Ah no worries I completely understand what it is like getting set up in a new house

We still have bits and pieces that need unpacking but until we sort other things out we can't! Like we are hoping to get an office set up in the back garden, so until we do that all our officey things are either piled up on the table or still in boxes

Are you loving your new place? It must feel so great that you built exactly what you wanted

We love our house though it's not without it's problems!! It is over 100 years old so to be expected really!
Oh yeah I totally forgot Austin is a Christmas baby! Just like my nephew

That's nice you're celebrating early so he gets a full day of attention! I admire you handling 3 kids if you're on your own a lot - Patrick is in nursery 2 days a week so I only do 3 days on my own with 1 child but that is certainly enough! Are there no play groups or anything near you? I guess with 3 kids it is hard, and also expensive! I take Patrick to a soft play centre every now and again and sometimes meet some other ladies there but apart from that we are usually on our own. But wow that Lane starts school next year! Does he know and understand it's coming? Is he excited?
We are thinking of putting Patrick in nursery for 3 days but I can't decide. He loves his nursery so I know he'll be fine but I feel bad he will have less time with me. But on the flip side I should try to earn as much money as I can now to help get the house sorted because once we have another one I won't be able to work for at least a year I reckon. Decisions decisions! But overall he is great thank you

Getting some challenging behaviour now but I guess that's normal. He can't talk yet so I think he gets frustrated, and he certainly does not like being told "no" haha
We had sad news a few weeks ago, found out FIL has cancer and I don't think they are going to be able to help him. DH has taken it very hard because he adores his dad. We are going to visit them this weekend; I know they can't wait to see Patrick but also I know he is very tiring!! So I hope we don't wear him out too much.
What are your plans for Christmas, will you get to spend it with your families?