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Symptoms check in: Feeling rather emotional the past few days. Almost in tears from worry. God I never thought pregnancy would be as hard as it already is. To be honest I've always been a worrier, even from being very young but I think this is going to be the toughest thing yet. I have mild OCD tendencies (no medication though) but I don't believe there is any help available in Japan as far as I know. I will ask at my appointment though. It scares me that pregnancy could set it off and I'll be a bad mother. I'm also scared of all the possible genetic and developmental disorders my baby could potentially have.

Boobs are still tender but I didn't think they hurt that much until I squeezed on of them a little too hard while checking and man it hurt!

No nausea really, a little but before eating from being hungry but nothing more than I'd normally get

Still a feeling of pressure on my bladder, I'm trying to drink more so that I urinate more. Seems to help.

Constipation and trapped wind still present :( I also have been getting the strangest sensations in my abdomen. Like a fluttering near my navel. I'm pretty sure it's wind but I have never felt it like that before. Weird!
Well I'm the crazy lady who just read through the whole thread :haha: replies incoming
Hi again! I didn't really introduce myself either...

I'll be 30 in a week (Sob) and my husband is also 30. Our son was a happy accident and he just turned 2. I never wanted another baby but I abruptly changed my mind after realizing I would regret not giving him any siblings. It started out that I was TTC for my son, but by the end of the month I was TTC for ME and I wanted another baby so bad! lol

I have 3 indoor cats and 1 stray cat who lives on my deck, and one frog named Wally who we found on the wall. Hence the name.

I'm currently 11 dpo and due June 8. Hoping for a sticky! Here's my wondfo lines so far

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I like the sound of the frog! Is it cute? Also I love cats! My mother's who was almost like a brother to me ran away when I left home to go to live in Japan. He hasn't been seen since :nope: we are all heartbroken.

I'm hoping yours is a sticky! I hope mine is too! I'm getting nervous just thinking about the possibilities and I want to be all excited looking at baby clothes and stuff!

For all you 2nd timers, what was the first thing you bought during your first pregnancy? When was it? When did you tell close family, like parents? I just don't want to jinx anything by telling too early but I'm so excited I just want to tell everyone! For now though...it will just have to be you guys! Let's all get excited together! X

The first time we told people right away. We had been going to tell my parents with a video I made on easter sunday, but ended up having a beach walk with them on good friday and blurted it out lol. Told other family in short order, and didn't keep it a secret from anyone after that. Took it on faith everything would be ok (had been ttc for over two years) and knew I would want people's support if I miscarried anyway.
The first thing I bought was a change table I think. I was 7 weeks :haha: (half price baby sale, I couldn't resist)
Second time my sister was around when I found out, so I quickly arranged a family brunch for her last day (three days later) and made a T-shirt for my dd that said "I'm getting a promotion" on the front "to big sister" on the back. And then waited for someone to spot it. Lol. Again didn't keep it a secret but didn't make a big deal of it on facebook that time. Dont think I bought her anything :rofl:

This time we're wanting to keep it an secret for a little while :). The only people besides strangers online (and hubby of course) who know are some ladies from one of my natural parenting/natural birthing/crunchy mama groups that meets once a month as they are also in a facebook group I spilled the news in "anonymously" lol.
We plan fo tell dhs family first this time though (theyre in canada and my family is here so its harder to do)
Not sure how I'll go keeping it secret from my mom though. She knew both times before I did previously...


Surprise.... I am here to join you mamas.

Still trying to grasp my head around things....

But 9 DPO I just knew I was pregnant.


I suddenly started getting the worst case of fart ever... Stinky smelly farts that never relieved me of this feeling of being bloated.

Three days later, 2 days before AF was to visit, I tested and had two BFP.

According to my LMP I should be due June 5.

Sticky baby dust to all.


I am fart city too! As soon as I got my bfp I suddenly realized why I have been so gassy all week. Blah. I'll take smelly gas over ms any day though.

Cutie!! Yes, today you are pregnant! Google is a pain in the butt when it comes to fueling worries for sure!! So, how many of us are planning on natural births?

I am :). I had two natural hospital births previously (one induced but no other drugs, just water injections for bad back Labour, and one spontaneous drug free speedy quick breech birth. I'm hoping for a home birth this time :)

I got a bfp today, I'm due 6/6/15 per the dr but that date doesn't sit well with me, so put me down for 6/9 (why not lol?!) Man so many emotions today so I am going to come back and read and get to know you ladies later, but I am so excited I wanted to drop in and say hello!

6/6/13 is my dd2s birthday :)

I definitely plan to get the epidural and/or any other pain relief, I don't actually cope well with pain, I don't know if labour would be different but I just lose all my strength and feel dizzy/powerless. I think I will be happier pain-free. The idea of a birthing pool sounds great but I don't think the water alone would be enough as a painkiller for me. Also, women in my family (mom's side) have quite large babies and very long labours, so I don't expect mine to be a walk in the park. I wouldn't mind a C-section either.

I have hypothyroidism, and I'm terrified of MC because of it. Mine has been always very mild and at subclinical levels actually. I am taking 100mcg per day, and I called the doctor and they told me to immediately increase it to 125mcg and on wednesday I will go for a blood test and they will make a more accurate prescription after it based on my current levels. Apparently every 6 weeks or so they will be checking my levels throughout pregnancy. Trying not to panic. I think everything should be fine, afterall we conceived from our 2nd cycle of trying and the 1st cycle I knew we wouldn't cause we didn't BD during my fertile period.

I bought two expensive clearblue digital tests, I did one today and it said I'm pregnant, 2-3 weeks which is correct <3 I will save the other one for next week, hoping to see the 3+ then. I also booked my first appointment, it will be on the 27th of October, when I'll be exactly 8 weeks. Soo excited, it's great to have something to wait for.

This morning I was freaked out by the lack of any symptoms, I felt perfectly fine. I thought the disappearance of symptoms was a sign of a MC, but this noon "morning" sickness came back with a vengeance, worse than before lol. But I'm happy to feel nauseous, makes me feel safe.

How is everyone feeling today?

Labour pain is totally incomparable to other types of pain. I am a wuss when it comes to pain normally and I was so relaxed I was sleeping in between contractions :haha: a lot of people use hypnosis to help manage labour pain.

I have three friends with thyroid conditions who recently had babies with completely uncomplicated pregnancies if its any reassurance. Their drs just checked their levels and made regular adjustments to their medications. Sounds like you'll be in good hands :)

Lovely progression :thumbup:

I'm not sure what I'll do about pain relief tbh. This will be my first baby and I've not really got any experience of being in any real pain.... I've never even had a broken bone or anything, so I've got absolutely nothing to compare it to and no idea what my pain threshold is like. I'll probably be a total wimp :haha:

I would like a natural birth and would start off with gas/air, but after that I have no idea :shrug: The thought of havng an epidural or a c-section really does scare me, so I'd want to avoid that as much as possible.

I quite like the idea of a waterbirth, but I'm not sure if I'd have one or not.

Like I just said above, labour pains are totally different from any other pain. Its all about preparing yourself mentally and physically prior to birth. Look into hypnobirthing maybe (I didn't do it personally, but still naturally fell into some of its practices on my own)

So sorry cutie

went to dr today got my blood drawn he is doing a beta and a full panel. Hope to have results back tomorrow. He also gave me a prenatal prescription yay. but nervous about beta.

Weird thing was he pulled my eyelids down and asked me to look up im curious if there's a pregnancy sign im unfamiliar with lol. He doesn't usually do that at normal appts.

My guess is he was doing a quick check to see if you're aenemic before your labs come in. He could have done it for another reason of course but I always use my corneas to check on my iron situation. If theyre dark pink then your iron is fantastic. If theyre very pale then youre low on iron.

Do any of you ladies work out regularly? I was on a pretty good workout routine with cycling and barre but today I had to revert back to back to running for a three weeks.

I am pretty sure I will be fine if I make sure I don't get too hot or over exert.. but I wanted to see if anyone else was a big cardio/strength queen?

If you were previously working out then hyoure fine to continue doing so. Just listen to your body and dont overexert yourself. A friend of mine was doing insanity and similar type workouts until halfway through her triplet pregnancy!

Anybody heard of this???

Yes I've heard of the ramzi method and it seems to be rather accurate. You can't rely on looking at your own scans though better to ask your tech where its implanted as the images are often reversed on scans.

:blush:Well I just had my first emotional pregnancy lady alligator tears cry. At 3 am because.... google....lol I was so sad and scared cause I was destined to have a unhealthy baby or lose it and all these test thst drs demand that ladies say cause miscarriages. I finally got calmed down. My real problem is im terrified of a pap smear. Im 24 never had one but hubby was my first and he has always had frequent std testing until we became a thing lol. So ive never done it and really dont care too. Then i saw where a lot of women were saying they miscarried healthy pregnancys a couple days after a pap which really scared me lol But sigh newly pregnant lady stress. Im ok now I am going to talk to the dr and see if he will wait till I deliver I mean even if they find something they cant do anything till babys here anyway. What do u ladies think. Am I parnoid lol

Here in australia they won't do PAPs when youre pregnant. I was more than a year overdue for mine when I saw my gp and she said it's best to wait and catch it at the 6 week checkup afterwards. But in other countries it seems to be routine to do one at the first checkup whether one is needed or not so go figure!

Hello ladies! :hi:

I just found out yesterday that I am expecting #3! Two years ago today I found out I was pregnant with #2, my first June bug so thats kind of cool (but last time I found out at 5w2d and this time I found out at 3w3d).

My due date by LMP is the 15th, but I have a tendency to go a few days over.

I will be staying team :yellow: and will be having a homebirth. Anyone else planning one?

Further to my introduction, I will be 30 in December, my dh is also 30. We are both Canadians living semipermanently in australia. We ttc our first for over two years, fell pregnant with dd2 on my 5th postpartum cycle, and have been ntnp pretty much for a year now. My cycle didn't return til 13 months pp and I got pregnant on my third cycle this time :thumbup:

As for first appointments and first scans, I will be calling my midwife on monday but I doubt she'll make arrangements to come see me for quite some time yet. I will only be having a scan at 20 weeks :)

Normally I am quite a worrier, but oddly pregnancy is the one thing I never seem to worry about lol.
Hi ladies :)
DELIGHTED to say i am pregnant after 10yrs ttc, 2 ectopics, loss of both tubes and 4 cycles of IVF. 4th time was a charm <3
I got my BFP 2 days ago and my EDD is the 11th of June. I pray all goes well with this pregnancy after so much heartache.
Good luck to us all. I know its early days but we should enjoy every moment xxx

WowWow congratulations! Wishing you a wonderful 9 month journey :hugs:
Hi ladies :)
DELIGHTED to say i am pregnant after 10yrs ttc, 2 ectopics, loss of both tubes and 4 cycles of IVF. 4th time was a charm <3
I got my BFP 2 days ago and my EDD is the 11th of June. I pray all goes well with this pregnancy after so much heartache.
Good luck to us all. I know its early days but we should enjoy every moment xxx

Congrats queen!

Hi hi! It's been a busy week so I haven't been around too much. Trying to get all caught up :) Welcome to the new girls! Happy and healthy 9 months to you all!

I'm doing pretty good here. Still not much in the way of symptoms. Kinda wishing they'd pick up more so I FEEL pregnant. I've been sleeping a bit better the last couple of nights. I fell asleep about 9:50 last night (fairly early for me) and could still barely wake up this morning. Didn't help that it was extra dark and storming. Perfect sleep in kind of morning! I hit 5 weeks yesterday and it was a couple of days shy of 6 when I started having some problems last time, so I'm still a little nervous. Quite anxious for my scan next Friday just to be sure all is good. I guess being so busy helps distract me a bit at least. But hurry up time!

I don't feel pregnant at all either. I think in the back of my mind I'm still waiting for AF to show. :haha: maybe at 6 weeks I'll feel different since enough time would have passed. I'm not really hoping for signs though, I'm perfectly happy with smooth sailing

I'm expecting the midwife to call me back on Monday to schedule our first appointment. I believe it will be at 8 weeks. I'm not sure when scans happen.

As for telling everyone, we're going to stick with just my immediate family for now. We'll let them know in person when we see them at Thanksgiving which is coming up soon.
Thanks ladies! Congrats to us all <3
I cannot believe i am posting in a due date thread! it is so surreal xxx
Hi ladies :)
DELIGHTED to say i am pregnant after 10yrs ttc, 2 ectopics, loss of both tubes and 4 cycles of IVF. 4th time was a charm <3
I got my BFP 2 days ago and my EDD is the 11th of June. I pray all goes well with this pregnancy after so much heartache.
Good luck to us all. I know its early days but we should enjoy every moment xxx

So happy for you africaqueen! Sounds like such a roller coaster. Welcome to the group!
Feeling much better this afternoon :) Midwife has booked me an early scan for 15th October (7+1) so hopefully all will be well and i'll be able to relax a little after that. x
Thanks ladies :)
Official test day is tomorrow so i have bought a CB digital for that(iv been using cheapies up till now) but i am scared of it saying not pregnant even though i have had clear(though fainter than control line) BFPS for the past 2 days... xxx
Thanks ladies :)
Official test day is tomorrow so i have bought a CB digital for that(iv been using cheapies up till now) but i am scared of it saying not pregnant even though i have had clear(though fainter than control line) BFPS for the past 2 days... xxx

Congratulations and good luck!! Let us know how it goes, I am sure it will be great - any distinct line on a cheapie counts!

Symptoms update here... none! I agree that I would like to at least see a little something, but really I feel the same as always. Then of course I read last night in my pregnancy book that women who experience nausea are less likely to miscarry... so now I am worried about that too!
Good luck with the digi! It's always nice to see the word - seems to make it feel more 'real' lol :thumbup:

Until this afternoon my only real symptom had been tender breasts - especially the nipples, but I'm starting to wonder if I might be feeling the first of the 'morning' sickness?

I made a snack this afternoon with wafer thin ham on ryvita crackerbread and then just couldn't eat it because the ham just smelt really strong and it made me feel sick. So DH had it and I made myself something else :haha: And now a couple of hours later, I seem to keep getting a weird taste/feeing in the back of my throat and feeling sick. It only lasts couple of minutes and then passes, but keeps coming back. Having a drink helped at first, but now I just feel pretty sick :shrug:
Congrats, africaqueen! I have everything crossed for you that this will be a successful pregnancy.
Congratulations to the new :bfp:s! :)

I've got my booking in appt. with the midwife in a couple of hours and I'm really nervous - I'm going to be pushing for an early scan or, at the very least, betas and I just really hope that she takes me seriously. I'm already being treated for recurrent miscarriages at the moment and I've been spotting on/off all week (sometimes brown, sometimes pink or red) and it's been accompanied by strong cramps and some sharp pains just on the right hand side so I'm driving myself crazy with worry.

I've not had a decent night's sleep since I got my BFP, I've been irritable with DH and at work because I'm so worried/stressed and I've been getting really worked up and crying all the time. I'm testing every single day (sometimes more than once) and I just keep expecting to see a fainter line. Someone else I know locally is 7 weeks now and had her appt. earlier this week - the earliest scan availability they could give her is 14+1... I'm only 5 weeks now and I really can't carry on like this and wait another 7-9 weeks for my first scan to know if the pregnancy is viable or not :(

If she won't offer an early scan on the NHS then I'll be looking into private scans, but I really didn't want to have to pay for one because it's £60-99 depending where I go and then if I need a rescan (because they don't yet see a heartbeat or something) most local clinics charge again :(

Kit, I have been spotting for like 6 days now...ugh...it's really annoying. :growlmad: I talked to my doc's nurse and she said that they will do my betas again on Monday...but she also asked if I knew why I was bleeding and if it was from my yeast infection. :dohh: Obviously why I called them in the first place.
Kit, I have been spotting for like 6 days now...ugh...it's really annoying. :growlmad: I talked to my doc's nurse and she said that they will do my betas again on Monday...but she also asked if I knew why I was bleeding and if it was from my yeast infection. :dohh: Obviously why I called them in the first place.

:dohh::dohh: I seriously think that sometimes they just don't get it!

Fingers crossed that your betas are showing good progression on Monday - did you have betas done today to compare them to or are they comparing to earlier betas?

The midwife I saw today didn't seem too concerned with the spotting yet, but she did tell me to let them know if it gets heavier or more frequent - at the moment it's very much intermittent and only lasts a couple of hours at a time, but it varies in how heavy it is and what colour it is - sometimes brown, sometimes bright red. It's really frustrating because it just keeps making me worry :nope:
:dohh::dohh: I seriously think that sometimes they just don't get it!

Fingers crossed that your betas are showing good progression on Monday - did you have betas done today to compare them to or are they comparing to earlier betas?

The midwife I saw today didn't seem too concerned with the spotting yet, but she did tell me to let them know if it gets heavier or more frequent - at the moment it's very much intermittent and only lasts a couple of hours at a time, but it varies in how heavy it is and what colour it is - sometimes brown, sometimes bright red. It's really frustrating because it just keeps making me worry :nope:[/QUOTE]

Mine is probably about 3-4 times a day, normally pink to tan to pink...only bright red after I administer the god awful yeast infection medication. Which they finally switched me to an oral med today. They are going to compare to my last BETA this past Wednesday. So, here's to hoping they're progressing. I felt really nauseated yesterday, but not so bad today, just a lingering "don't feel quite well" feeling. :nope: It would be very nice to know one way or another. My DH wants me to go to the ER and get my BETAs checked sooner so that I can be at ease. But, I don't know if I want to.
Mine is probably about 3-4 times a day, normally pink to tan to pink...only bright red after I administer the god awful yeast infection medication. Which they finally switched me to an oral med today. They are going to compare to my last BETA this past Wednesday. So, here's to hoping they're progressing. I felt really nauseated yesterday, but not so bad today, just a lingering "don't feel quite well" feeling. :nope: It would be very nice to know one way or another. My DH wants me to go to the ER and get my BETAs checked sooner so that I can be at ease. But, I don't know if I want to.

It sounds like it could be the yeast infection medication causing the bright red bleeding if that's when it happens, fingers crossed :hugs:

I hope your betas are progressing well x
I have just had a very faint bfp with an edd of 8th june. This will be my 2nd child as i have a dd of 2.5yrs.
Congratulations to the new :bfp:s! :)

I've got my booking in appt. with the midwife in a couple of hours and I'm really nervous - I'm going to be pushing for an early scan or, at the very least, betas and I just really hope that she takes me seriously. I'm already being treated for recurrent miscarriages at the moment and I've been spotting on/off all week (sometimes brown, sometimes pink or red) and it's been accompanied by strong cramps and some sharp pains just on the right hand side so I'm driving myself crazy with worry.

I've not had a decent night's sleep since I got my BFP, I've been irritable with DH and at work because I'm so worried/stressed and I've been getting really worked up and crying all the time. I'm testing every single day (sometimes more than once) and I just keep expecting to see a fainter line. Someone else I know locally is 7 weeks now and had her appt. earlier this week - the earliest scan availability they could give her is 14+1... I'm only 5 weeks now and I really can't carry on like this and wait another 7-9 weeks for my first scan to know if the pregnancy is viable or not :(

If she won't offer an early scan on the NHS then I'll be looking into private scans, but I really didn't want to have to pay for one because it's £60-99 depending where I go and then if I need a rescan (because they don't yet see a heartbeat or something) most local clinics charge again :(

Kit, I have been spotting for like 6 days now...ugh...it's really annoying. :growlmad: I talked to my doc's nurse and she said that they will do my betas again on Monday...but she also asked if I knew why I was bleeding and if it was from my yeast infection. :dohh: Obviously why I called them in the first place.

Wouldn't it be nice if we intuitively knew what was wrong? Then we wouldn't need drs hey? Lol
Good luck. Bleeding in pregnancy is always scary. Especially when its too early to determine the source :/

I have just had a very faint bfp with an edd of 8th june. This will be my 2nd child as i have a dd of 2.5yrs.

Congratulations to you and the other newcomers!

Afm, I'm hoping for another smooth sailing pregnancy. I've never had MS but did have mild nausea last time that hung around forma couple of months. I've already been having some nausea and the little stretching cramps that are both disconcerting and reassuring. Little bean is nestling in :cloud9: I've been getting lots of hot flushes, not helped by my two little people who fight over who gets to sit on my lap and the other stands behind me squeezing my neck... Lol. I just need a little breathing room sometimes.

"Craving" so much fruit. Yesterday I ate two whole bananas, had a bananaberry green smoothie and two apples.
Ah i have been getting lots of stretching and mild cramps today and the nausea too. My lil bean must be getting comfy for the journey ahead <3 xxx
I have just had a very faint bfp with an edd of 8th june. This will be my 2nd child as i have a dd of 2.5yrs.

Congrats! You might not remember me but I remember you from baby club the first go around. Crazy we are both back here.
Symptoms check in: Feeling rather emotional the past few days. Almost in tears from worry. God I never thought pregnancy would be as hard as it already is. To be honest I've always been a worrier, even from being very young but I think this is going to be the toughest thing yet. I have mild OCD tendencies (no medication though) but I don't believe there is any help available in Japan as far as I know. I will ask at my appointment though. It scares me that pregnancy could set it off and I'll be a bad mother. I'm also scared of all the possible genetic and developmental disorders my baby could potentially have.

Boobs are still tender but I didn't think they hurt that much until I squeezed on of them a little too hard while checking and man it hurt!

No nausea really, a little but before eating from being hungry but nothing more than I'd normally get

Still a feeling of pressure on my bladder, I'm trying to drink more so that I urinate more. Seems to help.

Constipation and trapped wind still present :( I also have been getting the strangest sensations in my abdomen. Like a fluttering near my navel. I'm pretty sure it's wind but I have never felt it like that before. Weird!

Sorry you are feeling so worried Nicole. Try to relax and just enjoy it. What will happen will happen. Your pregnancy is a happy time, and before you know it, it'll be over. :)

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