2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

It's a good thing that my cravings so far have been normal cravings, not intense pregnancy cravings. DH has now missed or forgotten Doritos on three separate shopping lists :dohh: I think I'm going to have to supervise him next time! He felt really bad last time he forgot them, I don't have the heart to mention it this time.

It also occurred to me that we can buy a convertible seat, and if we hate it, we can just buy an infant seat. It's not like we have to make a permanent decision right now, and it's not like we can't adapt for a few days waiting for an infant seat to ship, and we'd need a convertible seat eventually no matter what. Sometimes I overthink things, especially when I'm home alone all day... I think I'll see if he wants to go to Buy Buy Baby and ask if we can try a couple seats out in the car and see what we like best. An infant seat will be worth it if it buys us a year of leg room.

Anyone else getting terrible sleep? After tossing and turning all night on Saturday night, last night I woke up at 3:30 am for no reason (I barely had to pee) and couldn't get back to sleep for two hours. I've always had trouble falling asleep, and I've always been a tosser and turner, but I don't usually have those big stretches of wakefulness in the middle of the night.
I find my terrible sleep is more due to my toddler then my pregnancy.
Mrs k I'm usually an amazing sleeper! But pregnancy is a whole new world for me. I find the sleeplessness one of the hardest parts of the whole process!
I wish I had a magic solution for you........I use a ton of aromatherapy pillow spray, and I swear by a snoogle. And failing that it's just prep for a newborn. At least being up with a newborn feels more productive than being up with sciatica and heartburn!
What aromatherapy scents have you found helpful? I might be allergic to lavender (I might just be allergic to terrible cheap body washes, I haven't experimented enough to find out), and that seems to be the most frequent recommendation.
I use the champneys pillow mist which I just checked - it's lavender and patchouli. But I can't get that in canada so I've had to make a switch to something this side of the pond and am waiting for my first order of arbonne unwind aromatherapy mist.... I will let you know how that works out!

Or you could go really fancy and have one of these suckers spritzing lovely scents into your air! Although for this price I'd almost want it to do the sleeping for me! Needless to say I don't own one, but they always smell amazing when I walk past the store!
I too have been having some serious sleeping issues but I'm attributing it to the pregnancy. I find that I sleep more through the day by napping when little one is going through a growth spurt then afterwards I have energy and I can't sleep because of it. I have also had terrible bouts of having to eat something, anything every few hours. I'm too afraid to know how many calories I've ingested over the past two weeks but I admit that it's probably on par with that of a football player. I jumped on the scale last night just to get an idea of how I was doing since my last appointment and my eyes felt like they were going to fall out. 8 pounds... It must have been all those snacks and middle of the night feedings. I'm sure I'll hear about it at my doctors appt tomorrow. Oh well. Apparently little one needed me to eat an entire box of lucky charms in a day. I have to laugh because I actually can blame someone else for a change. :happydance: j/k

I figured I wouldn't have a baby shower since all my family and close friends live so far away from me but we still have a baby registry so if people ask I can tell them. I also posted it on FB since people were bugging me on there and so far we got a few things which I am stoked about.

The only major item we'll be needing is a convertible car seat and the rest is things we could eventually get ourselves at some point. Oh yea, if you're getting a hand me down baby carrier/car seat be sure to look up the expiration date and to see if it's been recalled at all. I didn't realize there were such things on car seats but it's for the straps and small functioning pieces that will break down/fall apart over time.

If I could put something totally outrageous on a registry it would be for a full time nanny/housekeeper so I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning or waking up just to change a diaper. But that is a dream because the reality of it all is that I will look back and remember all the good times once they grow up. =)

So funny story of the day: I walked in on my husband trying to pluck out his gray hairs. I stood behind him and told him if he got all of them he'd be mostly bald in the back. He didn't believe me til I brought the hand mirror. He turned so red. I laughed so much because I went through the same phase about 5 years ago.

Oh yea, before I forget. Today when I was laying mostly on my bad I started to feel around on my belly to figure out where baby was and I pushed on the hard area, which I am assuming was the baby's bottom. After pushing on it gently a few times baby proceeded to kick hard several times in a row and it made my entire belly jump. DH got to see it too.
Fancy! I may try to find something and see if it helps. I think even if I am allergic to lavender, the scent of it probably won't bother me. I've only ever had problems with bath products making me itchy.
Haha! Your poor DH! We both had to accept the gray hairs a long time ago. It's not worth it to fight them, especially considering how early we both started getting them.

I'm getting daily movement now, but still not a ton. He doesn't respond to poking yet. The midwife was apparently able to tell where his back was at my last appointment, but damned if it feels like anything but random bump and fat to me. I'm curious about whether my placenta has migrated to my left side, or if he's just really comfy lying transverse, because I'm feeling everything on the right side and nothing on the left.
I find my terrible sleep is more due to my toddler then my pregnancy.

Yes! Now that it's chilly out, my little one wakes up cold all the time. She is very stubborn and won't wear footy pajamas or use more than one blanket, and the blanket constantly falls off. I miss the days of the sleep sacks lol.
That is a fantastic idea to put a housekeeper on your baby registry! Seriously! Even just to come every other week for the first couple months. Wonderful idea. I have started giving friends gift cards for restaurants that deliver or just bring them a meal after they have a baby.

MrsK, that's a good idea about the carseat. I don't know how it works with other hospitals, but ours won't let a family leave if they are driving without checking that the baby is in the carseat properly. I'm not sure what they do if you have a convertible carseat - hopefully they would go outside to ensure you have one. When I had my daughter, they did make the father of the other baby in our room go buy a carseat before they would let them leave.
We have a system where we live that someone coordinates meals for 2 weeks for a family who just had a baby. It's kind of nice, but also kind of weird! I never know if people cook what they think WE eat, or if they cook what THEY like to eat. Either way we got some kind of odd stuff! And then there is working out whose dishes belong to who etc.
I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it this time or not!

So I need some advice girls....

This is our third pregnancy, and you all know our story from last time, so I won't depress you all again! So, I personally would not be expecting or planning a shower, but I hear from friends that many people want to do something, assuming all goes well, after baby is born. Would it be weird do you think to have like a mixed gathering, come and go style pot luck so that all the visiting gets done in one afternoon with a few drinks and some nice food. Or, if someone is being kind enough to throw me a shower should I just go with whatever they dream up? Thoughts and advice please girls! I don't want to offend anyone but I also can't cope with weeks of extended visiting after a c section? Or should we make it very clear we would love to see everyone and gifts are not necessary? Gosh we Brits are so awkward sometimes!

Thanks in advance everyone!
Drmum, seems to be an awkward brit thing, I personally am letting my friends get on with it, I'm sure if you have a word, they'll come up with the perfect way to celebrate with you:hugs:

Stick a nanny/housekeeper on, they're lifesavers!!!

Sleep. What is that again??

Mommasquirral, I spat my coffee out at your story this morning, my DH would so be the same :rofl:

Another car seat thing, on the small chance anyone else has a NICU baby, each time we've had to do a 'carseat challenge' before leaving so that might be something to just look into. The baby is in for I think about 30mins to an hour (its been done during the night for us so not 100% on the amount of time) the baby is hooked upto the monitors still and its like a stress test to see if they're ok in the seat to go home, fitting in it and able to physically be ok.

Anyone got appointments this week? I have one at 1.30pm, forgot it was the holidays though:dohh: My 3 year old I just told her I was going again to check on her sister and she's now having an epic meltdown that its 'takes ages' :wacko: Toddlers!! :rofl:
Mummy3, I haven't got checked out yet, I have an appointment on Thursday and I haven't had any symptoms plus it stopped so I am just waiting it out. I promise, though, that if anything else happens or I feel wrong I will go!

We got an infant car seat again, it was a huge help when visiting other people the first time around, plus for shopping trips etc it's easier than waking the baby. We were the first in our group of friends & family to have a baby so no one had anywhere for baby to sit or sleep at their houses. We do have stuff within walking distance of our house and I still intend on using my ring sling a lot, but we feel like it is a good investment.

Sleep-wise I'm not doing too badly, but I am definitely starting to feel the strain from having to take meds at 3 am every night. I use the opportunity to go to the washroom as well so it isn't a total waste... :dohh:

So.... We had a huge wind storm here last night and it pulled down our neighbour's massive tree. It just clipped the side of her house but it was pulled up at the roots and since it was so big it had actually started encroaching on our property and grew through our last fence, so the massive roots system was ripped up from right next to our foundation! There is a decent size hole there, the fence was ripped out, our patio stones are up and we can't tell if there is damage to the foundation. From the way it was leaning it really would have taken a miracle to have it come down on our house so this is actually pretty much the worst damage it could have done to our place. Branches dragged across the roof as well so we don't know if there is damage up there yet or not and it shook the whole house so hard that it is messing with our electrical. DH called the insurance company and they are sending a contractor and an electrician out tomorrow to take a look. They said they will cover it no matter what (great for us) but if it turns out our neighbour was neglectful and knew the tree was not healthy then they will end up going after her for the damages (not great for her- although they would have to prove that she was outright told the tree was dangerous and ignored it, which doesn't seem to be the case). On the upside we will get way more light in our backyard now...
DrMum, if I had a real life friend who went through what you went through, I would happily attend 6 showers in a row for the next baby. I think a shower or a meet the baby party would both be ok, it's up to you which you prefer. A meet the baby party wouldn't have the expectation of gifts, but people will bring them anyway.

I would hope they would come down and check out the convertible seat in the car if I didn't have an infant seat. As long as it's rated for infants, I don't see how they can say it's not good enough. I wonder what they do if you don't drive? Plenty of people in Chicago and other big cities don't even have cars.

I think I'm going to do my own pre-baby freezer meal cooking, but a couple people may want to contribute something. I'm having a friend over to help with the cooking fest. When I've cooked for other new parents, I've focused on dishes I knew they liked, or stuff that's universally appealing, though it might be interesting to see what other people came up with. Definitely cook it in disposable pans, though! Nobody needs to deal with 600 random, unmarked, dirty casserole dishes and a newborn!

No appointments til December 9 for me, when I have my ultrasound to see if my placenta has shifted up. I hope yours goes well and your toddler isn't too toddlery, mummy3!
Oh geez, what a hassle, Foosh! I'm glad the actual house wasn't damaged, at least, and that your insurance company is being cooperative.
Anyone got appointments this week? I have one at 1.30pm, forgot it was the holidays though:dohh: My 3 year old I just told her I was going again to check on her sister and she's now having an epic meltdown that its 'takes ages' :wacko: Toddlers!! :rofl:

I have an appointment on Wednesday at 8:30 AM. I'm going on my own because after I get home, we're then going to drive 3 and a half hours to my in-laws. I figure she doesn't need an extra hour in the car (half hour there and back), plus the midwife appointment. I'll tell her that I'm going to see the midwife. She knows what place that refers to, but I'm not so sure she knows which person that refers to or why we see her.
We got an infant car seat again, it was a huge help when visiting other people the first time around, plus for shopping trips etc it's easier than waking the baby. We were the first in our group of friends & family to have a baby so no one had anywhere for baby to sit or sleep at their houses. We do have stuff within walking distance of our house and I still intend on using my ring sling a lot, but we feel like it is a good investment.

Same here, except we just held/wore the baby. Then there was one time we were at someone's house and their bed was ground level, so we just put her on that.
As for cooking and putting meals in the freezer, that really was a life-saver last time. It ensured that we ate well despite the fact that neither of us was up for cooking. We DEFINITELY need to do that this time around as well. A new freezer would be nice too! We didn't get too much outside help with that, but at some point (don't remember exactly when), we had my parents, my sisters, and my in-laws over and my parents and sisters did all the cooking. I can't remember if there were leftovers, but it was an effortless meal. As for the number of visitors, we waited until we felt ready for that number of guests, so it wasn't a problem.
That's a good point about having somewhere safe to keep the baby. He'll probably be passed around at gatherings, but if he's napping he'll need somewhere to go, especially if I'm cooking or something and it isn't a good time to wear him. I guess I could detach the bassinet that comes with the stroller, but he can't be strapped in to that, I don't think, and it's harder to clean that a plastic car seat bottom. You ladies are really giving me a lot to think about!

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