2012 TTC chat

Hi ladies! Hope all is well with you and your little ones! I'm doing pretty well besides being totally exhausted. My husband went back to work last week and I feel so lost here by myself. It is definitely overwhelming with all three kids. Austin is alittle over 3 weeks old now I can't believe it. He's doing pretty well besides fussy spells in the evening. Hopefully they will get better. Lane loves him so much. He always gives him kisses. Madison isn't quite sure what to think about him yet lol. She just stares at him like who are you? I hope you girls are doing well!
Ahh Sunshine :hugs: must be crazy round your house!! How are you feeling, ok after the section? Do you have any help? My husband is starting a new job in Feb after being made redundant in November. Relieved he has a job but even just with one am a bit nervous!! Aww that is so cute Lane sounds like such a sweetie. I'm sure Madison will get used to Austin soon enough tee hee :) She is still a baby herself I guess!

All ok here tho Patrick is teething I think. He,can be so grizzly. We still haven't started weaning yet, we tried mashed banana but he didn't like it. Am wondering about baby led weaning and just ordered a book so will decide asap!

Hope you ladies are ok xxx
Hi ladies! Sorry it has been so long since I last visited. Things have been so hectic. How are you ladies doing? I am stressed but managing things ok. Austin has been diagnosed with reflux so that has been hard to deal with. They have him on some medicine and we are hoping to see improvement soon. If there is no improvement, the Dr is going to order an upper GI scan to see exactly what is going on in his little tummy. Lane had reflux too but Austin's seems much worse. Some days I just want to rip my hair out :) I know it will get better though!

I started working out again yesterday. It feels great to exercise and relieve some stress. Austin will be 6 weeks old Tuesday, I can't believe it!
God it hs bn for ever since communicating.Am sorry sunshine..l understand what u must be going through..Am sure it'll get better!I hope the meds help the little one...

Just a quick hello,am half asleep as I write this.Will do better tmoro.x

Ah no am so sorry to hear about the reflux, poor little guy :( How is he doing?

OMG Sunshine you are putting me to shame - 6 months on and I still haven't started working out yet! Belly is getting big. Look about 20 weeks pg hahahaha

Mmleo hope you are ok, not too tired I hope ;)

Things with us are good. DH got a new job and started yesterday. I think he's going to do well with this new company. Patrick is just a joy to be around, though is teething atm and can have his bad days/nights. But he is so giggly and funny the rest of the time, am loving it :)
Mmleo glad to hear from you, hope all is well!

Smiler, I'm so glad Patrick is such a joy! He sounds like he is a really good baby :) have you and your husband talked about having another child in the future? Is your husband liking his new job??

Things here have been ok. I am not getting much sleep. Austin has been having some fussiness in the evenings. Then today he decided he was going to stay awake all day long. I will be happy when he gets past this phase. I'm still breast feeding but really considering switching to formula. My milk comes out so fast it chokes him then he gets really gassy. It has become a vicious cycle. I dread night feedings because those seem to be the worst! His reflux is a little better now that we are on the Prilosec. It is supposed to reduce the amount of acid in his tummy. I hate giving meds so young :(
Hey! Sorry it has been ages since we all chatted hasn't it :(

How is Austin doing? Are you still breastfeeding? Is his reflux any better? I hope you've been getting a bit more sleep, though it must be tough with 3! How are Lane and Madison?

Gah, the eternal question of when to have another baby!! We keep talking about it but never coming to a decision. DH is 38 this year and said he wants another one before 40. But then changed his mind and said two kids in nappies would be awful and we should wait til Patrick is potty trained haha :) I started on the Pill last month, I don't really like it. I get terrible hot sweats the first few days, day and night. Yuk!

DH's new job is going well thanks but he is so busy, he's really tired and he misses Patrick. He's on the road so much and away some nights, and sometimes has to work on the weekend too. It's tough but hopefully when he's been there a bit longer things will settle. How is yours doing Sunshine, still enjoying his job?

As for Patrick well he is just lovely :) We had some sleeping issues - he was fine in his cot in our room, then we put him in his own room and he was fine for 2 weeks then went crazy! We ended up co-sleeping for about 2 months. He's back in his cot at night now but still comes in with us every now and again if he's having a rough night. He's really trying to crawl and sometimes can't even stop his legs in his sleep! So I have to cuddle him to get him to go into a deep sleep but I don't mind :) He's growing so fast, starting to look like a little boy rather than a baby! I don't know if you remember I PM'd you a link to my facebook album - I assume the link will still work? Feel free to have another peek and see him :)

Mmleo how are you doing? How are your boys? Hope all is well xxx
Oh Smiler, what a doll he is!! And all that hair! He is adorable! I can't believe he is 7 months old! Austin just turned 3 months. The reflux is still hanging around unfortunately but I am hoping it will pass soon. He is sleeping much better. He usually wakes only one time at night. My other two kiddos are doing well. They drive me crazy most days lol. It is so stressful with 3 at home but definitely keeps me active and busy :) my husband is liking his job a lot. We are trying to buy a house. Right now we are renting and really need more room. We have 3 bedrooms here but need 4.

So your husband travels? That must be hard with him being gone :( my husband is rarely home so I feel your pain. He worked the whole month of February with no days off, 12 hour shifts. They had an emergency shutdown and he was forced to work everyday. It was awful!

So glad to hear from you! I will upload a picture of Austin!
Eeee Sunshine what a sweetie!!! Check out that smile :) He is a big boy eh, like Patrick! He looks older than 3 months:) What a great sleeper too. Hope the reflux goes away properly soon.

Ah no Feb sounds like it must have been a nightmare! I can't really complain in comparison! DH is out a lot but I guess only dealing with one kid can't compare to 3!

Oh how exciting about buying a house! Have you seen one you like? We're also renting and trying to work out if we can afford to buy this year or if we have to wait a bit longer. It's a bit hard to get a mortgage.
Hi!! Sorry I have not been on in so long. Things have been hectic. How are you doing Smiler? Mmleo I hope things are well with you!

We are building a house I'm so excited. It took a long time of saving but we finally were able to do it. Things here are ok. Austin had his 4 month check up today and there is a spot on his leg the pediatrician wants a dermatologist to look at it and do a biopsy on it. He says it looks like mastocytosis. Not sure if I spelled that correctly. It is usually harmless in children but can carry other issues sometimes. I am nervous and hope to find out answers soon. I just want him to be ok. He still spits up a whole lot and is only 50% in weight. My other two kids were off the charts huge lol. He is just a bit smaller I guess. He is such a happy baby though. How is Patrick? I can't believe 8 months already that is great! He will be walking before you know it :)
Hi!!!! Sorry for taking so long to reply has been hectic here too!

Wow! Congratulations on the house! How exciting!! Have you got plans drawn up and everything? This is such funny timing as we just bought a house :happydance: never thought we would get out of rented but finally able to do it. It's not finalised but fingers crossed it'll all go through and we can move in a couple of months :)

Ah no I'm sorry to hear Austin has some medical problems - have you had the biopsy yet? I really hope he is okay, poor little mite :hugs: Has he gained much weight?

Patrick is fine thank you :) He started nursery 2 days a week and is getting on great. He is very popular haha :) But he caught a cold immediately and is still suffering. It developed into conjunctivitis so his eyes are really red and sore. But he'll be fine. He's trying to crawl, but only in his sleep which is quite funny/annoying!

How are Lane and Madison?
Hi!! Hope things are well! Did you get the house and move yet?? So excited for you! They started building ours two weeks ago. I can't believe it. We are looking to close on it around September.

Austin went to the dermatologist and he confirmed it is mastocytosis. For now we just treat it with antihistamines if he has a reaction. He is doing better though and finally putting on more weight. Did Patrick get over his illness? Are you back to working full time? Have you and your husband discussed having anymore children?
Lane and Madison are good! :) Lane will be 4 in June. He is growing so fast!
Ah no poor little Austin! I just googled it and it doesn't sound very nice at all :( But also said kids can grow out of it, I hope that is true for Austin.

4! Wowsers! Is he having a birthday party?

Soooo exciting about your house! Is it going to be quite big? No we haven't moved yet but things are progressing fine. I don't know how it works in the US but here it can take a while for all the solicitors to do their thing. Luckily there is no chain either end so it shouldn't take too much longer. They said hopefully August so we are having a clear-out already and trying to get ourselves organized as much as possible in advance.

Patrick is great thank you! Yes he got over the cold and conjunctivitis. I thought he would surely catch something pretty much every week at nursery but (touch wood) that's all he's had so far.
How are things?? I finally got around to getting on here to catch up lol. We are moving in 5-6 weeks. They are almost done building the house :) I can't believe Patrick is almost a year old! Do you have big birthday plans for him?
Heeeeyyyy! Congrats on the house, you guys must be so excited :happydance:

Yeah I can't believe he is nearly 1 either, where did the time go?! No we are having trouble with our house move so we don't know where we're going to be on his birthday :( :( I know he doesn't know but I do!! We had just planned a little party with family, nothing fancy but it would be a shame to have to cancel. Things are moving slowly with the house we're buying but we have got to move out of this house a week tomorrow as it is rented and we didn't want to sign up for another 6 months. So we're putting everything into storage and moving away for a bit to live with my parents!

How is Austin doing with the mastocystosis? And what about Lane and Madison? Hope everyone is well :) x
Hi Smiler!! Have missed chatting with you :) I will be on more often now hopefully. I've had such a busy last few months. Well our house is done but the appraisal fell through and we had to ask for a second one. So that caused a delay in our home loan processing. The second appraisal finally came back and it was high enough yay! So now we wait three more weeks and hopefully we will be able to close on the house and finally move in!

How is the house? Were you able to move in? How is Patrick? Are you ready to start trying for another baby? :)

Austin turned 9 months the day before yesterday. He's teething and becoming a bit cranky but still lots of fun! His mastocytosis is doing well, no issues so far. Lane is doing well and Maddie turned 2 on August 15th :) then I realized omg I'm about to have a 1 yr old, 2 yr old and 4 yr old HELP!! Lol

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