2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Morning all, just catching up on all the posts whilst having 2 minutes at work! Congrats on the new genders, and like someone else said respect to those who are strong enough not to buckle!! I have never managed not to find out!!

So.... Crib sets. Yeah I am kind of wishing for new ones for this baba but I have perfectly good ones from DS and DD..... Really it's unnecessary, but who can resist a nursery makeover and shopping spree!! I found some very cute plaid/tartan/bears and moose ones which are so cute for a little scottish boy in Canada, so maybe just maybe I will indulge! I will prob be very last minute about it all as with this pregnancy I feel kind of superstitious like if I do anything it will be jinxed and I will be back to being the woman with the fully done nursery home from a c section with no baby to hold. Crazy logic, but it gets me through.

Missfrick how'd your GTT go? Ladybrown how was the echo? Mummy3 did you get your FFN done?

It's freakishly cold here today in the sticks, a wettish -26 with snow. Bring on those sunny cold days of proper winter!

Anyway it's 4am I'm going to try and get some sleep whilst I can and will check I again over the weekend :D

Happy weekend everyone!!

Bumpers and crib skirts are cute, cant say I've ever used them though. I can see the older kids trying to play forts under the crib skirts lol. They're all so cute though!

Congrats lsd and ladybrown:happydance:

What is fluffier?

Cant even think of snow here in San Diego:wacko: :rofl:

MrsK, glad you got your classes finalized! Probably a stupid question, but what all will they teach at them? I never have managed to go to a class.

Drmum, that's not crazy logic:hugs: One day at a time:hugs:

Didn't get ffn :( They just did the usual round of scans, checking fluid, cervix etc and put me on the contraction monitor. Contractions look weird on the ultrasound, like a big ball on the top of the screen! Cervix is stable though so home again:thumbup: Twice weekly now and they've moved steroids from the 2nd dec to the 28th nov so 13 days and counting:happydance: They're going to do ffn at the same time and talk about when its time for hospital bedrest :argh:
Sounds scary, Mummy! But a stable cervix is good news, right? Keep those legs crossed!

DrMum, I don't blame you for being superstitious!

The classes are all different, depending on what method you use. My midwives recommended Bradley, Informed Beginnings (which I think is similar to Bradley), Hypnobirthing, and then gave me a list of other independent classes that seem to be mostly Bradley inspired. Since my office leans more natural, they focus on the natural birth classes. They teach the stages of labor, choices to be made, possible complications, natural pain relief techniques, relaxation methods, and so on, and finish up by touching on baby care, breastfeeding, and so on. I'm sure there are some that are more geared towards the typical more medicalized births, and epidurals, and so on.

It's going to be baby overload this week! We have our cloth diapering class tomorrow, then the midwives (and the gtt test) Monday morning, then the birth classes start Monday night. This is starting to feel a little more real!
You know the only plus side to a crib skirt is you can hide all your crap under there and it still looks tidy haha!
That's what I'm thinking! I can tuck an under bed storage bin with his too-big clothes under the crib if I have a skirt! His closet is being used to store our stuff til he's big enough to care, so I can't store much baby stuff in there.
We bought our first baby things today, but oh, what a stressful rush!
Yesterday I did my GTT, got a flu shot, did some shopping, and played two games of 10-pin bowling (I feel the need to say that because for some reason in my city, 5-pin is the norm). Needless to say I was exhausted.
Wanted to wake up at 930 this morning to be on the road to Montreal for 10am, but didn't end up leaving until 11. There was a sample sale of baby clothes but only until 2pm. Well we got there at 154pm, and they said we couldn't go in. I begged and said we only needed 5 minutes, and that we came all the way from Ottawa, and luckily they let us in, but also rushed us the whole time. In the end we got 4 sleeper sets in 3m, and 2 dresses in 6m (perfect for late summer, and also for our honeymoon). The best part was that everything was only $5! I wish we had a chance to look around more, but the woman organizing the sale was like "ok, everyone to the cash, get out of here" which is weird because we all wanted to spend money. In any case we spent $30 (no tax!) and got 6 super cute things!

How's everyone doing with weight gain? I'm getting pissed at myself for being so stupid in the first trimester... but I love the way my body looks pregnant so it's a tradeoff I guess. I won't be so dumb next time though, because I think that first 10lbs did me in. I'm up 23lbs as of this morning, which is a hard pill to swallow. My goal was to stay under 40, hopefully I can do it. The only consolation as of right now is I haven't found one new stretch mark (and the ones I have from puberty are all white). Though I must say, I think because I'm short I just carry big and in front. I'm all belly and bum!

Mummy I'm glad you're almost getting your steroid shots, she's going to be so strong and good, and then you just cross you legs for as long as possible!
Drmum, that was my exact thought :rofl: An extra closet to hide crap lol

Yeah legs crossed. I've had pprom with a long closed cervix though:wacko:

MrsK, I've heard of the Bradley method but never really looked into it, it sounds like a good programme:thumbup: My aim is an unmedicated, no epidural, natural delivery. For some reason they were by far my easiest, both pain and recovery wise. That's a lot of baby stuff to do!! Will most definitely be real by the end of that!!

Missfrick, that's crazy, you'd think they'd want as much money as possible:wacko: Yay for getting some cute stuff!!! Your weightgain sounds perfect, our bodies will gain what they want to pretty much. There's absolutely nothing to be gained from stressing about it, embrace the changes and then after little lady is here you can take your time to get back in shape. Nine months on, nine months off:thumbup: I've gained huge amounts in prior pregnancies, its always come off, some pregnancies slower than others but did get there and you will too:hugs:
DrMum echo went great baby is fine. The whole thing took about 30 minutes since baby was cooperative.

With the weight gain I've actually lost five pounds just due to following the diabetic diet so I've been instructed to increase my daily calories just a little. So with weight loss I have gained about 10lbs so far
Last time they weighed me, which was 2 weeks ago, I was up almost 12 lbs. I was thinking I'm a pretty good size but then today after church we had a brief conversation with the priest:

him: so, when's the big day?
me: March
him: :shock: March?!?! Wow, well it must be a boy
me: I'm 5 months, more than half way and it's a girl...
him: well, good luck! *walks away awkwardly*

The look on his face was priceless, he must have thought I was ready to pop any day. DH thought it was hilarious too and we spent the drive home joking about it. Even funnier because it was a priest!
So glad to hear your echo went great ladybrown! Thanks for the feedback :hugs:

I hope this little monkey cooperates too and every things is good.

Weight gain wise I'm at 13lbs right now but am really trying to keep it down. With DS I must have been somewhere in the 40+ range which was a nightmare to try and lose. With DD I was below my pre pregnancy weight within about 3 weeks.

Today I blitzed my kitchen as it was getting out of control with all kinds of things just being parked on the work tops. Phew! Turned into quite the job! Time to have a cup of tea and relax!
Ladybrown, that's brilliant news:hugs:

All the weight gains seem in the right range:thumbup: This time I'm down 8 but up 10 from the thyroid weightloss, its stabilized so the gaining is going to get fast:haha:

Lilfoosh :rofl: Cant win huh?! People can be so odd with comments about bumpsize, I've had so tiny cant tell you're pregnant, to is it twins :rofl: Just nod and agree!

Drmum, def time to sit and have that cuppy now, try and take it easy!:hugs:

Is anyone having trouble resisting cravings? Or having really bad cravings? I seriously cant stop eating crap!!! There's a little Scottish bakery close to my house and I swear I'm there at least 5x a week!! Their almond croissants *drool*
Is anyone having trouble resisting cravings? Or having really bad cravings? I seriously cant stop eating crap!!! There's a little Scottish bakery close to my house and I swear I'm there at least 5x a week!! Their almond croissants *drool*

Wow I wish I could eat pastries daily and stay small... I'm literally laughing so hard that I've gained so much more than everyone... darn first trimester, I swear it set me up for failure! On the plus size, I love the way my body looks, it's just the darn scale pissing me off.

Craving-wise I am craving baked potatoes from Wendy's (just plain with margarine). I probably eat 2-3 a week (not too bad). But it's not a killer I-need-it-now craving. I haven't had any of those.
Don't sweat it too much missfrick, certainly for me I'm sure I still have those 10 first tri lbs from my first that I never lost so I didn't need to gain them 2nd or 3rd time round!

And I found it true that irrespective of weight, my body was a different shape after kids. I like it better than I did before :D ...but that's not to say if someone offered me to get everything lifted by 6 inches I would turn it down though...... :haha:
I don't know exactly what I've gained because it fluctuates and I haven't weighed in for a week or so, but it was more than I was hoping for! At least 15lb, maybe closer to 20 - I think I've already hit my total pregnancy allowance! It's been almost all in the second trimester, too. I haven't had crazy cravings, but I have had a sweet tooth, and my diet has been carb heavy because of the meat aversions.

We really enjoyed our diaper class. DH ended up really preferring pre-folds, which surprised me because they're the more complicated ones. I've used them on my nephew and have no complaints with them, so I think that's what we'll mostly do, but I'll get a few "easy" diapers like pockets and all in ones for those lazy days and babysitters. I'm just figuring out now what brands I want to try to start.

Tomorrow morning is my gestational diabetes test (eek!), and then tomorrow evening is our first birth class. I think there may need to be an afternoon nap in between.

How's everyone feeling? I wouldn't go so far as to call it nausea, but my stomach feels a little unsettled after eating lately. It's worse with bigger meals, so I'm guessing it's just a matter of my stomach capacity changing, and everything feeling a bit off when my stomach is being squished, but I was wondering if anyone else had that. It's strange, after having no sickness in the first trimester.
Missfrick, enjoy the pastries!!! Unless you have a medical reason to not hae them then enjoy any cravings, pregnancy is such a short period of time in the scale of it. Oh pun not intended there:baby:

Baked potato is too healthy for a craving:haha:

Where to sign up for the uplifting???

Good luck for the GTT mrsK, I hope you manage to complete the test without throwing up:hugs:

I have all 5 kids home tomorrow:wacko:
All five while on bedrest? Yikes! I hope you have some help. Are any of them old enough to help with the younger ones?
*****Apologies but its going to be a long winded reply****:blush:
We signed for a childbirth class in mid January on a Saturday and we also scheduled to take a walk through of the maternity ward and delivery area at the hospital near us around the same time.:happydance:

MrsK: The cloth diapering class sounds interesting. All I've done is researched online and youtube videos. I also praticed on a few teddy bears here at the house. I showed DH and he got it right away. Hoping it's just as easy with baby though I know it will be a challenge when they get older and move more. The pocket diapers can be pricey. I ordered mine from martofbaby. it's fairly inexpensive and well worth the wait for shipping. I bought tons from them. But I figured I would still do prefolds in the begining since most of those diapers can be bulky until baby gets up to 10+ pounds.

All the ladies having boys: have you thought about using peepee teepee's? I've heard good things about them. I'm going to make some in case this little one ends up being a boy. If not, it will go into the hope chest for the next baby.

As for weight gain, the doctor wanted me to aim for a max of 15 but I know I will surpass that. Just stepped on the scale and cringed but at the same time I'm not going to try and diet. I figure once baby arrives and I breast feed, I'll lose all the excess within a year or so.

LilFoosh: I shared your story with DH. We both had a good chuckle.

So here's something I stumbled upon the other day. It was a young pregnant woman asking about hair etiquette for childbirth preparation. At first glance I thought it was about putting hair in a ponytail, etc. Yet I still read on... There was some hilarious stories from women and some valid points about keeping up with some grooming in case of having labial tears, etc. These are some of the funniest stories that I just have to share.
A woman who was 38 weeks pregnant decided to order a hair trimmer. Her DH walked in on her trying to trim herself so he decided to help. He found stencils in the box and went to work. She went into labor a few days later. The midwife checked in on her and asked about certain initials, because her DH shaved his into his wives landscaping. :haha:
The other story was about a woman who was 39 weeks pregnant and thought last minute about giving herself a trim. She begged her OH to help but he refused so she got some scissors and went to work. Well she couldn't see and tried her best. When she went into labor and baby was crowning, the midwife exclaims the baby has a lot of hair. The woman's OH said, are you sure it's not the moms? After baby was born the woman's bump was smaller and she could now see her own handiwork. She looked at the midwife, then said wow, I look pretty scraggly down there. The midwife laughed. :haha:

So after reading these stories I really thought about it and what I plan to do. I don't plan on waxing or going hairless beforehand but I do plan on trimming in case I tear. I'd hate for them to try to shave after in order to place stitches. :wacko:

Also a word of advice from a midwife: when you go into labor you leave your dignity at the door and pick it up on your way home. Having a baby will change you and your level of comfort with being exposed.
I agree with mommasquirrel about keeping up with trimming 'down there'. However it does get quite difficult once your belly obscures your view, so you may need a handheld mirror or a buddy to help. I had a episiotomy and a tear, and I didn't hear anything while they were stitching me back up about there being too much hair (I was too distracted with DD in my arms to care!). I think I did a buzz trim about a month before my delivery.

What are peepee teepees made from? Just paper? I have been fearing the spray factor since this will be our first boy.

Also, mommasquirrel, do you mean 15 lbs or 15 kg? I think I've already gained about 7 kg/ 15.4 lbs. I had an overall gain of 16 kg last time and lost all of it within 2 months after delivery. Thanks, breastfeeding!
Ah, I never get on here much on the weekends and now I'm so far behind!

Mommasquirrel, your post about the hair etiquette is hillairious!!! I stopped worrying about that last time when I couldn't see down there anymore hahaha. I don't really remember if I tried to trim before delivery, but I don't think I did. I really didn't care lol... left the dignity at the door! I had a third degree tear and they didn't mention anything about shaving or anything, but honestly, I have no idea if they did have to shave me. I just know the stitches took foreeeeeever!

I think they said I have gained 15lbs so far at my appointment on Thursday. Following pretty much the same gain as last time.

Peepee teepees are made from material. Everyone says they suck and fly off and to just use a facecloth or a diaper to cover the parts lol.

MissFrick, what is the deal with the 5 pin bowling!? I have never been bowling here, and had no idea we had stupid weird bowling alleys. It's funny because we were just talking about how fun it would be to go bowling yesterday!

MrsK, the birthing classes aren't really that necessary in my opinion. If you are one to read up on everything anyway, you won't learn anything new. I didn't learn anything useful at the one I took. Seriously, those classes are mostly about the delivery anyway, which doesn't last that long. Classes on how to take care of a newborn and what to expect would be much better. They only spent about an hour on that in the class I took.
I didn't shave either with my first and never heard anyone saying to do it, however this time it's either my imagination or I'm getting a lot of hair down there lol iTried shaving other day and even thou I dnt have a big bump it was hard mainly I think becUse I'm carrying low so it was hard shaving without being able to see and no one to help haha.

Is it Sunday yet? Can't wait for my last scan after that il have to tell myself it's not good for baby to keep having them lol and it's so hard to resist wen all I see on Facebook are offers for them haha. I was originally hopin this scan would be about 30weeks but had to fetch it forward so il be 24week to the day wen I have the scan :D lookin forward to fetching vids and pics home :D

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