Hello ladies, May I join your group?
After suffering a chemical pregnancy and 2 painful miscarriages all back to back, I am NERVOUSLY excited to say that we recently got another BFP. In the past we have have lost them between 6 and 8 weeks, and right now we are 6 weeks 3 days. We already had one appointment and out hcg beta count has definitely went up, now we are waiting for out next appointment which is on Monday. Hopefully since we will be 6 weeks 5 days, we should be able to see and hear the heartbeat. The heatbeat is what scares me, because thats when we got the bad news last time. Sorry for being long winded, I just got soooo many thoughts running thru my head, and you ladies seem so encouraging!
My EDD currently is January 8th, and I seen a few of you guys also have the same date. Yay for due date buddies!!