2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Trimming stories are too funny! I can't recall what I did 'down there' either but I do remember that DH had to help because I couldn't see and I could really reach every where by the end either. DH already had to help me this time as I have sciatica and can't lean at the right angle without jerking upright in pain (not something I'm will to risk with a razor on my vag!).

It is true that you really don't care who sees what when you are in labour though. I was ready to show anyone who came in the room assuming that they were coming to help me and almost ended up showing the guy who came to ask if I could have something for lunch! :haha:

Don't worry about weight gain, you won't know how much you are really looking at having to try to lose until your baby is born... it isn't just the 1 lbs of baby we are currently carrying, all the other stuff adds up too (amniotic fluid, increased blood, increase water retention, placenta, etc)!

We didn't use peepee teepees, just opened the diaper to let the cool air on his bits and then folded the diaper loosely back over it while we grab wipes and a fresh diaper. I never got peed on, DH got peed on twice and pooped on once!
My midwives require a class, so I'm hoping it will be useful. It does cover baby care, but I don't know how much.

I thought about peepee teepees, but I've never needed them for my nephew, and I'm hoping if I do need anything, I can manage with diapers or wipes. Since we're using all cloth, it's not going to kill me to use an extra wipe every change.

Just finished my glucose stuff. It was not delicious, but not quite as bad as I was worried about...
Hi ladies, just checking in quickly.

Hope you are all well. Are ladies still on bed rest? I hope it is helping and not driving you too nuts!

Congrats on all the good news from echos to gender reveals :). I enjoy the team yellow comments aha- I think with everyday I feel happier not knowing- i think i've lost my first child girl preference. I'm loving my weight being up (7lbs) and my bump has truly popped out now.

Had my flu jab Saturday and my arm is starting to feel less sore now! Also got my antenatal class and hospital tour date through for February 14th- how romantic ay! :) not sure if OH can come though, he might be on shift.

Thanks to the ladies who shared the little stories, they amused me aha.
I bought a few yards of flannel to make baby wipes and figured it would be easy to make the teepees at the same time.
Any mommas have issuea with chemical burna when using storebought wipes? I've heard only one story about a newborn getting 2nd degree burns on her bottom bc she had such sensitive skin. It bothered me enough to just make homemade ones with a wash solution that is all natural. Also figure little one might be like me and have sensitivity to perfumes.
The one thing I have noticed about going through all these changes is that I have to laugh because if I dont, I will cry. So I often look online to find funny stories about pregnant women and their experiences. I will be sure to share more of them everyone can enjoy them with me.
We haven't had any issues with wipes, but I have a friend whose daughter was very allergic. The only thing their daughter could handle was a cloth with just water. I have some cloth wipes, but store boughts are definitely easier to use when out and about. Although if you're cloth diapering, you might as well use cloth wipes too :)
Peepee teepees are a total waste of money in my opinion! They totally don't work - just fold the diaper/nappy up until you are ready to do a quick whip off and change.

Just to follow on the hair-down-there trimming stories... After having dd I think perhaps the drugs made me a bit out there as I apologized to anyone who would listen about my bikini line.... Even the phlebotomist who came to do my bloods the morning after my c section who wasn't even going to look down below :haha: this time I plan to keep trimming just in case of un scheduled hospital visits! The worst bit was I had a wax booked for the following week!
With the exception of my armpits (because I'm used to shaving those blind), I'm not shaving anything I can't see! Blindness, contortion, and sharp razors just don't seem like a healthy combination. I'll save the episiotomy for if I need one at the birth ;)

The midwife went well! I didn't think the glucose test was too bad, so hopefully that's a good sign that my body doesn't freak out when subjected to lots of it. She started measuring the fundus and it's at 25cm, at 24+4, so pretty close to exactly where it should be. And she found the heartbeat with the doppler instantly. Just poked my belly a bit, and got it spot on. It was crazy, it usually take forever and lots of shifting around to find. I'm sure it was just a matter of him being bigger and it being easier to figure out his position now, but it was like magic.

She did say that at my last ultrasound, my amniotic fluid was low normal. She told me to make sure I drink a lot leading up to the 28 week scan to check my placenta position so the ultrasound will work better, but I'm going to make sure to drink more in general. I thought I was doing pretty well on hydration, but I guess I could do better. I don't like to hear that anything isn't exactly normal normal!
I love all the trimming stories! :) I trimmed about a month ago and started to the other day but decided I needed my husbands help! haha It's even hard for me to shave my legs! Although we're now going into winter I won't worry about it too much, but husband did mention my legs were "scratchy" the other day.

Has anyone's partner felt the baby move yet? I'm at 21 weeks (soon 22) and flutters are just starting to be an everyday thing. DH has yet to feel Emma move yet even though he tries really hard! When will he be able to feel her move?!

MrsK, Have fun at your class! I took a class every Tuesday last month and found it a bit helpful. Each night was a different topic. I found the breastfeeding and the exercise class most helpful. The other three classes were nice but since I had already read up on those topics (nutrition and labor and baby care were the topics) weren't as useful but my husband (who is a nonreader) got to ask some of his questions so it was good for us! :)
Thanks, LSD. I'm not sure at this point if we're actually going to have a class! Apparently the instructor emailed me yesterday (I gave them the less frequently checked email because it's easier to dictate over the phone) saying that the class may be cancelled due to low enrollment, and she hasn't updated. We have time to do her next series of classes, but I'm a little worried that if this one is cancelled, the next one could be, and then we're really screwed. And the others I found would be harder to work around DH's work schedule (plus they cost a LOT more). I hope she calls or emails soon! The only phone number I have is for the hospital where it's held...
LSD (and everyone): DH felt the baby move for the first time today! I'm 24+3. Until yesterday I think she was transverse, and she was definitely VERY low (I was only feeling movements in my vagina region). Today all day I felt my belly looked more centered, and I mentioned to my mom that I thought maybe she had moved to head down, or flipped or something. Well this afternoon I felt movement just below my belly button, and when I lay on my back and stuck my hands in that heart shape around my belly button, I felt (and saw) a huge kick/punch. So I called to DH to come over, and he put his face on my belly, and for the first time he felt her. And she kicked him about 10 times in under 2 minutes! I cried right away, I am so excited that he finally can share this with me, and it seriously made me forget all about my fears/worries of weight gain. That moment would make gaining 100lbs worth it!
Aww, that's great! I can't wait til DH can feel little T kicking, but I think it'll be awhile yet.

My class was cancelled. I finally heard back from the instructor half an hour before it started. Not impressed. I emailed her back to ask her if there was any guarantee the Jan-Feb course would happen if enrollment was low, but I'm also sending out feelers for other classes, because we're really not thrilled with how she handled the cancellation. DH said he can shift his work schedule around if he really has to. I'm down to two really inconveniently located classes, and beyond that I'm just going to have to send out a bunch of emails. Kind of a pain in the ass. It's almost 2015, why can I not just read about your methods and schedule this stuff online??
We are thinking about doing some sort of class. My county's healthy unit has some in person classes and you can also sign up for an online class. The in person sounds interesting, because we would actually have to go and maybe get to practice things on fake babies, but they haven't updated the website for 2015 dates, and all of the 2014 dates are finished. We may just do online. I mostly want it for baby care and breast feeding.
This week I am planning on doing my glucose test. Probably Thursday morning. It's something I can do in town, which is good. My fingers are crossed that the results are healthy!
I also have a 3D ultrasound booked for the end of the week. We are hoping to finally find out if we are having a boy or girl. It's not until the evening, so it may be a long day!
We are supposed to be having a guy come out to our place tomorrow afternoon to check out the baby room, as it needs some framing and drywalling. We haven't been able to find someone yet, as the person we thought would do it is busy and may not have time. This is a time sensitive matter though, and we really can't wait too much longer as we will need to paint, install the floor and put the furniture in and such. I will want to be involved and I don't want to be waddling around trying to do all of that stuff.
I hope the little stinker cooperates! You're so patient, I would have bought an ultrasound machine by now ;)

I think I found a good alternative class! It wasn't on the midwives' list, but their list was just recommendations, we're not required to choose one of them. It's a little more varied and discusses drug options more in depth, as opposed to being strictly natural birth hippie stuff, but there's a chance I'll change my mind and want some relief, so it'll be good to have that information, especially for DH who isn't reading all the books. And it does sound like it is very natural birth friendly and not one that pushes the drugs. It's a good time and location for us, too - no shifting work schedules around or running from work to class. It runs right up to the middle of week 36, and the midwife suggested I finish by 36 weeks, but I don't think a few days will matter.

I just need DH to take a look at the website and give his approval, and I'll sign us up.
The hair trimming stories have made me laugh! I didn't have a problem with it when I was pregnant with the boys but I'm already having trouble this time as I'm carrying low. I won't be asking my oh for help as I don't trust him not to try to be funny with it :dohh:
We won't be taking any classes. We took them when we were expecting ds1 but 3rd time round we're veterans :haha:
I'm trying to make even more of an effort to drink lots of water today after my scare last night with the regular Braxton hicks. It's hard though as I'm feeling very sick today and drinking water is going against everything my body is saying when I'm like this!
I got the dreaded orange juice for my glucose test in a few weeks. I don't remember what I did with my son, but my doctor told me I didn't have to fast before. He said I could eat breakfast, just as long as it wasn't too sugary. But then nothing to eat after I drink the drink. But some people have to fast? I don't get it?
Yeah, I was told to eat normally just not anything too sugary before the test. I have to do mine sometime in the next couple weeks... putting it off...
It really does seem to vary widely by office. I didn't have to fast until after I drank the stuff, thankfully, but I was advised not to eat anything carby before the test, so I scheduled it early and had cottage cheese for breakfast. It seems questionable to make pregnant women fast if it's not necessary, doesn't it? My instructions didn't say anything about coffee, though, and then as I was drinking it I saw that the bottle said to avoid caffeine just before the test, so hopefully the coffee I had an hour earlier wasn't a problem. I suppose if it was, I'll just have to suffer through the 3 hour.

We're all signed up for the replacement class. Phew! I think the scheduling on this one is a little better for us, too, except that it'll make things a little trickier with scheduling the shower, since it's on a Sunday in January. I mentioned to a couple mom friends that this one was a little less natural birth focused and a little more balanced than the last class, but that it looked like it was still very natural birth-friendly and wouldn't just be 20 hours of "get an epidural, idiot!" and I got a lot of "well, you never know what will happen! Look at all this stuff that happened to me!" in response. Do they think I've made it this far into pregnancy without knowing that? I mean, I'm pretty sure seeing my way crunchier than us brother and SIL have my nephew at 28 weeks via not quite emergency c-section has well and truly disabused me of the notion that everything will go just as I want it to! It doesn't mean I'm not wary of ending up in a class that pushes for something I'm not planning and doesn't equip me with the tools I need to make a natural birth possible, you know? I think it's a good idea to learn about epidurals and complications and all that, I just don't want a class that assumes I'm going to take the highly medicalized route and doesn't cover different birth positions and water birth and all that stuff. Why do people assume first time moms are just totally oblivious to reality? I guess it's not as bad as mom asking me if I asked the doctor if I'm allowed to have Tums when I took some in front of her. No, mom, I just decided to randomly endanger the baby by putting a bunch of medications in my body after doing no research at all!

I have to schedule our hospital orientation and my next ultrasound today, too. It's gonna be a busy few months!
If I'm not mistaken you only have to fast if you fail the first test and need to do the 3 hour one.

I haven't gotten a phone call from my GTT from Friday, so I think I've passed! :happydance:
I made it to V Day! so excited. Only 104 days left till my C-Section!!

Hubby has been able to feel baby from the outside on and off since 21 weeks. It is so sweet as last time I had an anterior placenta and it seemed to take forever before he could feel anything.

As far as trimming goes I am booked in to get a full Brazilian wax on Feb 26th so I am clean as a whistle for my CS on March 3rd. I did the same thing last time with my daughter. It hurts like a biatch but soo worth it.

I wont be doing birthing classes as this is third time around for me so I already know what I am in for but I do highly recommend FTM attending.


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