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2014 January Rainbows

OMG! Sorry I'm late to replying. You are going to see Ivan so soon. FX you are comfortable. Can't wait to see him! :)
Sorry it took so long had to spend a day in ICU bc of some issues after section but all is well so in love still hard for me to believe he's mine

Wow Lucy congratulations!! He's so cute and tiny, how much does he weigh? Hope you are doing ok after the surgery.
Can't believe you've got your little man already. It feels like I've got ages yet!!
Massive hugs and congrats xxx
Congratulations Lucy! He is so sweet. I am jealous you guys got to meet!! Glad all is well now and hope you have a speedy recovery!! Take care of yourself and you're little man :)
Thanks ladies he's weighing in at 4lb 12oz.and 17 inches long. He's in NICU until he can eat on his own but working on it :) a better pic

Omg!! How precious! Congrats Lucy! And I love how much hair he has!!!! So precious! Thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery. Eeeeek. I am so just ecstatic! Can't get over it!! So happy for you!! Sorry. Lol
Awwwww!! Congratulations!! He is so so cute! And has so much hair! Congratulations mummy! I can't believe these babies are inside us, how do they fit??

Hope it wasn't too hard, how did it go? Xx
Emmy- I immediately was taken aback when I saw Ivan...I thought to myself...I have a small child that is developed that far currently swimming around in my uterus....O.M.G! It's all becoming so real!! How do they fit?! Wonders of the female reproductive system! :D

I had such a rough night last night :( I had BH starting around 10 and they just didn't let up. Almost to the point where I thought about waking DH to take me to the hospital, just to check me. The only reason I didn't was because I have an appointment today at 1:00, so I will be able to bring up the BH along with a couple other things...maybe she'll check and see how far I'm dilated and effaced today. Considering I was 1cm at 32 weeks...I am thinking that Little Miss Violet may be making her apperance sooner rather than later...although, that may be just me hoping lol I will let you know what comes of the appointment!

BTW!!! I PACKED MY BAGS! I didn't include as much stuff as some of you other ladies...but I think I have the necessities. Even took DH with me to the store to pick up "hospital snacks" :haha:
Young good job on getting bags done :) very proud of you :thumbup:

Emmy I had a few complications from some meds during the section but for the most part everything is getting better once off this iv I can go see Ivan more easily right now it's a whole production :( but spending time with him is worth it

I still wonder how he fit in there too he's tiny but still it's amazing watching him and my hubby they look so alike I love it, I could stare at him for hours <3
oh lucy- how awesome! SO SO happy for you! I can't wait! Getting more anxious everyday. I can't get over how adorable he is!! :D
That's so sweet Lucy! I'm so happy for you and your family. I can't wait to hold my little man.

Young - so sorry you're having so many BH's. I've been getting them off and on and that's annoying enough. Good luck at your appointment today.

I have my 36 week appointment today so they'll be checking to see if I'm dilated at all&#8230;.as well as the dreaded GBS test. Last time I tested positive, which isn't a huge deal but I'd rather not have to deal with the antibiotics if I can! Fingers crossed for a negative result.

Lucy you're gonna be happy because I also packed my bag :) I was lying in bed last night and all my stuff was staring at me on the dresser so I finished up&#8230;.just the last minute stuff left to go in. I was thinking I'd just make a list and put it on my bag to make things easier on the big day.
Megan- Thanks. And YAY! on your bagged packed. I also left a list on he very top of the bag with last minute needs. I also put where they were located, just in case somebody besides hubby ends up having to grab it from the house. I can see Momma calling me now..."Where is this?!" "Where is that?!" "Do the dogs stay in or go out?!" lol

Fx'd for a negative GBS test
Well done ladies on getting the bags packed. Thought it was about time I posted a bump picture! Can't believe these babies could come anytime now eeeeeeek!!
That's a really good idea Young. I'm gonna add that info to my list. Just got home from the Doctor, she said I'm 1cm dilated but baby is still up high&#8230;.which is common with your second apparently. We're having another big snow storm, haha. I can't believe it! Driving was a disaster but I live close so no big deal.

Hope everyone is having a good day!! Hugs to Hayley and Ivan :)
AH! Rachel! Your bump is so beautiful!!!! Glad you posted it!!

Megan- Glad everything is going well. 1cm..you're on your way!
Well since Rachel posted, I figured I'd jump on the band wagon. btw rachel..Love the crib in the background. :D


Appointment went well. Very routine. Although, I asked her to check me. Seems I am still 1 cm, and at the -2 Station..but I am now 50% effaced.

Getting there!


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