have this WEIRD feeling I am pregnant. I don't know why; I'm not desperate to be pregnant in any way at all, but I just can't shake it. We only DTD once around my suspected OV day (accidentally, haha!!) and considering my history the chances are so small!! But hey, who knows! Check back here in a week and I'll let you know!!!!!
Update - not pregnant!! Hahaha. I think I have just forgotten what a natural cycle feels like after about 30 months either on fertility drugs, being pregnant, or on the Pill! Quite relieved in one way but in another a tiny bit disappointed. DH admitted he was a bit disappointed too, so at least this experience has shown us we must be ready for another one after all :) My last 2 cycles were exactly the same length and just based on dates, I must've OV'd on the same day each cycle too. That is pretty good going for me! I wonder how long that will last.... :wacko:
Are you taking the Clomid now or just trying naturally? My best friend just did IVF and is pregnant. Part of me is sad that I will never feel pregnancy again but I think 3 kids is plenty!! :wacko:

How are things going? Things here have been pretty good. I enrolled Lane in Kindergarten and he will start in August, that is so hard to believe! Madison is doing well and is so is Austin. He has improved so much since his episode. How is your husband's job going?
Hey :)

No I'm not on Clomid. I'm on a 3 month course of antibiotics to try and get rid of some stubborn acne :blush: The doc said I definitely cannot get pregnant on them as they are very dangerous to a foetus. Once I'm off them we will just try naturally, but if I'm not pregnant within 6 months we agreed I would go straight to the doctor and see about more Clomid. Last time I really fought going on drugs, I really wanted to conceive naturally but I haven't got time for that faff anymore!

That is such great news about your friend! I hope she has a happy and healthy pregnancy :) Yeah I know what you mean about being a bit sad - we only plan to have two kids so already I'm thinking "aww, next time will be the last time ever..."!

Wow I bet it doesn't feel 5 minutes since Lane was a baby!! Is he excited? Glad to hear Madison is well and Austin is doing a lot better. So is likely it was just the fever then? Patrick had a really high fever (though not as high as Austin's) about a month ago and I was scared he might fit from it, as they do warn you about it at the doctors'. Patrick is fine as well, loving nursery, doing and saying lots of funny things. And having tantrums as well! That's fun... ;)

DH is ok but really stressed with his job. He has a sales area that covers a lot of the country, then another guy left so they just extended his area to pick up the slack, rather than hire someone else. Plus a lot of other stuff that drives him mad so he is going to have a proper talk with his boss and possibly even job hunt. We've also discussed me working full time and him part time but I don't think that will really happen. I'd quite like to, but if we plan to have another baby in the next year or so that would be quite tricky.

How about your DH?
Hi, sorry it's been a while! :wave: I hope all is well. Lane just got out of preschool and will start Kindergarten next month. It doesn't seem real! Madison will start the preschool at the church in September 2 days a week also. So 2 days a week it will just me be and Austin. I won't know what to do :)

Austin is feeling much better and hasn't ran a fever since. The pediatrician does think it was all related to the fever and we shouldn't have to worry about it again. It appears that he may have had the hand, foot and mouth disease but they didn't test him for it so we aren't exactly sure what truly caused the fever. When he went to the ICU unit they ruled out meningitis and bacterial infections. I hope we never have to deal with it again.

I'm sorry to hear your DH is so stressed with his job. That makes it tough. My DH is working a whole bunch of hours so I stay home alot with just me and the kids by myself. It gets lonely. Since we have built the house we haven't met many people. We know all of our neighbors but they are mainly older retired couples. Our next door neighbor has a 3 year old and 14 year old but they stay gone the majority of the time. I don't ever see them home lol. It's odd. Hopefully when Lane starts Kindergarten we can meet some of the other parents and get to know some people our age. I can't wait for Madison to start school so I can afford to go back to work. Staying at home drives me crazy some days! :wacko:

I'm so glad Patrick is doing well. I hate to hear you are having to take those antibiotics. My DH had to take something like that for his acne once. It was called Doxxycycline. Not sure I spelled that right. He couldn't really get out in the sun very long or he would burn but it did clear up his face. Hope to hear from you soon!!
Hey! Great to hear from you :) So pleased to hear Austin has been fine and the docs say not to worry. What a relief!

Wowee, the kids are growing up fast hey! (Such an old lady thing to say!) I hope they both settle in really well. I bet it'll be a bit of a surprise going from 3 kids to 1 on some days! We still can't TTC yet but I do think about it, and worry how on earth I will manage another child. Particularly naps - by the time we have another one Patrick will probably have outgrown them. The only thing that kept me sane when he was younger was being able to go back to bed when he was napping. So if I have to be up half the night with a baby then up all day if Patrick doesn't nap any more I am going to lose my mind!!

But a bit early to be worrying about such things ;)

Sorry to hear you feel lonely :hugs: I do sympathize - I work at home so if it's not just me and Patrick, it is just me. I'm happy in my own company much of the time but you need some adult conversation sometime don't you. What about stuff in the evening on your own, like a class or a book club or something? But yeah once Lane has made some friends at kindergarten you could invite kids and their parents round on a weekend or something and get to know some grown ups :)

Ah your DH sounds similar to me! I wear make up with sunscreen in it or it does get irritated. Can't spell my drug at all but it starts with an 'L' and definitely ends with 'cycline' so prob quite similar to what your DH took :) It made me feel sick at first but then I switched to taking it at night and now it doesn't bother me. My skin is looking a lot better so I just hope it lasts. My mum was on the same drugs for the same thing and hers cleared up really well. She's not had trouble for a few years now.

So you're going back to work this September?
Hi, sorry it's been so long!! I won't be going back this September, hopefully in 2 more years when Maddie starts Kindergarten. The preschool we put her in is at the church and it's costing us $125 a month which isn't bad and I think it'll be really good for her. I can't believe Lane starts Kindergarten next Monday. It'll be a change for all of us especially with our schedules :) I'd love to go back to work now but childcare for all 3 kiddos is outrageous here and unfortunately my line of work doesn't pay all that well :(

My DH has surgery Tuesday to remove a cyst on the back of his neck. Bless his heart, his acne has really caused him problems over the years. The medicine he's taking seems to be working well for him so far. It's called Solodyn I believe but generic is Monocycline I think?? Maddie turned 3 yesterday I can't believe it... I will share her picture :)

How is everything going with you??
Hey :hi:
Sorry I didn't respond earlier, things got a bit crazy and I kind of forgot :blush: Sadly my FIL died on Aug 10th so have been caught up in all of that. Can't remember if I posted about it on here already or not but he had cancer, so we knew it was coming but still, it's been hard. The funeral was on the 21st, then a week later DH found out he was being made redundant! Gah! Never rains eh....but we are trying to look on it as a positive, as his job was getting very stressful, and with everything with his dad he needs a rest right now, so in a way it is good timing! Some options coming up hopefully soon, so it's not all bad. Just got to be careful with money the next couple of months!

How did your husband's operation go? Hope it was relatively painless!

I love that photo of Madison :) She is just gorgeous :) How is she getting on at pre school? And how about Lane with kindergarten? Hope he has adjusted ok! And of course hope Austin is ok too...and you!
Hi! I am so sorry to hear about your father in law. Is your husband holding up ok? I am also sorry to hear about his job :( Are you still working, I'm sorry my memory is horrible haha.

My husband's surgery went well, they got the cyst out and he is all healed! Lane is doing ok in Kindergarten, he's having a few discipline issues because he doesn't like to do all his work, he would rather play or talk. He turned 5 in June so I am beginning to wonder if it's still just some immaturity. Most of the kids are older than him. If you turn 5 after Sept 1, they make you start the next year so he was pretty close to the cut off. I hope they don't recommend him repeating Kindergarten. He seems to do ok on the work but just doesn't like to listen :dohh:

Madison loves preschool and her teacher. I am having a hard time getting her to potty train. It seems like she cares nothing about it. She knows how to sit on the toilet, flush it and when she needs to go but just doesn't want to take the time to do it. I always heard girls were easier to potty train but I am not seeing it :nope:

I hope you are doing well, any further plans on baby #2, I knew you said you were taking some medicine so you were having to wait. Hope to hear from you soon :)
Thanks :) DH is very up and down about it. We lived far away from his parents so I think that kind of confuses things; he's so used to going long periods without seeing his parents some days I think he can pretend everything is normal, but other times he gets very upset. They were very close so he is pretty devastated. Also very upset about the fact Patrick won't know his grandad :(

Oh that's good news about your husband's operation :)

Ah little Lane! He is very young. The school year start dates are the same over here so I do worry about Patrick starting school - he will turn 4 in the August then start a couple of weeks later! So really, really young :S. 5 is really young too, I wouldn't worry too much. I think it should be different, like in Scandinavia kids don't start school properly until they are 7!

Ooh, potty training!! We are trying to introduce the idea very gently but not going down very well! Perhaps she is just being defiant!

I hope to start ttc #2 in the next couple of months, or early next year :) Just waiting for confirmation of a start date for a new job for DH, so once that is all 100% sorted out we will see what happens :)
Hi!! How is everything going? Any word on your DH's job? I can't believe Patrick is already 2 :) Austin turns 2 next month and I am having a hard time believing it! He is starting the fit throwing and is definitely not my little baby anymore :(

Madison's preschool basically kicked her out because she won't poop in the potty. I have tried everything I can to get her to do it. I have bought pretty panties, I have tried rewards, it's been a nightmare :( The preschool stopped me last Thursday when I was leaving and told me she couldn't come back until she potty trained and they didn't have time to deal with it. This our church too so I was pretty hurt about the way they handled it. So now she is back home with me all week.

Hope everything is going well!!
Hey Sunshine,

Sorry for taking ages to reply! I'm really sorry to hear about preschool and how they treated Madison...I think that is terrible. What age children do they care for? They can't expect them all to reach the milestones at the same age. How is Madison, did it upset her? Any luck with the potty training now? I think it is quite common for kids not to want to poop in the potty, I don't know why but I've noticed it on these forums and talking to friends. Patrick will wee on the potty but only at bathtime, and he absolutely will not entertain the idea of doing a poo on it! He is quite stubborn so I'm not looking forward to doing potty training properly later in the year :/

In other news, I found out just before christmas that I am pregnant! Bit of a surprise! I'm not 100% sure of dates but I think I am about 9 weeks now. DH and I both lost a bit of weight doing a healthy eating plan so I reckon that's what did it! We weren't planning it, not really, although we had said time is ticking and we should hurry up if we want another one. Then BAM! Can't believe it. The doctor gave me the same due date as Patrick though...whoops!

How is everything with you? How was your Christmas?

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