Hi girls,
I had a temp jump yesterday from 36.2 to 36.5, today it dropped to 36.3. So I'm waiting to see if it will remain up tomorrow to confirm ovulation.
I must say this month was the most fun I had bding in a few months. Since I don't really want a December baby, I wasn't really stressing about everything. I do notice that now that ovulation is here I am starting to stress more out about it.
jannah and phoenix how are you holding up? Our BFP's will come too one day, don't lose hope.
Nanninnoo how are you doing? Any symptoms? I was thinking, how we spend the TWW symptom spotting, but I really have no idea what happens to those symptoms after the BFP. I almost never look up info on pregnancy, because I don't want to build up all this knowledge and then turn out that I can't use them myself.