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So went away on the plane to get to the hospital for my growth scan because apparently they can't do it in our hospital :dohh:

Baby is looking healthy and in proportion but she is measuring a little larger then average :help: :haha: even though they said that it may just be a sudden growth spurt and that she may go back to average size as the weeks go on , and that does make sense as bump this past month since my last scan has suddenly ballooned! :haha: I still can't help but crap myself slightly :haha: as I mean Kian was only 6.15 when he was born and as much as I loved labour and giving birth ... Well it hurt like a b*tch :haha: and he was so tiny!! I can't imagine how sore it will be with a larger baby!! :help: :dohh:

Like I said baby is looking perfectly healthy as usual but my fluid is a little low... They said it's not low enough atm to worry about but it needs to be kept an eye on so I'm not really worried tbh but knowing me I may wake up tomorrow and be a nervous wreck :dohh: It has annoyed me though as I'm sure I don't need to tell you about how crappy my midwife and only midwife in the damn place has been so far with all her mistakes and lack of care :growlmad: but I've said to her several times over this past month that I have every now and then be leaking fluid... And all she said was something along the lines of it will just be discharge or urine , even though I said that yes I have had an increase in discharge but it's not that! I can tell the difference, and I sure as hell know it isn't pee it's just different ... But yet again my concerns where just brushed off and now all of a sudden since my last scan where everything including fluid level was perfect now it's slightly low..... Coincidence?

Thankfully one of the midwifes who I had when I was pregnant with my first (who was amazing!) has now come off maternity leave and is working part time atm so I am going to phone her asap and tell her about this to see what she says! :thumbup:

I swear to God ( I know it's not serious just now and not to be concerned about apparently) but if what I have been leaking could even possibly be amniotic fluid of whatever you call it :dohh: and that stupid cow of a midwife just basically ignored me yet again! I will drop kick that ************************** !! :haha: In all seriousness though what if it was badly low today when I went for the scan and it was her fault I hadn't been examined when I voiced my concern in the first place.. What then!? How the hell I supposed to trust this woman after everything and now possibly this?! :growlmad: If it's possible I may ask now that there is another midwife , who is actually good at her job on (part time) if I could just be seen by her from now on and not the other one ... :S can you do that? Also anyone else had fluid be slightly low then go back to normal and not go worse? Typing it all out has actually made me slightly worried now :dohh:
P.s sorry for the long ass post :dohh:

Also here is a wee photo we got today of our not so little lady! :haha:


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Aww beautiful picture.
As far as I know your well with in your rights to request a new midwife. If you explain all the issues to someone I can't imagine they would make you carry on seeing her. That's just ridiculous. Or even just have a word with the other midwife and let her know how ur feeling. I'd have thought she would only be more than happy to help you, especially if you have a history with her xx
Hope you got it sorted x
Glad that for the most part everything went well with your appointment Sarah.

I agree you are within your rights to ask for someone who will take better care of you. I've not heard you say one good thing about the current mid wife and I cannot believe that she has not been reprimanded for her careless behaviour. I also understand it being a small town (like mine) and that you don't want to cause troubles for anyone but your baby has to come first and the midwife needs to pick up the slack!!! :growlmad: Sorry I got mad a bit

Hopefully when you call the new mid wife and explain everything to her she would be willing to take you on as her patient even though she is part time. I really hope she can help and give you better care. Leaking fluids should not be taken lightly and the other midwife should have at least done some kind of check or ordered a scan / test to determine whether it was just discharge or urine.

FX and let us know what the other midwife - the better one :D - says
Thanks ladies :flower: she was actually doing house visits when I phoned so she said she would get back to me asap , I let her know briefly about the slightly low fluids and that's what I wanted to talk about so fingers crossed I'll get to speak to her soon about it :thumbup: and then possibly be brave enough to say I don't want to see the other midwife :S :haha:

Oh also managed to get technically...ish :haha: our first family photo of four! <3
Kian actually fell asleep cuddling into baby bump which I found too cute not to take a pic! (Despite feeling and looking like crap :dohh: hence the black and white so I don't look so deathly ill :haha: ) also oh decided to pull a silly ass face instead of smiling :dohh: :haha: but still love it! <3


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That is such a lovely pic Sarah! You look wonderful so no more talking about looking like crap etc. That is an order young lady :argh:
I feel like I should be able to sleep now... But no I have to work for about 3 more hours :(
so after contemplating on whether or not to go to my appt today, i decided to go. The sonographer was pretty nice and once evrything was done, she said she wanted to show the doctor some videos and he would come right back.

30 minutes go by and I leave to find someone and ask why its taking so long. I was anxious because last time i waited that long for results, they came back with 'bad' news about his condition.

A different sonogrpaher laughed it off an sai they were just busy. I wasnt buying it, but i went back to my room anyway.

doctor came back and told me he wanted me to lie back down so they could do some more monitoring. I asked why and for them to tell me what was wrong.

To make a long story short... measuring under... umbilical cord is exerting too much energy for what it needs to be doing(forgot medical terminology n wat not)... left off by saying that higher chance of placenta disintegrating.. still birth.. low birth wait.

then said he wanted me to be seen 3 times a week( nto two like my ob said).. the thir visit was for something else. cant remember. kind of in and out with listening to him. was way too much for me.

Looks like I would be a horrible person not going to any further appts... im really scared
Oh Nilla, I'm so sorry. I'm glad you went for the u/s so that they could pick up that there is a problem and treat it.

I know it probably isn't what you wanted or feel up for but I think you should go for your extra appointments however hard it may be. That way they can keep a close eye on you and baby and make sure you are both fine.

I hate that you are going through such a rough time! I have faith though that your little boy will be just fine and a few short weeks you'll be holding him with the heart ache and pain a distant memory :hugs:
Beautiful pictures (sonos and family photo) Sarah... Glad your appointment went well and not so little lady is doing great.
Oh pic of Adams clothes and stuff looked lovely, gifts are great arnt they, and even better when they are very practical haha
My mother keeps buying alsorts, kids got more clothes than and OH put together haha

Thanks Pink. Gifts are great!!! If only all the people we know can sponsor all the baby's needs for the first year. :haha: I still love buying stuff we like for Adam though...
Aww nilla I'm so sorry its so rough for you at the minute but Defo agree that attending as many appointments as you can is best option. Also agree that in a few short weeks you will have a beautiful little baby in your arms and looking forward to a wonderful future :hugs:
Nilla :hugs: I'm so sorry you are having to go through all this worry! I will keep you and little one in my thoughts and prayers <3 it must be so so tough but try your best to keep possitive and to echo what the other ladies said above think that it will all be over soon enough and you will have your beautiful little baby safe in your arms and all this worry will seem like a distant memory :hugs:
My 28 week MW appointment (weight + bloods) is on Wednesday but I've got my whooping cough vaccine 15 mins beforehand, is that not going to affect my blood results at all?
Lovely photos Sarah :) Glad your appointment went well, I'm also measuring ahead with a large baby and I'm quite nervous about it. Fingers crossed for us both! x

Nilla - So sorry to hear that you're going through so much stress right now :hugs: It's good that they've picked the issue up so that they can monitor you though x

Smartie - No idea about the vaccine interfering with your blood work but mention it to your midwife and if it's a problem I'm sure she will just get you to come back. Or you could phone up before hand and ask the question then if necessary you can re-arrange one of the appts?

I had another appt. with my midwife on Friday and the results of my 28 week bloods were back and I'm anaemic so they're prescribing iron tablets (3 x daily) and she's said if the pain I keep getting in my hips, groin and pelvis area isn't any better by my next appt. in a couple of weeks time then she'd like to refer me for physiotherapy - she said that some pressure is normal (particularly in pelvis) but I shouldn't be experiencing the pain that I've been in.

Getting started on the nursery this weekend - we've finally finished moving everything that was in that room into the other spare room and we've cleared out loads of stuff we don't need any more. We've done the painting we needed to do and my dad is coming to wallpaper one of the walls and put borders up on the other three tomorrow. Excited :D
Sorry Smartie, I don't know about the tests either. Fx that it doesn't affect anything so that you don't habe to reschedule!

Kit, glad overall things are looking good. I have a lot of pelvic pain too but my GP said it's ligaments and nothing I can do. So I'm just trying to take it easy. Hopefully your pain eases soon. Have fun with the nursery :D
27 Weeks Bump Pic aka 1st bump of 3rd tri :yipee:

Lovely bump photo! :)

I love looking at everyone else's bump pics... I swear I just look fatter :blush:

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