Proud Mummy of two á¦
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So went away on the plane to get to the hospital for my growth scan because apparently they can't do it in our hospital
Baby is looking healthy and in proportion but she is measuring a little larger then average
even though they said that it may just be a sudden growth spurt and that she may go back to average size as the weeks go on , and that does make sense as bump this past month since my last scan has suddenly ballooned!
I still can't help but crap myself slightly
as I mean Kian was only 6.15 when he was born and as much as I loved labour and giving birth ... Well it hurt like a b*tch
and he was so tiny!! I can't imagine how sore it will be with a larger baby!!

Like I said baby is looking perfectly healthy as usual but my fluid is a little low... They said it's not low enough atm to worry about but it needs to be kept an eye on so I'm not really worried tbh but knowing me I may wake up tomorrow and be a nervous wreck
It has annoyed me though as I'm sure I don't need to tell you about how crappy my midwife and only midwife in the damn place has been so far with all her mistakes and lack of care
but I've said to her several times over this past month that I have every now and then be leaking fluid... And all she said was something along the lines of it will just be discharge or urine , even though I said that yes I have had an increase in discharge but it's not that! I can tell the difference, and I sure as hell know it isn't pee it's just different ... But yet again my concerns where just brushed off and now all of a sudden since my last scan where everything including fluid level was perfect now it's slightly low..... Coincidence?
Thankfully one of the midwifes who I had when I was pregnant with my first (who was amazing!) has now come off maternity leave and is working part time atm so I am going to phone her asap and tell her about this to see what she says!
I swear to God ( I know it's not serious just now and not to be concerned about apparently) but if what I have been leaking could even possibly be amniotic fluid of whatever you call it
and that stupid cow of a midwife just basically ignored me yet again! I will drop kick that ************************** !!
In all seriousness though what if it was badly low today when I went for the scan and it was her fault I hadn't been examined when I voiced my concern in the first place.. What then!? How the hell I supposed to trust this woman after everything and now possibly this?!
If it's possible I may ask now that there is another midwife , who is actually good at her job on (part time) if I could just be seen by her from now on and not the other one ... :S can you do that? Also anyone else had fluid be slightly low then go back to normal and not go worse? Typing it all out has actually made me slightly worried now 

Baby is looking healthy and in proportion but she is measuring a little larger then average

Like I said baby is looking perfectly healthy as usual but my fluid is a little low... They said it's not low enough atm to worry about but it needs to be kept an eye on so I'm not really worried tbh but knowing me I may wake up tomorrow and be a nervous wreck

Thankfully one of the midwifes who I had when I was pregnant with my first (who was amazing!) has now come off maternity leave and is working part time atm so I am going to phone her asap and tell her about this to see what she says!

I swear to God ( I know it's not serious just now and not to be concerned about apparently) but if what I have been leaking could even possibly be amniotic fluid of whatever you call it