2014 May Rainbows

klsltsp - I am so, so sorry to hear about your loss. Take care of yourself.

dairy - sorry that you are going through another m/c. I hope things take care of themselves quickly and you can focus on getting healthy for your rainbow.

sunny - congrats on a good scan. Seeing a heart beat at all at 5 weeks is a very good sign and your little one has a strong heart beat! It's so great that your doctors are looking after you so well.

afm - finally heard back from the hospital and they are giving me an early scan!! :) My scan is on the 15th. It seems so far away but I'll be not quite 8 weeks at the time.
klsltsp - I am so, so sorry to hear about your loss. Take care of yourself.

dairy - sorry that you are going through another m/c. I hope things take care of themselves quickly and you can focus on getting healthy for your rainbow.

sunny - congrats on a good scan. Seeing a heart beat at all at 5 weeks is a very good sign and your little one has a strong heart beat! It's so great that your doctors are looking after you so well.

afm - finally heard back from the hospital and they are giving me an early scan!! :) My scan is on the 15th. It seems so far away but I'll be not quite 8 weeks at the time.

Our scan is on the 13th and same here almost 8/9 weeks depending on when I implanted. Feels like forever though!
And cue the progesterone!! Clinic called this morning start tonight. Fingers crossed this is the answer to our rainbow baby :)
1st appt went fabulous! The mw remembered exactly who I was and my sons birth. She is very excited for me to VBAC and says I will be perfect for it :happydance: I got my prenatals and zofran. Took my 1st does and feeling better already :) We stopped at the store on the way home and picked up some healthy snacks and I'm munching away alread :haha: It feels so good to eat again :cloud9:
sunny - At least you may have some answers to your other losses and hopefully the progesterone is just what you need to get your rainbow.

darlin - I'm glad the appointment went so well and that you found something to take care of the nausea.

afm - had a bit of brown spotting last night. It was very pale and mixed with yellowy stuff so not sure how much of it was cm. I've been starting to feel quite yucky again so I'm hoping things aren't going wrong. For now I'm going to wait for my scheduled scan on the 15th but I will go in to the ER if I get any red spotting and/or bad cramps.
Fingers crossed Starry! My doctor said that low progesterone is one of the most common causes of spotting so keep that in mind :)

I go back Monday for follow up bloodwork with the progesterone. Also am now taking 3/4 anti nausea pills per day... Helping. I had the first full dinner in over a week ;)

Yay for awesome first appointment Darlin! Great job!!!

:hugs: to everyone struggling and wishing :dust: to everyone!
Got my scan this avo! Feeling scared! I couldn't bare to be told bad news after getting this far!! I feel in my heart if hearts that things are ok but I can't help running thru those awful scenarios!! Why do we do it to ourselves?! Will update later xx
Starry, hang in there! Spotting can be very normal during pregnancy. I think you have the right game plan!!

Nats, looking forward to hearing all about your scan! :flower:
nats - good luck with your scan this afternoon. Looking forward to an update! I understand the nerves though.

Ugh. Had some cm with brown streaks in it last night. I was moving around a bit more yesterday so now have to be more strict with myself about lying down. I just can't do normal things while pregnant and I have to accept that.

Sunny - my doctor told me my progesterone was tested when I went for m/c testing and since I never heard anything I have to assume it's fine. But I do have a history of having SCH's in the womb. I don't know if they caused my last two losses but they were there and I had a very large one with my son. I bled like a heavy period throughout the first trimester (talk about stressful). So I usually assume spotting is from that unless it picks up. Then I go to get checked out.
Starry, glad you got tested!! It's so stressful every little thing :/.

Glad you're taking it easy :)
Quick update - all perfect at my scan today! So relieved xx
Meee!! I'm due on 25th May after a MMC in February (measured 13 + 1).

Sooo scared and nervous in equal measures.

Congratulations ladies. Wishing us all healthy, happy pregnancies.

One question - are you having early scans? I am thinking of having a private scan at 8 or 9 weeks but as I had healthy scan at 12 weeks last time but MMC at 13.5 weeks, I am not sure if this will give me any reassurance. I guess I just want to know that this is def a viable pregnancy.
Starry-at my last appt with my OB dr, I asked if it was possible my SCHs were being caused by my already low progesterone levels dropping slightly even though I was already on progesterone. I was wondering if even that slight drop was enough to cause the placenta to tear away slightly, resulting in the bleed. The dr said it was distinct possibility and I'm now on an increased dose of progesterone for my future pregnancies. The dr ALSO said that progesterone levels can vary from cycle to cycle and pregnancy to pregnancy. I've never had my progesterone levels checked with any testing I've had for m/cs but we've started tracking it while I'm pregnant and that's the key. I start off on the low end of the 'normal' range and it doesn't rise quite like it should causing my bleeds and a few of my miscarriages. Can you request a progesterone check right now to see what the levels are?
My appointment went well yesterday too. My GP said everything seems perfect so far but he would prefer to transfer us to a specialist OB as soon as possible because of my medical issues (autoimmune arthritis - Still's disease; and early losses). He also wants to send us for an early ultrasound. We're waiting to hear from the ultrasound tech and OB's office for appointments. Until then, we have our next prenatal appointment booked with my GP for Nov. 4. :thumbup:

I also got a prescription for Diclectin, and my morning sickness has been a lot better today! :happydance:
dm - I asked my doctor about the progesterone and she just said "you would have been tested". Personally, I don't think I was but I was completely shot down when I asked for it. I haven't had any more spotting so I have to cross my fingers for now. If I do get more spotting I'll go to the ER and ask to be tested there though I figure I'll get another "you're crazy" kind of response.

tangerine - congrats on the good appointment. I'm glad your doctor is staying on top of things and is transferring you to an expert. Hope you're able to get an early scan.

Welcome, sazzle! Congrats on your bfp. I can imagine the stress and anxiety as you lost your baby later on. An early scan might at least cut down some of the anxiety with less time to wonder if things are OK.

afm - feeling really really sick now. Yesterday, it was so bad that I got dizzy just by changing the direction my eyes were looking in. The rest of my body was completely still and I still got nauseous. I caved and took a Gravol. It made a world of difference but I want to leave it as a last resort.
Hang in there Starry! As my DH says 'it's a good sign' :)I have Dilectin and it made a big difference but doesn't knock me out as bad as gravol. Not to mention it's specifically designed for morning sickness.
I didn't even know u could get something for morning sickness!!
Oh my goodness, when my SiL (who is also pregnant right now) told me her doctor said it was OK to take Gravol I was so happy. I don't think I'd last the 1/2 hour car ride to the doctor's in order to get a prescription. Today, a simple Tylenol helped with the worst of the sickness as I think it was caused by a major migraine.

I hope all this nastiness means we're are on our way to our rainbows. Because really...I better not be sick for nothing. :growlmad:
If you can't get a prescription, ask your doctor/pharmacist about vitamin B6. Diclectin is just B6 combined with an antihistamine, but B6 works pretty well on its own. I take B6 alone in the morning because diclectin makes me sleepy, and just take diclectin before bed. It's made a huge difference since I started taking it.

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