Hi Girls,
I can't believe how time has flown.
Well a lot has happened.
First of all our mini babymoon was great.
When we came back they noticed baby boy wasn't growing as he was supposed to, so I had to go in for check ups twice a week. They wanted to induce me at 36 weeks, but since they couldn't find anything wrong during the checkups, I asked them to postpone it as much as possible.
Meanwhile my inlaws organized a suprise babyshower for me. That was super, I got lots of cute clothes, I still haven't bought any baby clothes myself.
At 37 weeks we made a plan that I would get induced at 38 weeks, since the gyno wasn't willing to wait any more than that. The night of 37+3 we went to a night of information about breastfeeding. While we were preparing for bed around 12AM after the meeting, I felt something pop down below (I'm not even sure were exactly I felt it). It didn't hurt or anything so I dismissed and wanted to go to bed, however something told me to go to the toilet. I didn't go to soon, cause the moment I sat down that was when my water broke

We called the hospital and since my water broke they wanted me to come in immediately to check if the baby was in distress. That wasn't the case and I wasn't having any contractions and we were send back home around 2.30AM, we were told to come back at 1.00PM or when the contractions were 5 minutes apart for more than one hour. The contractions started as soon as we got home. They weren't very painful yet, so we stayed home until around 7.30AM when they were coming less than five minutes apart. We headed back to the hospital then, were the contractions kept coming every 5 minutes, while the intensity kept increasing. By 1PM I was exhausted and only 2 cm dilated, so I asked for an epidural. That helped, but around 3PM I was only at 3 cm, so they gave me something to speed it along. When they checked again at 5PM I was still at 3 cm and baby wasn't liking it anymore. So they said I had to have a c-section. Within 5 minutes they prepared me and wheeled me up to the operating room. At 06.10PM on June 4th my baby boy Melroy was born at 2688g. They had to keep him extra warm at first, but we were both good enough to leave the hospital two day later. I must say he's a pretty easy boy. He has grown so much already, tomorrow he'll be 7 weeks already.
How are you girls doing?
I was adviced to wait a full year before TTC again, so we'll decide next year what were going to do. I must say now that he's here it seems like the whole TTC period and pregnancy went by very fast. However I do hope that the next time I TTC it will go faster.