2014-2015 baby club!

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Oh Phoenix I hope it's a BFP for you...fingers crossed your not out yet there's still a chance if you get a sensitive test like you said good luck...how many dpo are you currently x

Jennah...I didn't really get symptoms with my DS well not until like 6 weeks then I had terrible nausea e
Oh Phoenix I hope it's a BFP for you...fingers crossed your not out yet there's still a chance if you get a sensitive test like you said good luck...how many dpo are you currently x

Jennah...I didn't really get symptoms with my DS well not until like 6 weeks then I had terrible nausea every hour of every day but apart from that I felt perfectly normal up until then, I never would if thought I was pregnant so I will just see what the test says. I'm going to test on Saturday I should be around 10dpo if it's neg I will re-test around 14dpo and if it's still neg I'll just take it as af is on her way so we'll see. Hoping its a BFP I really hate clomid it gives me terrible migraines and mood swings :( I went for my blood test today and find out my results tomorrow if I did ovulate this month x

Nanninoo - well I checked the tests I did one cheap stick one and one supermarket own brand, turns out one was 10miu and the other was 25miu there goes that theory!!!

Although AF is due tomorrow but still no sign (which is odd, I've usually already had 3 days of brown discharge by now) mmmm oh we'll we shall see if she turns up (I'm pretty sure she will)
DPO I had a positive OPK result on the 30th so I assumed I ovulated that day? That would make me 15dpo, but I'm not sure if I'd o that day or one of the next 2. What do you think? X
Let us know how the blood tests go.

Jannah k - thx for the support, I'll keep you posted.
BTW never TMI on here :)
I felt lots of odd feelings this month but going forward I'm ignoring them coz I'm sure it's my body messing with me xx

So you could be 15, 14 or 13 dpo or thereabouts so I would see how you get on if af hasn't shown by end of week mabe try another test? But I wouldn't say your out until af shows..fingers crossed for you and I'll keep you posted on blood test results! I also have brown discharge usually a week before af is due more like brown blood for 4 days then bright red I have no idea why but it's been like this my last 3 cycles and I've had tests and there all clear which really confuses me to why....:shrug:

Good luck nan niño & Phoenix!!!
No updates for me...I have no symptoms...by now in my cycle I have nausea, constipation, headache...but nothing this time beside acne on my back which could be due to progesterone increase...
I haven't tested yet...
Phoenix: do u feel cramps during ovulation...I usually get cramps 24-36h after LH surge which I think is egg popping.... I had LH surge on cd14 and slight cramps on cd15 ...day following was 1dpo...I am thinking we should try temping next cycle to confirm ovulation/ implantation etc....
But also, I hope all three of us have good news this month....;)
Good luck nan niño & Phoenix!!!
No updates for me...I have no symptoms...by now in my cycle I have nausea, constipation, headache...but nothing this time beside acne on my back which could be due to progesterone increase...
I haven't tested yet...
Phoenix: do u feel cramps during ovulation...I usually get cramps 24-36h after LH surge which I think is egg popping.... I had LH surge on cd14 and slight cramps on cd15 ...day following was 1dpo...I am thinking we should try temping next cycle to confirm ovulation/ implantation etc....
But also, I hope all three of us have good news this month....;)

Thanks Naninoo, and now for the waiting game again lol.
I've had the brown stuff just like you for the last 8 months and like you apparently everything is fine so :shrug:

Jannah K thanks for your note, keep us posted with you. My body doesn't give me any signs I've ovulated, no cramps etc but I suffer from IBS so I get a lot of cramps that I switch off to.
Temping I'm in 2 minds about, I tried temping at the beginning and my results were never accurate but I also felt slightly obsessed!!

Fingers crossed this is our month and we can do the :happydance:
Just a tiny update no AF this am, still feel like she's on her way but got white clumpy cm??? Random xx
Just a tiny update no AF this am, still feel like she's on her way but got white clumpy cm??? Random xx

Ooh I wonder what that means? I've had no cm prior to ovulation or during this cycle which is strange but I did notice the other day I had some so who knows? Just waiting for nurse to ring me with results the suspense is killing me I just want to know if I ovulated. Currently 7dpo today feel no different to how I normally feel x
Just a tiny update no AF this am, still feel like she's on her way but got white clumpy cm??? Random xx

Ooh I wonder what that means? I've had no cm prior to ovulation or during this cycle which is strange but I did notice the other day I had some so who knows? Just waiting for nurse to ring me with results the suspense is killing me I just want to know if I ovulated. Currently 7dpo today feel no different to how I normally feel x

I know!!! Me either, usually I never really notice any.
4 days before AF brown cm stuff this month none and no AF.
I feel like I've just come on but just this white stuff???
Random!!! And I've felt really nauseous all day.

Ohhh I bet the suspense is driving you mad, let me know x
Just a tiny update no AF this am, still feel like she's on her way but got white clumpy cm??? Random xx

Ooh I wonder what that means? I've had no cm prior to ovulation or during this cycle which is strange but I did notice the other day I had some so who knows? Just waiting for nurse to ring me with results the suspense is killing me I just want to know if I ovulated. Currently 7dpo today feel no different to how I normally feel x

I know!!! Me either, usually I never really notice any.
4 days before AF brown cm stuff this month none and no AF.
I feel like I've just come on but just this white stuff???
Random!!! And I've felt really nauseous all day.

Ohhh I bet the suspense is driving you mad, let me know x

Tell me about it our bodies can be very unpredictable but hoping all these signs are good news for you and maybe a bfp...x

Update from me - nurse has rang me this afternoon with my results she said I did ovulate and my progesterone levels were 35 she explained they like to see anything over 30 as a definite ovulate so I'm pleasantly surprised as I thought my possitive opk's were false readings due to the clomid but by the sounds of it they were true readings so now it's just a waiting game until I test to see if we caught the eggy x
Just a tiny update no AF this am, still feel like she's on her way but got white clumpy cm??? Random xx

Ooh I wonder what that means? I've had no cm prior to ovulation or during this cycle which is strange but I did notice the other day I had some so who knows? Just waiting for nurse to ring me with results the suspense is killing me I just want to know if I ovulated. Currently 7dpo today feel no different to how I normally feel x

I know!!! Me either, usually I never really notice any.
4 days before AF brown cm stuff this month none and no AF.
I feel like I've just come on but just this white stuff???
Random!!! And I've felt really nauseous all day.

Ohhh I bet the suspense is driving you mad, let me know x

Tell me about it our bodies can be very unpredictable but hoping all these signs are good news for you and maybe a bfp...x

Update from me - nurse has rang me this afternoon with my results she said I did ovulate and my progesterone levels were 35 she explained they like to see anything over 30 as a definite ovulate so I'm pleasantly surprised as I thought my possitive opk's were false readings due to the clomid but by the sounds of it they were true readings so now it's just a waiting game until I test to see if we caught the eggy x


Yeay I'm sooo pleased for you!!!!! Xx
Hi ladies,

Mind if I join you?

I'm TTC #1 and have been trying since may 2013.
I am now 7 DPO and am driving myself totally crazy. I'm constantly thinking if a minor thing I'm feeling maybe a symptom or not.
Just a tiny update no AF this am, still feel like she's on her way but got white clumpy cm??? Random xx

Ooh I wonder what that means? I've had no cm prior to ovulation or during this cycle which is strange but I did notice the other day I had some so who knows? Just waiting for nurse to ring me with results the suspense is killing me I just want to know if I ovulated. Currently 7dpo today feel no different to how I normally feel x

I know!!! Me either, usually I never really notice any.
4 days before AF brown cm stuff this month none and no AF.
I feel like I've just come on but just this white stuff???
Random!!! And I've felt really nauseous all day.

Ohhh I bet the suspense is driving you mad, let me know x

Tell me about it our bodies can be very unpredictable but hoping all these signs are good news for you and maybe a bfp...x

Update from me - nurse has rang me this afternoon with my results she said I did ovulate and my progesterone levels were 35 she explained they like to see anything over 30 as a definite ovulate so I'm pleasantly surprised as I thought my possitive opk's were false readings due to the clomid but by the sounds of it they were true readings so now it's just a waiting game until I test to see if we caught the eggy x


Yeay I'm sooo pleased for you!!!!! Xx

Thankyou I'm hoping for that bfp but I'm not getting my hopes up just incase so going to keep myself busy then test over the weekend and see what happens keep me posted on your progress too x

Jennah how you getting on any signs or symptoms? x
Hi ladies,

Mind if I join you?

I'm TTC #1 and have been trying since may 2013.
I am now 7 DPO and am driving myself totally crazy. I'm constantly thinking if a minor thing I'm feeling maybe a symptom or not.


Welcome!!!! Don't worry it's totally normal!!!!
Everyone symptom spots it's hard not too lol.

Keep us updated on when your testing, symptoms and if you need anything (questions etc) x

I think I will be testing on tuesday/wednesday the latest if AF doesn't show up. It's due on sunday, I always start spotting first.

I have a short cycle 23/24 days with a 10 day luteal phase. So everytime AF arrives, I'm thinking if it is a IB or if it is AF.
Sometimes I think AF starts before implantation can take place and that I still can be pregnant, is that even possible?
That's why I use temping as a sure sign I'm not pregnant, as long as the temp is up I still have hope.

I think I will be testing on tuesday/wednesday the latest if AF doesn't show up. It's due on sunday, I always start spotting first.

I have a short cycle 23/24 days with a 10 day luteal phase. So everytime AF arrives, I'm thinking if it is a IB or if it is AF.
Sometimes I think AF starts before implantation can take place and that I still can be pregnant, is that even possible?
That's why I use temping as a sure sign I'm not pregnant, as long as the temp is up I still have hope.


It's rubbish isn't it!!

I'm on a 26 day cycle (well I was until today).
You can have a bleed while pregnant, my syster had what she thought was a period up to 3 months!!!
I know you look for every possibility to get a BFP.

I'm hoping as AF hasn't showed or shown the usual signs but BFN doesn't leave hope
Phoenix! How is it going?
Nanniooooom...great news!!! I had 35reading cycle2 clomid2 but it looks we didn't db enough..or I didn't catch the egg...20% chance...
Good luck!!

I have little cramps here & there today but it could've from clomid after effects....no other signs yet!!!... Not testing until period late....

Good luck to new ttc buddies!!!
Clomid dries up cm..I usually start getting cm week before af.....but it's not ewcm. With that said, this & last cycle I had robittison upto ovulation to have some cm so the sperm can survive and travel...
But I dont't know if it works for sure ...because I am not preggo yet....really hope this is it....this bd schedule is very hectic along with job school and you know house chores.....

I read msgs all day to see how you all are doing so keep me posted

Love you girls!

Phoenix! How is it going?
Nanniooooom...great news!!! I had 35reading cycle2 clomid2 but it looks we didn't db enough..or I didn't catch the egg...20% chance...
Good luck!!

I have little cramps here & there today but it could've from clomid after effects....no other signs yet!!!... Not testing until period late....

Good luck to new ttc buddies!!!
Oh my cycle length is 30-31days depending on LH surge...I think this cycle. Is 29 days as LH surge was a day early...my luteal phase is usually 14-15 days long....
Let's see!!!
Why were you on cleaner & aspirin second clomid round?

I am pretty hopeful for u since both clomid cycles you conceived....I am not too hopeful with my clomid cycles since this is 4th& last month:( pray for me!
Hi ladies,

Mind if I join you?

I'm TTC #1 and have been trying since may 2013.
I am now 7 DPO and am driving myself totally crazy. I'm constantly thinking if a minor thing I'm feeling maybe a symptom or not.

Hi Hun of course you can the more the better especially as we're all in it together :)
Tell me about it I'm forever symptom spotting although I don't have any I'm always wondering... Are you TTC natural or with clomid? Are your cycles always regular? I'm TTC baby number 2 this is my first cycle using clomid I'm 7dpo and feeling normal no symptoms whatsoever! Good luck x

I think I will be testing on tuesday/wednesday the latest if AF doesn't show up. It's due on sunday, I always start spotting first.

I have a short cycle 23/24 days with a 10 day luteal phase. So everytime AF arrives, I'm thinking if it is a IB or if it is AF.
Sometimes I think AF starts before implantation can take place and that I still can be pregnant, is that even possible?
That's why I use temping as a sure sign I'm not pregnant, as long as the temp is up I still have hope.

Ahh I didn't see this until I posted...egnore my previous reply lol! Just goes to show our bodies never run like clockwork as my cycles are long usually 40-45days and I have brown discharge for about a week before af is due all tests seem normal but body just likes to wind me up sigh! Good luck with testing x

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