those r cute clothes mdscpa
so guys. I have cancelled all of my appts and have asked my ob to message me when she is ready to give me a scheduled delivery date. I kind of feel like im going to have a nervous breakdown. My husband is workign longer hrs right now and ont even be able to take me to be seen twice a week. We are still in the process of suing because this water/plumbing issue hasnt been fixed. All the pain im going through cant be fixed. Its all pretty quite depressing. To top it off, WE JUST GOT ROBBED YESTERDAY!.they didnt break into the house, but stole items from our backyard including bikes and other fixtures for the home. We ae gonna put a rush on bulding a fence and now getting scurity cameras. we live right next door to a school too. ridiculous. Anyway, i really dont have the physical or emotional energy to be seen so much right now. i feel a bit horrible for making this decision, but i cant deal with it. my ob messaged me and asked me to go in to labor and deliver today and I said no. I just went there and even with me vomiting blood in the room, this rude doctor asked why I was crying because my baby is ok. So just because my baby is ok, that means I cant cry when I am in pain? I'm really lost.
my inlaws and my mom want to both come around at the delivery date( which i dont even know yet) but Im telling them to come a bit later. I feel so stressed and like im pushing ppl away . not sure what im gonna do.