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2014 January Rainbows

Had another U/S today, she was breathing and sucking a lot and very squirmy. They said she looks great. I still think she's coming early.

We got some great photos of Quinn's face. Here's my favourite! (Sorry for the glare, I have to scan it properly later lol)


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Lyndzo- She's gorgeous! I love it!

Lucy - :blush: ummm... no....haven't packed yet... lol

Emmy- we really need to get on this bag packing thing! lol

Megan- still hibernating?? :haha:

AFM- I have REALLY begun nesting. Last night, I got home from work, and threw something in the junk drawer, only to realize how desperately that needed to be organized..So I organized it...then the medicine cabinet above that..then vacumming, mopping, dusting...didn't stop until 11pm...BAD IDEA! Now my ankles and feet look like sausages.. I thought sleeping would help, but it didn't. They still look that way this morning.

Also, acid reflux has started. I would be sleeping and wake up and have to sit up for a few minutes for the acid to go back down..it was really strange. I've never had that before.

So today, if nesting kicks in again, I will channel that to the bag!!!! :thumbup:
Definitely still hibernating Young! It's -40 here today with the windchill. I think it's supposed to start getting better tomorrow. I would LOVE to be in Florida today!!
Sorry to hear about the reflux, I'm having the same. Definitely take it easy!

Lyndzo, great pic! Thanks for sharing.

Hi everyone!!! I have nothing exciting to say except I'm cold…haha
Megan that is COLD :( stay inside ugh it's cloudy and cold today with chance of snow

Young yes channel those nesting urges to the bag LOL sorry about the acid reflux I had to end up taking meds it was so horrible

No new update yet so still just wait and see :( wish they had some answers for me
Rachel :wave: yep still will luckily be here til I deliver drs are coming to talk to me later today

Edit: not luckily but likely I'm ready to go home I miss my hubby and my pup and well I just want to be home :cry:
Haha young I did this 2 weeks ago! I started clearing out a cupboard that had junk in, I found letters from 2010. Then I cleared the cupboard in the kitchen with all the dry foods and tins cus that needed a clear out and wiped inside all the cupboards, this is not my normal behaviour! I just want everything to be nice for when he gets here so mess really upsets me. Ironic that I am too tired and physically in pain to complete all these tasks comfortably!
Thank you everyone <3 :) I've been keeping up some with all of your pregnancies! I can't wait for all of your LO's to be born <3

Thinking of you Lucy! So glad they are keeping a close watch on you! I hope they have answers for you soon!
Emmy LOL funny what hormones makes us do I so want to go home and do things I'm already home sick :(
Thanks Heidi just waiting on second 24 hour urine test again. My hubby stayed with me last night but went home leaving me all emotional :( then I heard then wheel a baby that was crying and tears just started pouring

I just want to go home :cry:
Thanks Heidi just waiting on second 24 hour urine test again. My hubby stayed with me last night but went home leaving me all emotional :( then I heard then wheel a baby that was crying and tears just started pouring

I just want to go home :cry:
Big hugs Lucy, sorry that you're dealing with all of this waiting. Hopefully you find something out soon. Thinking of you!
Just found out its severe pre-e getting induced tonight

My hubby is having to drive back after just getting home :( FX for a safe and smooth delivery will update when I can :)
Omg Lucy you are getting induced, that means you are going to meet Ivan very very soon!! Sorry you have pre e though. Good luck giving birth I hope it all goes well, I can't wait to see him! Xx
Lucy I'm thinking of you. I know you're gonna do great and baby Ivan will be here before you know it. 35 weeks is a good age too. Update when you can but we know it'll be a bit crazy.
Loads of love and hugs xxx
Good luck Lucy!! Hope everything is going smoothly. So exciting that you get to meet Ivan soon!!! Can't wait to hear the update. HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!!
Quick update :

After about 13 hours of contractions and no advancing I gave in and had the epidural omg what a relief. I'm on my third suppository dose to soften cervix but I don't think anything is happening I'm tired and just ready to get him out if by tonight nothing happens I'm headed for a c section tho tbh I'm pushing for one sooner
Omg Lucy!! :hugs: I'm so happy that you get to meet Ivan so soon! Slightly jealous! Hopefully things go smoother. And I know you didn't want the epidural, but 13 hours is SUCH A LONG TIME!! Good job for going that long!! Thinking of you! Update when you can sweetheart!
Ow 13 hours and no advancing! I would have done the same thing! You must be exhausted! Keep going Lucy, it won't be much longer xxxxx

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