2 Days away from my expected due date and it feels like nothing to me anymore because I don't know when he is going to decide to come...
On a random note before I update you ladies on my appointment, I wish somebody could take pictures of the faces I pull in the middle of the night when trying to get up to pee. If the faces look only half as funny as they feel I'm sure I'll pee myself laughing
Okay onto more serious business

Went for appointment and all is still well. Only thing that has changed is that Matthew has apparently never been fully engaged! The nurse that checked this morning felt a few times and said he is def not fully engaged but 3/5. I told her according to the other nurse he was and she said the other nurse must have felt it wrong.
I told her that I've been losing some of my plug since Sunday and wondering how far I might have dilated (yes, this is me clearly hinting that somebody can ram a fist up there and FFS just check). I get the typical generic clinic answer: "You won't have dilated as you are not in labour"
So I go back next week Thursday if I haven't gone into labour yet. Will then be referred to a Dr and should then start discussing induction options as I pretty much won't have a choice if my body doesn't go into labour by itself before 42 weeks etc.
Cherry on the cake, I almost pooped my pants and literally just just made it home in time to hit the loo.
My day has literally been off to a shit start