2014-2015 baby club!

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Would like a buddy/buddies who are ttc this month.x

Hi Nanninoo

I'm fairly new here and trying to get into the swing of things, not charting so feel like the odd one out as it doesn't really work for me.

I'm ttc and have been for 8 months for baby no 1, I'm 31 and now in my two.

When is your fertile window?
I am 4dpo and Would love to have a cycle buddy. I am 31 & trying for 5months for no1. No pregnancy yet
Would like a buddy/buddies who are ttc this month.x

Hi Nanninoo

I'm fairly new here and trying to get into the swing of things, not charting so feel like the odd one out as it doesn't really work for me.

I'm ttc and have been for 8 months for baby no 1, I'm 31 and now in my two.

When is your fertile window?

Hi I'm not to sure when I'm due ovulation as my cycles are long and averaging 40-45 days I am on clomid first round this month to help me ovulate. I'm not temping but I am using opk's daily I'm on cd 16 today and I think the opk's are getting darker so I'm guessing hopefully any day now fingers crossed. I'm ttc baby #2 have a DS who is nearly 2 x
I am 4dpo and Would love to have a cycle buddy. I am 31 & trying for 5months for no1. No pregnancy yet

Hi this is my first cycle TTC baby #2 I have also started clomid this cycle I'm on cd16 and no ovulation as of yet x
Hi Jannah K
Welcome, I'm now 10dpo and am convinced I'm pregnant this month which will mean I'm not lol
Symptom spotting is driving me mad.

Trying is hard especially as we arent telling everyone and every month is different. I didn't ever expect it to take this long!!!!
How are you finding it?

Fingers crossed you'll get a positive OPK soon, waiting is so frustrating.
Although I got my first positive result on OPK this month after 3 months of using them. They are so sensitive to how much you drink etc I'd defo keep trying even if you don't see the result on the OPK
Hello Phoenix 82,
I am trying to keep myself busy at work & school. Will worry about testing if I don't periods.
I have irregular cycles so dr put me on Clomid (50mg). I don't chart just from lh surge and slight stamps, assume I ovulate. I will have to get tubes trusted etc next month along with DH sperm analysis since he is diabetic...
Everyone around me got kids including my 3 sisters who are married right away were preggo....not sure what's taking so long on my end. I am married for 2 1/2 years but didn't start trying seriously until last summer.
I am afraid to goto gym as not sure how much exercise is acceptable....I travel a lot daily for work (5h)& wonder if that has affected my fertility including weight gain....
Wish you good luck! Think +ve!!!
Keep me posted!!

Hi Jannah K
Welcome, I'm now 10dpo and am convinced I'm pregnant this month which will mean I'm not lol
Symptom spotting is driving me mad.

Trying is hard especially as we arent telling everyone and every month is different. I didn't ever expect it to take this long!!!!
How are you finding it?

Fingers crossed you'll get a positive OPK soon, waiting is so frustrating.
Although I got my first positive result on OPK this month after 3 months of using them. They are so sensitive to how much you drink etc I'd defo keep trying even if you don't see the result on the OPK
Hello Phoenix 82,
I am trying to keep myself busy at work & school. Will worry about testing if I don't periods.
I have irregular cycles so dr put me on Clomid (50mg). I don't chart just from lh surge and slight stamps, assume I ovulate. I will have to get tubes trusted etc next month along with DH sperm analysis since he is diabetic...
Everyone around me got kids including my 3 sisters who are married right away were preggo....not sure what's taking so long on my end. I am married for 2 1/2 years but didn't start trying seriously until last summer.
I am afraid to goto gym as not sure how much exercise is acceptable....I travel a lot daily for work (5h)& wonder if that has affected my fertility including weight gain....
Wish you good luck! Think +ve!!!
Keep me posted!!

Hi Jannah K
Welcome, I'm now 10dpo and am convinced I'm pregnant this month which will mean I'm not lol
Symptom spotting is driving me mad.

Trying is hard especially as we arent telling everyone and every month is different. I didn't ever expect it to take this long!!!!
How are you finding it?

Fingers crossed you'll get a positive OPK soon, waiting is so frustrating.
Although I got my first positive result on OPK this month after 3 months of using them. They are so sensitive to how much you drink etc I'd defo keep trying even if you don't see the result on the OPK

Hey Jannahk

Good idea, spending too much time thinking about things can get you down or obsessed!

We had the 21 day ovulation blood work done, I had an ultrasound and the OH has a sperm analysis which all came back fine but here we are 8 months ttc no BFP and no reason why not.
It's important to remember ever if everything is timed correctly and everything is ok you only have 20% chance if conceiving each month. That's why they say the average time is 9-12 months for healthy couples. Not much comfort I know but trust me I feel the same.

I know my sister has had 4 kidlets without actually trying so I feel really under pressure lol.

I started using OPK 3 months ago to gauge if I was ovulating - if your worried you might not be or you might miss it they might be worth a shot.
I've not had any experience with Clomid, how are you finding it?
I totally get the exercise thing I love running and Zumba but I daren't do either in case it affects things. I've read if you exercise you can still do that but don't do too much high impact.

How come you travel 5 hours that must be so tiring!
Also when you say weight gain how much are we talking and what's your BMI like ? You don't have to say if you'd rather not.
Hi all im ttc #2 starting this month. I have a DD who is 18 months this month. I used clear blue digital fertility monitor to help track ovulation with my 1st as we ltttc for 3 years it took 4 months once using monitor so will be using this time around too im just waiting for the high reading to dtd. Look forward to hearing everyones updates x
Hey Taylorboo

Ohhh good luck with your first month, keep us posted!!!
So is the monitor a good investment? I've thought about it but not sure if it'll work for me xx
Hi Jannah K
Welcome, I'm now 10dpo and am convinced I'm pregnant this month which will mean I'm not lol
Symptom spotting is driving me mad.

Trying is hard especially as we arent telling everyone and every month is different. I didn't ever expect it to take this long!!!!
How are you finding it?

Fingers crossed you'll get a positive OPK soon, waiting is so frustrating.
Although I got my first positive result on OPK this month after 3 months of using them. They are so sensitive to how much you drink etc I'd defo keep trying even if you don't see the result on the OPK

I am unsure if I actually ovulated or not there are severally reasons for me to think this....my cycles are long and irregular usually around 40 days, I got what I thought was a a positive opk on cd 14 and 15 but I thought it may be my body playing games as I have not experience any EWCM leading up to ovulation then on cd 15 I experienced some major cramping dull aches and my lower back was also painful so I don't know what that was all about? Maybe ovulation, maybe not....nevertheless me and OH have dtd on days 14,15 & 16 just to cover any possibilities. I have my bloods scheduled to be taken on Tuesday to see if I did actually ovulate although for some reason I'm feeling rather doubtful Hmm we shall see x
Hi all im ttc #2 starting this month. I have a DD who is 18 months this month. I used clear blue digital fertility monitor to help track ovulation with my 1st as we ltttc for 3 years it took 4 months once using monitor so will be using this time around too im just waiting for the high reading to dtd. Look forward to hearing everyones updates x

Hi :hi: and welcome!
I used the cbfm with my DS it was great unfortunately I didn't set it in time this cycle and then the batteries needed replacing so I went out and purchased some cheap opk's and having been using them as a replacement if I don't conceive this cycle I will be using my cbfm next month! :thumbup:

I was also lttc it took me 4 years to conceive my DS who is now 19 months old but concieved on my first round of clomid hence we have been given clomid again to TTC baby #2 as it seemed to work for u the first time round quickly enough. What cd are you currently on? I'm on cd 17 but unsure if I ovulated as I did have a positive opk on cd 14/15 but have had no symptoms and no EWCM x
I am on CD 14 today and still medium on the monitor beginning to wonder if I will get a high reading for this month as I got it day 14 or earlier last time I was using it o well will see guess things may have changed since having DD. I timed it lucky with getting my cbfm off a friend just in time to start it this month and also needed new batteries. x
Hi Jannah K
Welcome, I'm now 10dpo and am convinced I'm pregnant this month which will mean I'm not lol
Symptom spotting is driving me mad.

Trying is hard especially as we arent telling everyone and every month is different. I didn't ever expect it to take this long!!!!
How are you finding it?

Fingers crossed you'll get a positive OPK soon, waiting is so frustrating.
Although I got my first positive result on OPK this month after 3 months of using them. They are so sensitive to how much you drink etc I'd defo keep trying even if you don't see the result on the OPK

I am unsure if I actually ovulated or not there are severally reasons for me to think this....my cycles are long and irregular usually around 40 days, I got what I thought was a a positive opk on cd 14 and 15 but I thought it may be my body playing games as I have not experience any EWCM leading up to ovulation then on cd 15 I experienced some major cramping dull aches and my lower back was also painful so I don't know what that was all about? Maybe ovulation, maybe not....nevertheless me and OH have dtd on days 14,15 & 16 just to cover any possibilities. I have my bloods scheduled to be taken on Tuesday to see if I did actually ovulate although for some reason I'm feeling rather doubtful Hmm we shall see x

Hey Nanninoo

Mmmm it's tricky, although I did read on a medical website that it's quite slim to get the LH surge and not ovulate. There's usually other reasons for that.
I don't always get EWCM or notice it so it doesn't mean you didn't, I got my first positive OPK this month so was reassured something was working!
Well you were active at the right time so that's a good thing.
I spoke to my doc about the 21 day blood test and it can confirm you had the rise in hormones but it can't show when (other then it was before York test date ie 21 days) the other thing is it doesn't show if you have produced an egg but I think that really rare so you don't need to worry about it. Take a look at the below:
Let me know how you get on xx
Hey Pheonix82!

Hope you are having lovely day in Arizona....It was below 0 earlier in the week but temperature is picking up...cannot wait for winter to be over in IL...

From home to work..it is 2 1/2hr commute for me...so round trip is approx 5hr...Once I conceive, I plan to not continue this commute!!! Let's hope it happens soon lol

I am at 6dpo today and really have no symptoms....and if I do get symptoms, I tell myself it's because I am thinking about it....hehe!
Other than that, this is my 4th month on clomid....1st month was awful and now I think my body is used to it....lol I will not be continuing it from next month until I am ready to do some monitoring....this month I tried pre-seed & robitisson as clomid dries up cm....I also have been eating pineapple core every other day to help with implantation....(not sure how true these things ....!!!) I am a scientist so I like to experiment everything until I don't see the results I want...hehe! I do use OPKs each month since last 6months...but I don't use it like crazy...usually from 12dpo until I see flashy smiley followed by still smiley....I never check for pregnancy either until day of my period....
......... i do know alot of real life friends with fertility issues so it makes me really really anxious...

Since marriage, I have gained like 20-25pounds in 2years ...and it has to do alot with commute & sitting...In fact after 1year, I started walking from train to work (45min) each way but I think body has reached plateau and I am just gaining..plus I think clomid has made me gain some pounds in last 4months as well.....BMI: last I checked was, I am in normal range...With that said, next time I go to dr..I am going to ask her what is consider normal exercise when trying to conceive...I did work out first three months as well thinking that it will actually help me...this month I have only done walking....I don't drink much coffee either..maybe half cup a day...

Pheonix82: what dpo are you on? Happy Happy Weekend!!!!

Taylorboo: Welcome & good luck!!!!

Nanninoo: What is going on with you?!?!
Hi Jannah K
Welcome, I'm now 10dpo and am convinced I'm pregnant this month which will mean I'm not lol
Symptom spotting is driving me mad.

Trying is hard especially as we arent telling everyone and every month is different. I didn't ever expect it to take this long!!!!
How are you finding it?

Fingers crossed you'll get a positive OPK soon, waiting is so frustrating.
Although I got my first positive result on OPK this month after 3 months of using them. They are so sensitive to how much you drink etc I'd defo keep trying even if you don't see the result on the OPK

I am unsure if I actually ovulated or not there are severally reasons for me to think this....my cycles are long and irregular usually around 40 days, I got what I thought was a a positive opk on cd 14 and 15 but I thought it may be my body playing games as I have not experience any EWCM leading up to ovulation then on cd 15 I experienced some major cramping dull aches and my lower back was also painful so I don't know what that was all about? Maybe ovulation, maybe not....nevertheless me and OH have dtd on days 14,15 & 16 just to cover any possibilities. I have my bloods scheduled to be taken on Tuesday to see if I did actually ovulate although for some reason I'm feeling rather doubtful Hmm we shall see x

Hey Nanninoo

Mmmm it's tricky, although I did read on a medical website that it's quite slim to get the LH surge and not ovulate. There's usually other reasons for that.
I don't always get EWCM or notice it so it doesn't mean you didn't, I got my first positive OPK this month so was reassured something was working!
Well you were active at the right time so that's a good thing.
I spoke to my doc about the 21 day blood test and it can confirm you had the rise in hormones but it can't show when (other then it was before York test date ie 21 days) the other thing is it doesn't show if you have produced an egg but I think that really rare so you don't need to worry about it. Take a look at the below:
Let me know how you get on xx

Thanks for that I'll take a look now I really don't know if I ovulated or if it was my body playing games don't get me wrong the opk's seemed possitive on cd 14 and 15 and then I did have major cramping like pains after so I just don't know? Fingers crossed I guess x
Hey Pheonix82!

Hope you are having lovely day in Arizona....It was below 0 earlier in the week but temperature is picking up...cannot wait for winter to be over in IL...

From home to work..it is 2 1/2hr commute for me...so round trip is approx 5hr...Once I conceive, I plan to not continue this commute!!! Let's hope it happens soon lol

I am at 6dpo today and really have no symptoms....and if I do get symptoms, I tell myself it's because I am thinking about it....hehe!
Other than that, this is my 4th month on clomid....1st month was awful and now I think my body is used to it....lol I will not be continuing it from next month until I am ready to do some monitoring....this month I tried pre-seed & robitisson as clomid dries up cm....I also have been eating pineapple core every other day to help with implantation....(not sure how true these things ....!!!) I am a scientist so I like to experiment everything until I don't see the results I want...hehe! I do use OPKs each month since last 6months...but I don't use it like crazy...usually from 12dpo until I see flashy smiley followed by still smiley....I never check for pregnancy either until day of my period....
......... i do know alot of real life friends with fertility issues so it makes me really really anxious...

Since marriage, I have gained like 20-25pounds in 2years ...and it has to do alot with commute & sitting...In fact after 1year, I started walking from train to work (45min) each way but I think body has reached plateau and I am just gaining..plus I think clomid has made me gain some pounds in last 4months as well.....BMI: last I checked was, I am in normal range...With that said, next time I go to dr..I am going to ask her what is consider normal exercise when trying to conceive...I did work out first three months as well thinking that it will actually help me...this month I have only done walking....I don't drink much coffee either..maybe half cup a day...

Pheonix82: what dpo are you on? Happy Happy Weekend!!!!

Taylorboo: Welcome & good luck!!!!

Nanninoo: What is going on with you?!?!

I have no idea Jennah first cycle on clomid since being on it with my son nearly 2 years ago I have a feeling it's giving wrong answers on my opks I had possitive reading cd 14/15 but for some reason I think it's a false alarm and the clomid maybe playing games with my hormones or maybe I'm going loopy lol I don't know x
Phoenix82 I read that article on ovulation and it's made me think for sure my opk was a false possitive as it said "Clomid can cause a "false positive result" if you test too early in your cycle"
So maybe it was a false ahh well x
Hey Pheonix82!

Hope you are having lovely day in Arizona....It was below 0 earlier in the week but temperature is picking up...cannot wait for winter to be over in IL...

From home to work..it is 2 1/2hr commute for me...so round trip is approx 5hr...Once I conceive, I plan to not continue this commute!!! Let's hope it happens soon lol

I am at 6dpo today and really have no symptoms....and if I do get symptoms, I tell myself it's because I am thinking about it....hehe!
Other than that, this is my 4th month on clomid....1st month was awful and now I think my body is used to it....lol I will not be continuing it from next month until I am ready to do some monitoring....this month I tried pre-seed & robitisson as clomid dries up cm....I also have been eating pineapple core every other day to help with implantation....(not sure how true these things ....!!!) I am a scientist so I like to experiment everything until I don't see the results I want...hehe! I do use OPKs each month since last 6months...but I don't use it like crazy...usually from 12dpo until I see flashy smiley followed by still smiley....I never check for pregnancy either until day of my period....
......... i do know alot of real life friends with fertility issues so it makes me really really anxious...

Since marriage, I have gained like 20-25pounds in 2years ...and it has to do alot with commute & sitting...In fact after 1year, I started walking from train to work (45min) each way but I think body has reached plateau and I am just gaining..plus I think clomid has made me gain some pounds in last 4months as well.....BMI: last I checked was, I am in normal range...With that said, next time I go to dr..I am going to ask her what is consider normal exercise when trying to conceive...I did work out first three months as well thinking that it will actually help me...this month I have only done walking....I don't drink much coffee either..maybe half cup a day...

Pheonix82: what dpo are you on? Happy Happy Weekend!!!!

Taylorboo: Welcome & good luck!!!!

Nanninoo: What is going on with you?!?!

Hey Jannah K

It's been a long day but I guess you know that better then most with your crazy commute. I thought 1.5 hours was bad enough.
I wish I was in Arizona, England isn't quite as glam lol.

Not many people get symptoms this early - I'm convinced there is a lot of people's minds playing tricks on them, plus AF symptoms can resemble pregnancy especially as most people are adjusting to coming off BC and their normal hormones.

Is it ok to stop and start using clomid or will it mess with you every time?
The tests, monitoring etc can become obsessive so like you I just use OPK to gauge things.

Sadly the way we all live now can cause fertility to be reduced but I think fertility problems are just more talked about ie more public.

The weight doesn't sound like it will be an issue, as long as you have a healthy BMI it should not impact fertility.
Mmm exercise is a toughie as I love running and Zumba but as high impact they are probably slightly too much (I don't do them gently either), I believe the rule is don't do anything you don't normally do like excessive training but regular walks and light exercise is good for you. I'm not exercising when trying as that could be yucky and I'm not around implantation but other then that I am. If it's around those times I'm just doing short walks slowly. Coffee in the quantities you are drinking is nothing, don't worry, too many people give up everything and wonder why they are extra stressed and not falling.

I'm 11dpo I feel preggo but I think it's in my head :(
Happy weekend xx

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