Hey! Sorry it has been ages since we all chatted hasn't it
How is Austin doing? Are you still breastfeeding? Is his reflux any better? I hope you've been getting a bit more sleep, though it must be tough with 3! How are Lane and Madison?
Gah, the eternal question of when to have another baby!! We keep talking about it but never coming to a decision. DH is 38 this year and said he wants another one before 40. But then changed his mind and said two kids in nappies would be awful and we should wait til Patrick is potty trained haha

I started on the Pill last month, I don't really like it. I get terrible hot sweats the first few days, day and night. Yuk!
DH's new job is going well thanks but he is so busy, he's really tired and he misses Patrick. He's on the road so much and away some nights, and sometimes has to work on the weekend too. It's tough but hopefully when he's been there a bit longer things will settle. How is yours doing Sunshine, still enjoying his job?
As for Patrick well he is just lovely

We had some sleeping issues - he was fine in his cot in our room, then we put him in his own room and he was fine for 2 weeks then went crazy! We ended up co-sleeping for about 2 months. He's back in his cot at night now but still comes in with us every now and again if he's having a rough night. He's really trying to crawl and sometimes can't even stop his legs in his sleep! So I have to cuddle him to get him to go into a deep sleep but I don't mind

He's growing so fast, starting to look like a little boy rather than a baby! I don't know if you remember I PM'd you a link to my facebook album - I assume the link will still work? Feel free to have another peek and see him
Mmleo how are you doing? How are your boys? Hope all is well xxx