Hey mmleo! Great to hear from you, glad to hear everything is ok 
Haha no I haven't started working out yet, oops. I've put on a few pounds as am being naughty and eating too much chocolate, and drinking too much coffee and wine...!
Thanks for the sleep tips
no we do still have Patrick in our room, I just meant I was worried about putting him upstairs alone before we go to bed. In the end I decided to keep him downstairs with us til we go to bed just because it makes me happy! But is a good idea to do naps in his bedroom then night time sleep with us. I will get him into a better routine soon, he is just so young still I hate leaving him!
Awww Sunshine that is so cute! Bless him

Haha no I haven't started working out yet, oops. I've put on a few pounds as am being naughty and eating too much chocolate, and drinking too much coffee and wine...!
Thanks for the sleep tips

Awww Sunshine that is so cute! Bless him