2014 May Rainbows

Good luck Starry. I find surviving the work week tough. Come the weekend I'm fried :/
Starry - really hope you feel better soon - hang in there!

Sunny - I just had intake appointment with midwife yesterday (and a good ultrasound - yay!) and one of the papers they gave was recommendations for nausea and it said "25 to 50 mg of B6 three times a day" which seems like a crazy lot - I was figuring she would object to the 50 mg. of B6 I had on my vitamin list (some of the other B's make me nauseous especially in the morning even when not pregnant so I take individual vitamins instead of a multi) but she said it was fine! 5 mg of vitamin K and quite a bit of Vitamin C were also on the recommendation list. Of course check with your own doctor or mw but if the B6 was helping you feel better it might really be OK to take!

afm ... my problem right now is coffee. I've cut WAY back - had actually when got previous BFP, and then again with this one - but can't quite get to zero without getting headaches. Most info says 2 cups a day is OK; I'm having about 1/4 to 1/3 cup (mug) - maybe 1/2 - 2/3 cup if we're talking measuring cups instead of coffee cups. But DH is really worried about it because he says the 2 cups rule is for regular weak coffee and we brew ours very strong. But I feel like that little bit of coffee I'm having is probably even safer than tylenol which doesn't help my headaches much and much better than either the triptan med. for migraines which I really want to stick to not taking, and also better than the effects of a full blown migraine. I guess I will try again to taper all the way to zero over the next week since it is stressing him out so much, but in the meantime - curious - any others out there still having some coffee? What have your Drs/mws told you about caffeine? (I didn't ask mw. yesterday as didn't want to start an argument with DH about it right in front of her ... I had written on the paperwork that I'm still having 1/2 cup though and she didn't say anything about it).
I normally drink decaf coffee and that surprisingly still goes down well so I drink a cup once every few days or so. I'm trying to keep my decaf intake down because I read in one pregnancy book that too much decaf can increase your blood pressure which is the last thing you want in pregnancy. I think decaf coffee still has some caffeine in it so I'm not quite at zero. I also eat chocolate spread on toast a lot.

One of my friends drank coffee (and lots of it) throughout her whole pregnancy. She just couldn't quit. We used to tease her that she'd have a hyper active baby.

spingbeduk - congrats on the good appointment and the good ultrasound!

sunnyleah - I honestly don't know how anyone works through m/s. I am such a wuss! I lie in bed all afternoon and have at least one good cry. I feel non-functioning. I had a few weeks like that with my son's pregnancy but I was already on bed rest at that point and had been written off of work. Now I'm a stay-at-home mom and DH can work from home so I can rest. I feel if I were working I'd be paid to barf.
I have given up caffeine 100% since BFP. I was still drinking one XLG/day with my last mc and my boss was giving me all sorts of grief about it. That is why I told my work about this pregnancy and not my parents or DH's parents as of yet. They figured it out as we are all slightly addicted to redbull and I gave up coffee and energy drinks cold turkey (as well as the occasional cigarette). Major headaches and extreme exhaustion
Springbeduck I am on dilectin for ms which contains lots of b6 so doubting I can take more :/

Starry I almost find working distracts me somewhat from ms I'm just so exhausted by the end of the day. But DH is amazing and has taken over the household duties. I'm not actually throwing up, I just am nauseous 24/7 and gag when I eat, take pills or brush my teeth so everything takes three times as long!!

As for caffeine I don't drink tea or coffee regularly so other than the occasional chocolate I'm clean :)
I used to drink a lot of soda but I can barely finish one now. I did break down and made a small cup off coffee yesterday morning (was mostly milk :haha:) I stay well within my limits fairly easily this time around. With DS I could't go without it. I kept it within my limits but had to count my caffeinated drinks so I didn't go over.
I'm not throwing up either but have had a few close calls. Yeah, it's a lot of nausea. It's the worst in the evening. Today I'm actually doing OK. Normally, my Gravol would have worn off about an hour ago but I'm still doing OK. It helps that I am not swallowing pills anymore. I crush them up and mix them in yogurt. Minimizing my gagging helps to ease the nausea, I guess.
Caffeine in reasonable amounts is perfectly okay in pregnancy, especially for headache sufferers. I suffer from migraines and one of the only safe medicines to take for that includes caffeine in the pill. I have two obs and both of them say it's perfectly safe. In fact, one of them cautioned me against quitting all caffeine rather strongly. That's probably only for folks that were used to drinking it previously or know that it helps them with their headaches. I doubt quitting it completely is bad for anyone who's not having any problems from withdrawal.
Starry, I've had to change the time of day that I take my vitamins as in the morning the gagging is really bad.... But I'm eating yogurt in the am super slowly and then nibbling fruit until lunchtime. This helps me. Lunch is a write off though but come dinner I'm ravenous!! Lol so frustrating. I can't wait until people know what's up because one of the hardest things is hiding it from coworkers daily. My boss and the two girls I work most closely with know but that's it.
For some reason I get heartburn from taking my prenatal? It is the strangest thing! I take them at night an hour before I go to bed...
Anything I eat before bed gives me heartburn. Even fruit. I take my prenatals and other supplements at noon. I do take my fish oil in the morning just so I'm not taking so much all at once.
Prenatals do the craziest things. Totally normal tho. What about if you take them with a glass of milk? Milk helps some peoples heartburn and can make others worse tho.
When I was preggers with DS I would wake up in the middle of the night with really bad heartburn and not be able to sleep. I would make a glass of warm chocolate milk (not really hot) warm milk would work too but I'm one of those weird folks that hates milk.
Mmm....chocolate milk....yum.

Had some more brown spotting last night. It was minimal. Only when I wiped and mixed in with clear stuff but it scared me. Unless I get red bleeding I will wait until my scan on Tuesday. It's not like any outcome can be changed at this point anyways. My sickness seems to be picking up a bit and I do feel some stretching so I hope it's nothing.

I hate being pregnant after a loss. Everything is that much more scary.
Mmm....chocolate milk....yum.

Had some more brown spotting last night. It was minimal. Only when I wiped and mixed in with clear stuff but it scared me. Unless I get red bleeding I will wait until my scan on Tuesday. It's not like any outcome can be changed at this point anyways. My sickness seems to be picking up a bit and I do feel some stretching so I hope it's nothing.

I hate being pregnant after a loss. Everything is that much more scary.

I know what you mean. I have lost all my symptoms. Everything. This is exactly what happened last time but the Dr wouldn't see me because there was no bleeding. When I went for my 12 week scan they told me that the baby had passed at approximately 9 weeks. That was suppose to be my rainbow baby. 12 week scan today looked fantastic so chin up! It's not over till it's over lol. All we can do is stay as positive as possible and hope for the best!:hugs:
Starry I know it's been mentioned but I'd go to ER. They should be testing you for progesterone. They think that's what caused my first loss and they can do something about that. Good luck.
I don't think I'm going to the ER. It was a few specks and I haven't had any cramping. I've been treated like crap too many times by ER staff that I never want to go in unless I have to. Maybe if I were having some one-sided pain to go along with that....
I got the doppler today and after 30+ min I knew I was only hearing myself so I watched 2 youtube videos to know exactly what to listen for and I found baby's hb! Baby is 9w based on last US. I was worried it would cause more worry trying to find it but just took some practice and I highly recommend it! :cloud9:
What sort of Doppler did you get? I really want one but there is so many out there!! X
My scan is tomorrow and I'm getting quite nervous! My sickness is slowly going away but my other symptoms are going up. I'm peeing more and more heart burn, etc. Just trying to have faith!

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