Nikoru -
Right now it could be due to anything. I had this problem about 8 days ago, and then it had been ongoing for about 10 days. It resolved completely on its own.
Just keep an eye on it, and see a doctor if you start having other symptoms, such as burning or pain while peeing.
weewdy -
Vitamins can cause queasiness. Maybe try skipping it for a couple of days and see if you feel better. I need to take mine after breakfast. Otherwise I'll feel queasy as soon as I take the pill...
Snufkin -
Pressure bands help me with motion sickness, they haven´t helped with MS so far. I hope they work for you
Nikoru -
Definitely wishing you all the luck in the world.

Maybe try meditating? It helped me during my last pregnancy. Just sitting down, and counting your breaths is a good start. You can find meditating practices online to use.
Don´t worry about bothering us, we´re all here to help each other through the good times and the bad

6+2 could very well be too early, especially with twins.
Here they don´t guarantee hearing the HB until at least week 8, and never a full guarantee until week 12... Fx.
sengland -
Hormones are fun, huh?

I hope you hear the HB in two weeks
bakeranm -
Wow, 20 weeks is really late. Here we get one at 12 weeks, then 20 weeks. Not sure about any after that, unless there is a problem...
susannah -
pregnancy dreams can be so surreal and scary.
Man, I would love to have twins this time around.
kit603 - Nice scan pic

Looks beautiful
kissesandhugs -
I hope MS stays away from you
I got that feeling of hunger this morning as well. Was absolutely starving, and couldn´t wait for my porridge to be ready... Almost stuffed my mouth with bread or crackers...
starluck -
Buffyx -
I´m still the same. Experiencing extreme hunger every once in a while.
Craving carbs again like last time, though I´m trying my darndest to keep away from bread...

9 days until I get my early scan.