Hi ladies! Just to let you all know I had my little boy via c section on Friday the 5th of June at 9.19am. He was taken strait to special care and put on a ventilator as he didn't want to breathe by himself, on Saturday they switched him to cpap machine and he began to improve. After brain scans, anti seizure mediation and lots of special care he was finally allowed his first cuddle with mummy at 48 hours old. Yesterday he was returned to my bedside where he still is now. We will be here until at least Friday he has another brain scan that afternoon. He was born a healthy 7lb2oz and has dropped down to 6lb4oz and will be weighed again on Wednesday. Unfortunately I had to give up Breast feeding on consultant advice because of my bipolar medication. They are not sure what caused his breathing problems but think it's withdrawl from my tablets. He is on 4 hourly observations at the moment. I am doing ok, I'm exhausted and in quite a lot of pain, I lost a bit of blood during surgery and recovery is much slower than with the girls but I'm just happy to have a healthy baby. Introducing my brave little boy Kitt Anthony John Batchelor!
He's precious MileySo glad you finally got cuddles in, and I wish you a speedy recovery!
After my 6am wake up, I went upstairs to watch a movie. Can't remember if I was able to sleep again or not, but felt better by noon. (Funny how feeling better at this stage is not necessarily a good thing!) Discharge increased ever-so-slightly, so hopefully it's an indication that I'll have an arrival by the end of the week.
Guess I feel emotionally crappy though 'cause all I've eaten is peanut putter on toast, dill pickle chips and ice cream![]()
Awww mdscpa I'm so sorry it wasnt the news you was expecting! And will keep my FX'd little Adam comes naturally.
I've got a really awful feeling I'm gonna end up with cs as consultant thinks baby is going to be big![]()
I'm dubious but suppose they have to get it right some of the time......
It's not good that ur DH won't be there, I thought you could have 1 person in with u.
I can't due to having GA but normally you can be accompanied.
Wunna: I'd Defo say there was a drop in ur bump, mine did it weeks ago and I'm still waiting tho![]()
Every pain and twinge is now starting to get on my nerves as upto now they have meant nothing!
Us mummies are sick of waiting
Congratulations, Miley!! So many bubs being born now ^_^
Mdspca - I'm sorry for the bad news. It's annoying when people say "a baby is never too big to give birth too" despite not taking the mothers bone structure into account and only the case of vagunal stretching. Have you tried rolling your hips back and forth on your ball to widen your bones softly?
Not looking good for me atm for VBACbaby is laid OP (back to back) and I'm +3 engaged so MW didn't want to do the sweep as it'd be worse option to go into labour in that position and would result in a caesarean. So she's seeing me again at 39+6 and if she's turned, give the sweep then although it should be at 40+7 for second time mums but it ready's me for induction at 40+3 with another sweep. Supposed to have had MW app at 36w too but nothing. So not booked for 2 appointments. If i want an ELC then have to tell MW and she'll get me booked in asap.
I'm sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for mdscpa.
Well, I made it through the night, almost 6am now. But I have what I assume are contractions...I'm not a huge fan lol. Was able to sleep pretty well last night, but some were getting more then uncomfortable. If they increase in intensity over the day then it looks like I'll actually be getting close. We shall see.
I feel kind of weird about it...is this seriously happening? I'm not sure if I should recommend DH stay home or not (I'll need him well rested too!).
Practicing breathing through one right now...