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2014 January Rainbows

I'm not complaining either I do love being pregnant and I love getting close to our rainbows! But.....

I'm exhausted, ill and emotional and like everyone keeps reminding me " u still have 6 weeks to go, it gets worse"

Ok I get it!! Doesn't mean it's not hard work now!
I'm with you Emmy. I feel like I'm all done. Everything is hard to do and I'm SOOO tired.
I think we all have a right to moan doesn't mean we don't love our los it's not easy

Today I got my NST and my BP was high so was what ever they check on the liver so they're redoing my blood work and sending it to the specialist to see what he wants to do, but he had do ready said to deliver by 37 weeks if they were high
I got an u/s as well and he was happily moving about so that's good I have an apt on Thursday with the specialist so def taking my bags this time just in case.
Hey ladies :)
Im with you- love love love my baby and being pregnant but it's getting pretty uncomfortable now! I'm tired and emotional, nesting like a mad woman and stressing over little things. My blood pressure was up at my hospital check yesterday so they did bloods and I'm back this morning- wish they'd stop finding things and just leave me alone!!!
Lucy- hope your test results come back ok. Looks like a Christmas baby for you (and me if BP stays up!!)
Hi Emmy lyndzo Megan and young xxx
Wonder how markswife and baby Hayley are-would love to see new pics of her
Rachel might be a sooner baby for me my BP is up again :( it was 144/99 this am and I have this rash on my neck waiting for office to open to call took my meds so hope it comes down a bit we're in a white out freakin snow is really coming down

Markswife and baby Hayley are doing good from an other thread I'm on she's growing and thriving I'll see if she can update us on here :)
Hi all! Sorry for my absence, busy with baby in the NICU :p And pumping all the time (I live by a pumping schedule; when you can't BF your LO but want them to have breast milk, and being preemie she couldn't have formula anyway, you have to pump all the time). BUT, we are doing very well! Hayley is growing growing growing! She is 3lb 5oz now, eating some of her feeds by bottle and weaning slowly on her oxygen. She still has a ways to go but she is getting there! She has made a lot of progress over the last few days :)

And here are some updated pics of her :)






Markswife- She is just lovely! What a beautiful little trooper she is!! You are always in my prayers. Grow Hayley, Grow!
Thank you for the update and pics Markswife. She is so beautiful and precious. So glad to hear she is growing well! Hope you and the family are all also doing well!! Love the little outfits, Hayley is such a sweet girl.

Hi to everyone! Hope you're all doing well :)
Heidi lovely thanks for updating she's so adorable :)
Happy new week for those changing :D

AFM well I got admitted into the hosp for observation they want to make sure it's not pre-e we had to drive all the way through the snow storm :( but we made it my hubby had to go home tho so sad about that.
Right now they're checking everything but no answers yet just monitoring us he seems to be ok and me well I have a huge headache that won't go away even with the good meds :( so waiting on the next step will keep you all updated
Oh gosh Lucy- Thanks for the update. And I'll keep you in my thoughts!! :hugs:
Hi everyone, my blood pressure has gone down so I'm back home again.
Lucy- sorry you got admitted. Hope the BP comes down soon. At least you're being monitored.
Markswife- thanks for the update, she's so gorgeous. Hope you can take her home soon.
Afm- I've done my whole list of jobs! Bags packed, baby clothes washed and put away, pram up, car seat in, crib ready!!! Can't think of anything else. So I'm just relaxing and waiting! Having a mad phase of watching one born every minute and YouTube videos on anything new born :haha:
36 weeks today!!!!!
Rachel- Glad you've joined me at 36 weeks! YAY HONEYDEW! lol also glad that you are home again!! :happydance:

I have yet to pack my bag....I REALLY should do that...SOON! Ugh! I can see myself now, trying to pack during labor....Tonight...going to do it tonight! I MUST!! hold me to it ladies.. lol
Glad to hear you're being monitored Lucy. Thinking of you and hope that your BP goes down.

Rachel - glad to hear you're home! Nice work on all the preparation. I was lying in bed last night thinking that we had to get the carseat in!!!

Young - the stuff for my bag is mostly out….I just have to actually pack it! Every night I stare at it thinking I should get on that. I guess it's a step in the right direction.

Hope everyone has a good day! It's ridiculously cold here today so me and DS are hibernating again.
Hi ladies still no news but BP seems to have come down a bit so waiting on the 24 hr urine for a definite answer, I don't know when I'll go home so it's a wait and see

Hope you ladies get your bags packed glad mine has been ready it was grab and go yest. I'll let y'all know when I get an update

Happy new weeks again :)
Sorry your in hospial Lucy, glad thy are keeping an eye on you though, hope your headache gets away!

I still havnt packed my bag :wacko:

I said it in your journal markswife but gorgeous gorgeous photos of your princess xx
Small update :

Headache still lingering :( they've given me better meds but it just won't go. My reg specialist (the one I like) explained that it looks like I'm getting pre-e they're waiting on my urine testing which will be done around 6 tonight and then around 9 depending on the results I might get induced. If test come back normal they'll reevaluate and see what the next step will be one thing he guaranteed is I'm not going home until he's delivered. I'm ok with that bc we're getting monitored closely

Will update as soon as I know something.

Bags packed yet? I'm going to nag y'all til it's done :D Young ? LOL
sounds like you're in the right place Lucy! Hope you start feeling better soon. Also exciting you might get to meet little Ivan soon :) Thanks for the update and keep us posted…..I'm finishing packing my back tonight…..
Ooooo Lucy keep us posted!! Your making me think I should pack sooner lol
Emmy I was only packed bc I was told to at 29 weeks when they found the cord problem, so glad bc when I took my shower they only have baby shampoo and shower gel but the cheapie kind LOL but better safe than sorry :)

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