2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

So glad to hear a good update! I guess he's too busy chewing his feet to kick with them ;)

Bookity, I do tend to get a lot of RLP during growth spurts, but this random not during a sneeze stuff is new. I woke up feeling ok, but I'm going to have to be careful cleaning today as I re-learn my limits. Gotta find that support belt too, it's around here somewhere. Dh asked me to help clean up the couch a bit before the couch cleaning guys get here, but I can only reach about half of it with the way he rearranged everything this morning to clean the walls, so I guess I'll be doing it in stages. I'm looking forward to getting it cleaned, especially since he took the dogs in for grooming yesterday, so hopefully they'll shed slightly less than usual. Too bad my nesting instinct isn't kicking in today, we need to clean everything!

Mummy3 commented on Facebook that she and baby are doing well. Little one is feisty :)
Yay!!!! Ok so we just left the doctor and saw out little guy again and my heart feels like it grew 20 sizes kind of like the grinch at the of the movie :):):):)

Doc said everything looks great. He was moving around a lot. His legs are practically in his mouth lol.

51st percentile for weight. Looks more like March 29th may be the date but doc is sticking with 31st for now. He's 2 lbs so far.

Here he is :):):):):):)

Cute! Your wife might be like I was with my first I never felt movements or kicks right the way through. It's weird as this Tim's I have anterior placenta but been feeling kicks ages lol.
Just wanted to pop in and say hi ladies. I hope it's ok if I stick around. I'm due March 21 but my Dr doubts I will go that far.
I've been hesitant to join any groups since I found out baby has a birth defect at 19 weeks because I've felt so disconnected and a bit resentful. But now that I'm feeling her move and kick it's gotten a lot more joyful for me.
It feels so weird to be in my 3rd trimester- so much to do!!!
Glad to have you here! I've been sort of following your story as I've come across it. How are things going?
Thanks for the updates on Mummy3, Swamp & MrsK! So happy everything is ok.

That's great GFGuy, cute pic. I had a scan today, but baby was not co-operative (as per usual) so I got a crap pic. :haha:

Good to see you Bookwrmgal, I've also followed most of your story. Sorry about the complication, I'm glad you are feeling more optimistic about things now. Are your doctors planning on additional monitoring & waiting to see the extent of the CPAM? Or do you already have an action plan?
Welcome bookwrmgal!! DH and I just looked up your website and got caught up on your pregnancy blog. I'm so glad you have joined us on here. I have found this site to be supportive and more importantly, full of good people. =) It's a good place to vent, talk and just be silly.

Thanks ladies!
Lots and lots of monitoring going on here. I have 2 (possibly 3) ultrasounds, a meeting with the surgeon, and 2 OB appointments in January alone. We should have a definitive plan of action in terms of delivery by then since the CPAM growth spurt typically ends by 30-32 weeks. As of right now, I am delivering in Hartford and she will have the lower lung removed at 6mos in Boston. That can still change though. I hope not, for many reasons, but also because DH is such a mess driving in cities that I can picture being in labor driving myself to Boston!

I just switched to the high risk OB group and I adore my new OB. He's such a dapper older man with a really calming attitude.

Oh GFGuy- my little miss has short legs but is measuring a week ahead. She's 74% for weight/growth- yikes! My husband has short legs and a long torso so it looks like she is taking after him.

LilFoosh- I haven't gotten a decent pic in ages it seems. Every time I'm in Hartford for scans, she is face down on her side and won't move. Ugh!
Thanks guys:hugs: Few more pics, before I need to go pump again!


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She's so sweet, Mummy. <3

I'm slowly re-learning my limits. Again. My back is sore, but I'm doing ok with frequent breaks. I just have to make a batch of little meatballs tonight and then I'm done for the night. I feel so bad for DH, he's doing all of his tasks plus everything I can't manage. Why did this new back pain have to start a few days before we host 10 people? Seriously? It couldn't wait a few more days? And I have NO idea where my support belt ended up in all this chaos! For now I'm going to try to focus on jobs that don't require a lot of bending, or that I can do sitting down. There's still wrapping to do, chest-level cleaning (countertops, etc), food prep, and so on. We need to do a quick Target run tomorrow, too, and I could ask mom to drive me, but she'd waste so much time and want to shop and get lunch and so on, we're better off just going ourselves I think. Nothing we were getting there is absolutely vital, at least.

The probiotics my midwife recommended to keep things moving smoothly arrived today, so I'll update you all if they work well. I'm not in terrible shape on that front, but I've definitely noticed a change and I wanted to be proactive before it got terrible.
Mummy3, so glad for the update and pics.. And thank goodness for the wonderful doctors at UCSD! &#10084;&#10084;

Gfguy, glad things are looking up for you

Bookwormgal, welcome to thread

MrsK, I've been dealing with killer backaches also.. One thing that helps (and I know we're supposed to sheep on left side but...) Is to sleep on my back propped up a bit by a bunch of pillows.. My back usually feels a lot better the next morning, and my legs havent gone numb like 'they' say

Mrsfrick, I hope to stay in touch also once the babies are born, it's been wonderful to have a support group with women of similar gestation.
Thanks for the tip, I'll try it if I get desperate. I'm usually ok in the morning, I just can't get through a normal day without it starting up. I plan to do absolutely nothing at all on the 26th, so hopefully a rest day will help. I'm also back to drinking my Mother to Be tea. I'm sure it's just a coincidence, but I skipped a few days and all of a sudden everything hurt, so maybe there's some anti-inflammatory herb or something in there that will help (wishful thinking!). It can't hurt, at least.
mummy3 thank goodness for medical advancement! She is so darn adorable I even showed the pics to DH and he said "aww, she's so real and little"... So exciting that our first Mallow is here!

Bookwormgal I remember you from months ago when you first joined. I'm really sorry to hear that your little princess is going to have some complications, I reviewed your blog, but I'm still not entirely sure I understand the extent of her illness. Once the lower lung is removed, will she be "normal" healthwise? Or will she continue to have struggles and limitations? Have you looked at the high risk forums for support there as well?

AFM: ultrasound tomorrow at 1030am, hoping to hear good news about weight and size since until now I've been a little small on u/s (not on external measurements) and I haven't had a size estimate yet. I'm also curious to find out if I perhaps have loads of fluid, or if I am just a chunky monkey lol!
Had a good appointmeny today but a lot of waiting. Got my GTT out of the way, had blood drawn to check my thyroid again, and got tdap shot (which as I lay in bed I realize should not have been in my left arm!! Owie!).

Asked dr about methods to prevent needing another episiotomy and she said there's nothing to really be done until pushing. Also it's pretty likely I will need another because of my scarring but they'll try not to if it can be avoided. She also explained why they did one with my second so quickly. She was having heart decels that were not coming back up between contractions so it was important to get her out fast. Guess they don't tell you those things in the moment so you don't freak out!
Merry Christmas Eve, ladies! Hope Santa is good to everyone :)

I woke up feeling pretty good, so I'm hopeful that I'll survive the day. DH asked me to fold a bunch of laundry, which seems like kind of a waste of resources if you ask me. I can only do so much, why waste my energy on a chore nobody's going to see? But it's his problem if I'm all worn out and he has to do more in the public spaces, so if laundry is what he wants, laundry is what he gets.
Just wanted to say Happy Christmas Eve to those that celebrate the holiday! I hope everyone has a wonderful evening with family, friends and loved ones. I will keep everyone in mind and send positive vibes to your little ones. May they bake as long as they can, remain healthy and of course, let you have some peace during the next few weeks.

Also, lets do some bump photos next week for the new year. =-) It'll be nice to see how big the little ones are getting. :thumbup:
Hey everyone, hope all those celebrating are having a great Christmas with their loved ones.

U/s today revealed Squiggles is 2lbs 15oz right now, with short-ish legs and a giant head (4 days behind on femur length, 4 days ahead on head size, lol!). I think baby starts gaining about 1/2lb a week at this stage? She is head down and we didn't even get any pictures because she was also facing away from the scanner. We WERE able to confirm she is, indeed, a she (we had a bum-shot and the tech said "You see that there? How there's nothing there?"). LOL DH is relieved I think he was worried I had been buying quite a bit of girl stuff and the dreaded "what if"!? So that's all much better now. Also, the nurse I usually see wasn't there, nor was my doctor, and my doctor said everything looked great, and there was no mention of lowering carbs or anything. If she's not worried, neither am I! (And then I ate like a total piggy today, but it's the first day of holidays so I don't care!)
3/4 of the nursery is painted now, and I got a call yesterday that our furniture is in, so we will pick it up in the new year and have the nursery ready by Feb 1 for sure! I'll post pictures when the painting is finished, after the holidays.
Also, I got a prescription for massage! I am so excited! Spent 2.5 hours in a car today heading to the country house, and I am SO glad we decided to skip Florida. As nice as the beach would have been, I am on the couch now, and I just had to stand to pee, and I am limping; BOTH hips and sciatica at the same time!

Ok that's enough for me for now, love you ladies, and I know we are going to have a fantastic new year, each and every one of us!

ETA: just ordered this monitor, but from Future Shop, for $140 + tax!!! https://www.toysrus.com/buy/baby-vi...rage-digital-video-monitor-set-28950-23532646
Moving has taken quite a toll on me. I've spent most of the past few weeks at the hospital. I love my new OB she is awesome!

Are my eyes deceiving me or did one of us deliver already?

Afm: Baby boy is 2lbs 9oz growing perfectly in the 52 percentile

That's me 28 weeks


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Yep. We have our first baby mallow before Christmas!

Sorry to hear you've been in the hospital, but yay that baby is doing well. :)
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good rest! Don't forget to kick your feet up as you let the wrapping paper accumulate on the floor. Someone else can bend over to pick that up!

Both DrMum and I received each other's packages yesterday. It's a Christmas miracle!

Joy to all us mommas-to-be!

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