Karina- My hospital is a maternity hospital so they are VERY supportive/encouraging of me wanting to VBAC. Unfortunately, with how things went last time etc., we will NEED to be in a hospital hooked up to fetal monitors at all times during labor, or it can be too risky. So I am hoping to go into labor naturally, labor at home for a while, and once I'm admitted to L&D they will hook me up so that I can't even use a tub I don't think. I do plan on using a birthing ball/all-fours to use gravity to assist in getting her out, although things may change when I am in pain and may need an epi. But for now, I plan to go natural for as long as I can. Scared out of my mind, but I know this will allow us to be able to have many more babies in the future, unlike with an RCS.