2014-2015 baby club!

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Hi Phoenix
I would start bd three days when u get positive opk...my gynae told me to do that this cycle....

Nanino why did the put u on clomid...did they not see follicles/ eggs....do u have pcos...

Oh didn't give sample today for analysis..now I have to wait till Friday....but I m afraid I will ovulate any day....he says he doesn't wanna give sample as he smokes on weekend....but I m like what if I o on weekend..that's the true sperm health ...but we go into huge argument...

Nanino u use pressed? I went to three stores...none carrying it...I m out of the syringes...I usually don't have the cm people talk about...I have tried mucin ex in past along with clomid but nothing....

Tatemp where r u???
Hi Phoenix
I would start bd three days when u get positive opk...my gynae told me to do that this cycle....

Nanino why did the put u on clomid...did they not see follicles/ eggs....do u have pcos...

Oh didn't give sample today for analysis..now I have to wait till Friday....but I m afraid I will ovulate any day....he says he doesn't wanna give sample as he smokes on weekend....but I m like what if I o on weekend..that's the true sperm health ...but we go into huge argument...

Nanino u use pressed? I went to three stores...none carrying it...I m out of the syringes...I usually don't have the cm people talk about...I have tried mucin ex in past along with clomid but nothing....

Tatemp where r u???

Hey Jannah

We started last night just incase I o in the next 3 days that way there is some waiting, then hopefully I'll o in the next couple of days so we can bd for 2-3 days at o. Fingers crossed. Off to my appointment in a mo!! Scary!!

Oh hun, I'd say do the sample on Friday but then can't you bd anyway on the Sat?
Does he realise that smoking then giving a sample would give the true indication of where he is with the swimmers? Seems odd he doesn't want to do it but if it is affecting things then you should know?

I use preseed but not the syringes as I think it's way too much and I also think it makes things come back out too quickly. I've been using it as a normal lube and it seems better. Xxx
Hey Ladies

So update after my appointment

I had all the checks weight, height etc, very intimate checks as well.
The consultant discussed the results of the tests we have both had so far, then said I need a hsg test which will be within 6-12 weeks followed by an appointment in Oct o discuss the next steps. Then if at 2 years I'm not preggo I can get IVF on the nhs.


I was hoping for Clomid but apparently she doesn't see that it works or will help :(
So nothing new then, I'm so gutted I've been trying not to cry all day.

To make matters worse the clinic I attended (fertility gynaecologist) is inside the maternity wing!!! Brilliant lets put the people who aren't getting pregnant in with all the pregnant women - how I didn't lose the plot I'll never know.

The only positive I can see from today is the oh saw how hard I am finding this as I was fighting the tears and he said I looked stressed and scared.

He said we just need to bd every other day until we get there - it's only taken him a year to work it out!!!

Phoenix I m sorry that the appt was more scary than u thought....
I hope u get hsg soon as that also increases fertility....
Our next step will be iui as well after oh testing this week... I still hope for natural baby....
Also my oh also said we should bd every other day before getting medical help as we may just be missing window...I dunno since I took clomid n still not preggo
Hang in there...we will get our babies soon but stress will not help in anyway...it is a blessing to have oh support ..cherish time with him as soon u will be busy with newbie.....hsg will answer a lot of qs about your fertility....u can always get second opinion...
U r in my thoughts & prayers xoxo
Thanks hun, I guess the frustrating thing is that my specialist said she doubts my tubes are blocked and doesn't think there is anything wrong with me.

She said it would go down as unexpected but I was hoping it was hormone related and therefore fixable.

Oh well we will just keep trying and hope it isn't IVF that's needed and it's just a timing issue as my cycles seem all over the place.

Stress is a funny thing, I don't feel stressed but this process is stressful and hard but how to not be stressed out by not getting preggo!!!

Glad your oh is now on page - Fingers crossed for you guys xxx
Jannah no pcos, they could see my eggs weren't maturing on ultrasounds and blood tests confirmed I wasn't ovulating plus my cycles were 50+ days long!

Phoenix I'm sorry hunny! My fertility clinic is also inside the same building as maternity I had to walk past it every time I had an appointment it was very upsetting seeing babys and bumps so I know how you feel :( regarding the wait they wouldn't give me an appointment with the Gyne until I had been ttc for at least 2 years the wait felt so long too but they told me that it was standard practice as people can naturally concieve within that time frame.X
Thanks hun

Well when we got back the oh said "well we just have to bd every other day until we get the positive OPK and make sure we cover it" I was like WHAT!!! what does he think I've been trying to get him to do - men.

So today I got the egg symbol at cd16 we bd on 13&15 and I messaged him to say we need to bd today, tom and Sunday and OMG he said yeah that's fine. Then he said let's face it it's nothing compared to what you gave to go through!!!!

It's taken a year but he finally gets it :happydance:
Well I'm totally frustrated.
I went to the gyno last friday and she ordered some bloodwork done.
I also told her about having a short luteal phase so she said we should follow my follicle growth with ultrasounds. What happens now is that I am having an anovulatory cycle. :growlmad:
I was already expecting it, because my temps were all over the place, but I'm now CD13 and still no positive OPK so I'm pretty sure. Tomorrow I'll have my third ultrasound which will probably confirm what I already know.
Phoenix my OH was exactly the same he frustrated me so much I kept explaining we needed to cover the 'important days' of my highest fertility but he was so laid back by it all it annoyed me! Some men just don't understand what we go through! Some woman are lucky to just fall pregnant with no timing but then there are other woman who need to track there cycle and bd on important days during it! I wish the whole ttc process was easy but unfortunately it isn't and men sometimes don't grasp the importance of it. I'm glad he's understanding now Phoenix :) x
phoenix: I hope timing is the only issue with u guys and bd every other day just resolves it..i m hoping the same for us....

tatemp: good news is that ur problem will be fixed with clomid..and u will have your first bfp right away....it is better than the unexplained that phoenix and I am going through....

have to drop off OH sample tomorrow....we start fasting this weekend for 1 month so I hope I get +ve opk in next few days so I can just focus on fasting etc vs stressing over bd....my oh is aalso willing to bd every other day for next 6 months before getting iui...i think he is affraid that maybe it is him thata may have issues as my testings came out okay but who knows...i dunno if i o or not but according to hsg i had two eggs growing..not sure if they mature for release or not.....but atleast no pcos or endo....really hoping for +ve opk soon..started the strips today to make sure i dont miss the window.....we will start bd from tom night once we give the sample to fertility center....

USA is different...i got my appts right away like within 24hrs...ut too much out of pocket to pay ....vs in canada appts taake foreevr to get but everything is covered.....

hang in there girls...God is great....we will get there sooner or later...love u all for your support in good and bad days....otherwise this journey would have been much more difficult....glad all oh are on samepage after an year of tears...lets hope they stay understanding of our needs...

i am also cd16 today..!! we bd on cd 13 & 14 and now on hold due to SA analysis until cd17.....no +ve opk yet but usually my +ve will be cd 18-cd21 according to my cycle length...which varies greatly as well...

Thanks hun, I guess the frustrating thing is that my specialist said she doubts my tubes are blocked and doesn't think there is anything wrong with me.

She said it would go down as unexpected but I was hoping it was hormone related and therefore fixable.

Oh well we will just keep trying and hope it isn't IVF that's needed and it's just a timing issue as my cycles seem all over the place.

Stress is a funny thing, I don't feel stressed but this process is stressful and hard but how to not be stressed out by not getting preggo!!!

Glad your oh is now on page - Fingers crossed for you guys xxx
Tatemp big hugs sweetie, I know it's tough but I think the gynaecologist appointments are tough as we have expectations that are not always met.
How do you know your ovulation isn't slightly later this month?
Fingers crossed for you.

Nanninoo I know!!!! Arghhhhh but he's there now.
And happy to do whats needed - apparently I'm going to go through so much once we get our BFP - my jaw dropped lol - I've been trying to explain that for a year!!

Jannah - it is unexplained for me apparently, the specialist is sure that my tubes are fine - even if blocked the test will clear them so it must be just timing.

Good luck and hugs to you - we will get there sooner or later and Naninnoo please keep me posted on your bump and how you are xxxx
So girls...I got +very opk today on my own without clomid today cd17...
Irony is that oh had to give sample this AM too..prior to that I found out I have +he...I asked if we should postpone SA analysis but coz of fasting we cannot plus I said why not we bd from tonight....oh is like we won't be able to and I will miss my window as sperm needs time to develop...I asked few times he kept saying no...last I bad was cd14....I feel so low n hopeless:(
How often do u guys be once +ve opk?
Oh Jannah :hugs:

See if he changes his mind - highlight you'll probably miss the window.

At least the sa is done now and you can get an answer one way or another.

Now I know I ovulate I bd before hand where poss and then as I get the +OPK we try and bd for 2 -3 days then miss a day then go once more
For example we bd cd13, cd15, cd16 & cd17 then cd19 I got a + OPK cd16 & cd17
So girls I m confused about three fertile days...I had LH surge +ve opk yday 6am...today 6am it was back to light lines ....
We bd cd 13 ,14,18,19 (fingers crossed) cd20 (fingers crossed) LH surge+ve opk was cd17....do u think I made it to fertile window? I dunno if it is hsg ht I don't have o cramps or any o signs or cm....just hot flashes which I never get....
I just realize I only get +ve opk for 12hrs-24h +/- clomid
How long your +opk last?
Oh bday in two weeks this will be best gift of bfp....wish he cooperated more ..SA sample threw us off but hopefully it will give me peace of mind...he didn't do smoking yday either coz of my fertile window but just didn't bd at night as he was exhausted due to house remodeling...just hope we can do two more days...we start 15h fast from tom!!!
Hey huni - I think I've confused your dates lol
So when did you get your +OPK was it cd17? What were the 3 fertile days?

If you got a +OPK once the rest is irrelevant as it's the first time you should count. I get 1 day with both tests as positive then the following day I have my first test as positive then it goes to faint lines (if that makes sense).

The sticks I use say you should do the test after 10.30 am or are you using a fertility monitor?

So you've bd today and aim to bd today and tomorrow ?

Ohhh I hope you get a BFP for your birthday xx

I hope we get a BFP as we've definately hit our dates completely so I hope it's my turn - I saw loads of kids and babies at a party today :(
Hey girl
Friday was cd17 +ve opk am didn't bd due to SA
Sat cd18 is when we bd but I saw -ve opk am
Don't think we will bd anymore this cycle so I m pretty much out
I m done with oh not cooperating with me. He does everything he wants and makes me do everything to relax him but when it comes to ttc he is too tired for it....I don't get men...I m seriously super frustrated...really depress...cried so much for last hr...fasting begins in an hr and this will be it for this cycle....
Stay strong Jannah :hugs:

So a + OPK shows the lh surge is happening and you can ovulate 12-36 hours after that (usually, obvs some peoples body takes a second try) so just because you didn't bd until after the surge doesn't mean you are out!

Plus you bd cd14 which was only 3 days before the surge so those swimmers could still be in play.

There is still a chance hun and if it's not this month it will happen but your oh has to start working with you on this. Can you not try smep so some of the pressure is off?

If he wants kids does he not get he needs to do something about it? The stress of him can't be helping you guys conceive (I hope you aren't upset with me for saying).

We just take all the blame but their actions are a big part of ttc too.

I hope the fasting goes well hun - keep in touch - I'm always here

The party wasn't as hard as I thought last night and the other half was cooing over the baby, then asked all on his own to hold her - which everyone then started asking when we were going to have a family so I had to say we are not sure (I hate lying to friends) xxxx
Thanks Phoenix
How does SMEP works? It is difficult to plan with oh..after last night episode..i cried, prayed...ask God to help me and slept crying.....he ended up waking me to bd in the am yday..we ended up not fast due to this :$ also bd again this am...guys r weird!!!! When I cried his ego kicked in....
So I think we bd cd13.cd14,cd18,cd19,cd20. Opk +cd17. I think we are done for this cycle...going to focus on fasting next two weeks..oh bday in 2weeks ...hoping for best
I m thinking to get cd21 testing progesterone levels to ensure I o on my own
My oh also makes me hold kids plus kids love me too ...sometimes when I see him playing with kids of my sil...it gets to me as I want to see him with our kids...
Really don't wanna have another ttc cycle...just hope this is it....if oh continues stressing me out I m going to consider iui...I should be the one feeling relaxed but it usually reverse....
How many days DPO r u?
Tatemp hru?

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