2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Congrats on the team pinks!!!!

Only had time to scan through the latest posts, but just wanted to tell the first time mamas not to worry about the delivery. Don't even try to expect anything, because there is probably a 99% chance it won't go as planned. That doesn't mean it won't go well though. If the pain is too much, get some drugs or an epidural. I have no recollection at all of the epidural needle going in - I was too busy having contractions lol. The epidural was absolutely worth it. I had complications including a baby facing the wrong way who wouldn't turn, meconium in the waters, had to be induced because my water broke but nothing was happening, pushed forever but she still wouldn't turn so they used the vacuum and I had major tearing. But, I don't look back at it traumatized, and i'm not scared of this delivery at all (I was scared last time). It just goes as it will go, and you will all do fine!

Frenchie, that's my concern too! My parents live a 10 hour drive away, or a flight away, and DH's parents live a 6 hour drive away. We don't have family in the area so no idea what will happen with our DD if we go into labour before family arrives. No idea even when to tell them to come because you can't really predict labour lol. My mom (who had one emergency C-section then two planned ones) thinks I will know a few days before that it's coming, but last time I went to my doc appointment and my husband had to convince me to bring my hospital bag just in case because I was so sure nothing was going to happen. Then my water broke at the appointment and we didn't go back home until we had a baby haha.
We have some friends in the area, but I don't know how DD will respond to an extended absence while someone else watches her, especially if it overlaps with naptime or bedtime. Ideally we could put her to bed and then have almost 12 hours to take care of business while a friend comes over for the night watch. We will just have to get our friends' schedules when it gets closer to March.
As for strollers, we finally have one! BIL gave us his old Uppababy Vista, which is amazing, but it requires major servicing. Still, needing to pay under $300 for a full system that has all the parts that retails for $1000 is definitely nice! Unfortunately there are no servicing centres in my city, so we'll probably have to travel to Montreal to have it done, and that will hopefully happen in the next couple weeks.
I am 23 weeks & today I had a scan. the tech was like "oh she's breech!" I'm like okay... but she has plenty of time to turn around. & she's like, "don't be so sure about that." I wanted to smack her. I'm not crazy, right? she DOES have time to turn???
She's nuts! They still move all over the place at 23 weeks. Some babies don't even flip til labor starts, though I think once you reach that point, competent medical professionals would start to worry. Why would anyone even say that to a mother??
Yeah, I feel like this guy flips around every day! I definitely wouldn't worry at 23 weeks. If the baby is breach closer to labour, the doctor/midwife will give suggestions of ways to attempt to flip or they will try to do it manually. But that it a long time away!
The tech mentioned that little boy is breech at my anatomy scan, but I really didn't give it any thought. They have lots of room and lots of time to turn around between now and birth. If baby is breech around 36 weeks or so I believe they start talking c section.

Today I am 24 weeks!! 24 weeks on the 24th! :) Happy v day to me!
Baby was breech at my scan too, both dr and scan tech told me not to worry as baby will likely right itself then go breech and right itself TONS of times between now and late pregnancy when it actually matters.
For those pregnant with a 2nd (or 3rd, 4th, et cetera) baby, are you planning to do a baby shower? I was more involved in the baby shower the first time than you really should have to be, so I'm just going to wait and let others decide if it's going to happen or not. The other thing about it is the timing isn't great with Christmas. Oh well. I made a baby registry and I'm sharing it with anyone who asks what we need or want. We haven't gotten anything yet either. I feel like there isn't anything we NEED this time around. I have the following things on my registry:

  • A variety of nursing shirts (I didn't even know these things existed the first time agound)
  • A couple gowns (These were the perfect newborn clothes. I have enough, but thought a couple new ones would be nice)
  • An infant tub (I didn't have one the first time around and thought I'd give it a try)
  • A swaddle sleep sack thing (we had a couple, but I got rid of them since Violet didn't like them... should have kept them just in case)
  • Infant carseat.
  • FLannel baby wipes
  • Pre-fold diapers.
  • Newborn sized disposable diapers.
  • New bottle nippels (I nurse, but will need to go back to work)
  • Born Free Venting System (It's a thing for the type of bottles I have)
  • Ring Sling
  • Ergo carrier
  • Fisher-Price Infant-to-toddler rocker (This thing was great with my first. She still uses hers, so I don't want the baby taking it over. I NEED a new one of these!)
  • Thermometer (getting a new one is cheaper than replacing the battery)

And that's it! The absolute must haves are just the car seat and a king sized bed (not on the list) though.
Isn't it too bad you can't put the mattress on there? ;) We were half tempted to put the $1000 glider on ours, but I don't think I even want people knowing we're considering a $1000 chair! I'll never hear the end of it!

I think showers for second babies are technically not supposed to happen, but in some social circles they're pretty common. I think you're right to just see what happens. I wouldn't plan one, but I wouldn't refuse one either, if it was kept low key - and your registry sounds reasonable for a second shower.

I have a car seat question for experienced mamas. We were initially planning to do the typical infant seat then convertible seat thing, so we could move the baby around in the infant seat. But I'm starting to wonder if it's really necessary in our case. He'll probably be in the car at most once a week, and likely we'll wear him for short trips to the grocery store, or we'll have the bassinet attachment for the stroller for long days. We have a detached garage, so it might be cold (or hot in summer) strapping him in, but he wouldn't be exposed to the elements like he would if we parked on the streets. I'm not sure if the added convenience of having the infant seat would be worth the extra $200ish in our case. Is it really a must have if we're not going back and forth to daycare every day or in the car all the time?

Also, any suggestions for convertible seats that fit in small cars? We put my nephew's seat in yesterday and there was barely room for my short legs in the front seat. It was tolerable, but I don't think it would be too comfy for as long as the baby is using the seat, or if DH carpools with someone taller. I think this is the one we had in yesterday: https://www.chiccousa.com/gear/car-seats/nextfit-zip-palisade.aspx Our car is a Suzuki SX4 crossover, if it matters. Is there maybe a good website for this kind of information?
I didn't have a shower for my second because it was so close after my first (they are 15 months apart) and it was another girl. I had nothing I needed. Now I kind of do need new things because this is a boy and I have soooo many girly things. I wouldn't dare ask for a shower though because I know my MIL for one would probably think it was really tacky and all the people that came to the first one were DH's family because mine isn't at all close. I have no friends (essentially) and no coworkers. If I could get a whole different group of people to participate in one I might think about it. My sister asked about it and I basically told her if she wants to throw me one she has to come up with it all on her own. If I have a hand in it I'll just look greedy. I think she understands that there is really no one to invite, so I don't expect to get one.
I'm not having a shower this time, but I think it's pretty uncommon to have more than one around here.

Re carseats, MrsK, if you don't plan on needing the infant car seat, then definitely go for the convertible. We did use an infant seat with dd and switched her to a diono radian when she was 12 months buy kept get rear facing until she was over 2. The difference in space they took wasn't much. I did usually sit in the back with Her for longer drives. I drive a versa, so it's pretty small too! You also have to consider that if you use a stroller, a lot need to be used with the carseat until the baby is around 6 months (can't remember the specific age). that depends on the type of stroller you get and if you will be using it or just baby wearing. Baby wearing is a lot more convenient in most cases.
Another thing about convertible car seats is that many come with angle adjusters to tilt them up more. You can't use those until they are much older so don't consider them for space saving.
We'll be getting the infant bassinet for the stroller, so we'll have that option if we don't want to wear him.
Isn't it too bad you can't put the mattress on there? ;) We were half tempted to put the $1000 glider on ours, but I don't think I even want people knowing we're considering a $1000 chair! I'll never hear the end of it!

I think showers for second babies are technically not supposed to happen, but in some social circles they're pretty common. I think you're right to just see what happens. I wouldn't plan one, but I wouldn't refuse one either, if it was kept low key - and your registry sounds reasonable for a second shower.

I have a car seat question for experienced mamas. We were initially planning to do the typical infant seat then convertible seat thing, so we could move the baby around in the infant seat. But I'm starting to wonder if it's really necessary in our case. He'll probably be in the car at most once a week, and likely we'll wear him for short trips to the grocery store, or we'll have the bassinet attachment for the stroller for long days. We have a detached garage, so it might be cold (or hot in summer) strapping him in, but he wouldn't be exposed to the elements like he would if we parked on the streets. I'm not sure if the added convenience of having the infant seat would be worth the extra $200ish in our case. Is it really a must have if we're not going back and forth to daycare every day or in the car all the time?

Also, any suggestions for convertible seats that fit in small cars? We put my nephew's seat in yesterday and there was barely room for my short legs in the front seat. It was tolerable, but I don't think it would be too comfy for as long as the baby is using the seat, or if DH carpools with someone taller. I think this is the one we had in yesterday: https://www.chiccousa.com/gear/car-seats/nextfit-zip-palisade.aspx Our car is a Suzuki SX4 crossover, if it matters. Is there maybe a good website for this kind of information?

I didn't have an infant car seat with Violet. We just used the convertible car seat. The only reason we're not doing the same with our second is that our car is small and for everyone to fit in comfortably, we need the second car seat to be an infant car seat. I never used a car seat carrier or a stroller with Violet when she was really little. I started using an umbrella stroller with her sometimes, when she was about 6 months old. Carrying around a car seat looks so uncomfortable for the parent and isn't good for the baby.

Our first had a convertible car seat. We placed it behind the passenger seat and my husband sat in the back. Very rarely did we have anyone sit in the front seat... I think it's happened a couple times in the last two years. Violet is just now out-growing the rear facing limits and I just turned her forward facing a couple days ago.
I'm not having a baby shower period, as far as I know. My mom asked if I wanted one, which I do, but at the same time, I JUST got married and it seems unfair to ask people to buy more stuff for us. ALSO DH's friends are all in Montreal, about 2 hours away, and I don't have that many friends in the city, so I don't even think I'd have more than 10 people at mine, probably less. ALSO ALSO, Jewish people don't really do showers (at least that's what I've been told) and I have also been told that we will get presents once she's born. As for registering, we aren't doing it, which kind of sucks because it would make things easier.

The things we will need to buy:
* vibrating chair thing
* car seat
* clothing
* diapers, wipes, diaper genie, accessories
* hygiene products
* baby wrap (like a Moby, I have an Ergo but want to try a wrap as well)
* servicing for stroller
* servicing for breast pump

I think that's it, so we should be able to get away with spending under $1000 for what we need. A shower would still have been nice though...

Oh, also our car lease is up in December 2015 (we currently have a Mini) and so a new car is in order too (I'm already nervous about putting the bucket seat and stroller in)
I believe it is WAY too early to worry about the baby being breech, there is time for them to turn naturally, doctors can try manoeuvres to turn the baby, and some even turn when contractions begin. 23 weeks is definitely not a time to worry about it.

Hope everyone is ok? Lilfoosh, did you go and get the bleeding checked out?:hugs: I know that feeling, every little sign that can mean imminent baby:hugs: Did you move to checks every 2 weeks? I've found that perinatology are really good at letting you go more often for reassurance but also in your case, more symptoms :hugs:

First time mums, yup that fear of birth I found to be way, way worse than the reality. There's no way to know how things will go, the best thing you can do is get an idea of the path you would prefer to go down and then a list of interventions/pain management you'd be ok with in order. So say the pain was getting to much, have it written you want to try a med before the epidural etc. I've had 5 kids, all 5 births were different! Some preparation is good but include the preparation for circumstances that may arise so that you can allow yourself to feel prepared and hopefully calmer:hugs:

I love that armadillo stroller!! Can you get it in the states? Might go take a look, although I still prefer my orbit:blush:

Miss frick, that is one amazing deal!!! I have a friend with the same stroller and its really lovely, a pleasure to push and steer and her 2m old looks so comfy in there:thumbup:

Congrats to all the team pink members!! Swampmaiden, it was really cool to hangout last week, I hope you get the internet soon though!!

I believe I'm getting a baby shower :rofl: In my defense though, I've never had one and I'm being strong armed into it :rofl: I'm not entirely sure on the etiquette but from what I can gather if its a first then for sure you should have a shower, plenty women have weddings right before a baby, its a totally different shower and experience and I bet the guests will be very excited for it!! Or a second of different gender, a big age gap and it seems if you've never had one. That ends this brits education on the shower:haha:

All those in pain:hugs: What are your OBs/perinatology saying about it? There's options out there if it gets unbareable:hugs: I was in on Saturday with the pain in my legs especially, the constant spasms and twitching and *******ity is getting harder with the pregnancy on top. They gave me a IV, dilaudid and I'm being stat referred to the big research hospital finally!!! Been waiting on it for ages, seems the referral was lost:nope: I'm not sure which path will be gone for first, it'll either be a month course of prednisone or plasma exchange or both. Very excited to get going on it! UCSD is a great hospital research wise, if anywhere is going to get me answers and the right treatment its there! Isaacs and suspected morvans syndrome are basically unheard of. Plus its where the highest level NICU is. Only a few days to steroids in preparation for delivery now:happydance: Another scan tomorrow too.

My baby is breech, the scans I had Friday and Saturday showed her bouncing around all over the place, was hard to get a HR she wouldn't stay still, you don't need to worry yet.

Carseat wise, we'll have to get 2 I think, have to stick to certain makes for preemies so has to at least accommodate a 4lber. I think we had a keyfit30 for one of the kids, I remember it being really good:thumbup: Then upto a convertible eventually and we rearface :thumbup:

Whats everyone doing for thanksgiving? My hubby invited our neighbours, they are 6 people to our 7 so 13 people, he's cooking :rofl:
Enjoy not doing any of the Thanksgiving work! We're going to my brothers. He's a butcher now and an ex-chef, so it's always a good meal when he hosts!

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