2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I hear you on the eating. I'm afraid of how much of this will stick around after the birth! Hopefully nursing will help.
LOL. All of you first-timers with time on your hands to cook are making me hungry! I remember the nesting energy/motivation that came during my first pregnancy - this time I just use it to keep the house in an acceptable state with a preschooler running around. Fortunately France has a fantastic chain of frozen food stores that sells great options without many suspect ingredients. I will be sending DH there often.
coffee don't fret about being on here..it's a support forum and personally I know how life can keep you busy. I don't work right now so all I do is surf the net, craft and day dream of what this kid will look like. I stopped working in May because we were prepping our move to Japan but that changed last minute and we moved to Florida a few months later. I was planning on getting a job when we moved but we found out were pregnant so we decided I should stay home. it's so weird having so much "free" time. Although, I must admit that I sleep a lot of it away. I feel like I'm hibernating and I get super cranky if I get woken up.
Frenchie: I'm so jealous that you have stores like that. The only places I trust are back in Washington. My husband is super excited for me to make lasagna and casseroles.
Thanks for the tip on the cauliflower. I made my first cauliflower crust Pizza and it was so yummy!! I can't wait to make another this upcoming week. I was worried at first I'd get really gassy because it generally would do that to me but so far no complaints.
So I totally expected to get super bad gas being pregnant because my friends told me it would happen but it never did. fingers crossed it stays away. Though, I think DH caught it instead. :wacko: I made him sleep in the other room if he trumpets too much during the night.
Oh weird thing happened during the new parents class. doctor said not to co-sleep with baby because of SIDS. I wanted to laugh because it's a myth. SIDS happens and no one knows why and I hate that they try to point fingers at people who co-sleep and bottle feed their babies. It won't change my plans of having baby near me. I'm a lite sleeper and won't put baby near DH who sleeps like the dead.
I've only just made a start on cooking for the freezer - I've got potatoes that needed using up so I figured I would make loads of mash and freeze it in portions. That should make some dinners easier, especially if I then prepare some freezer bags of things like casseroles etc to just put in the slow cooker :thumbup:
I've also frozen a couple of portions of chilli and a portion of shepherds pie that we've had this week. I'm also planning to make a batch of bolognese sauce to go with pasta or to make lasagne with. I'll more than likely make another shepherds pie to portion up and more chilli.
Then there are things like ingredients for fajitas, burritos etc that I can prepare and freeze in bags to put in the slow cooker. I just hope I have enough freezer space for all of my plans lol!

I've been trying to get organised this weekend but I'm so incredibly tired right now, it's an effort to make it through the day until the boys go to bed! I haven't even gone back to work yet since before Christmas, I'll be back this week so can only see myself getting more tired. Although I do only have 5 weeks left until we have a week of for half term and I won't be returning after half term as that's when my maternity leave starts :happydance: Also, my oh has managed to get the whole of March booked off work as holiday which will be fab! If little miss could arrive close to her due date, it will make it that bit easier when he returns to work in April.
LOL. All of you first-timers with time on your hands to cook are making me hungry! I remember the nesting energy/motivation that came during my first pregnancy - this time I just use it to keep the house in an acceptable state with a preschooler running around. Fortunately France has a fantastic chain of frozen food stores that sells great options without many suspect ingredients. I will be sending DH there often.

Lol, yep I don't think I will be making and freezer meals this time around! Although I will probably buy some frozen lasagnes and stuff like that. Easy things to cook! Fortunately we are going to have lots of visitors to help for the first couple weeks.

We have tones of clothes, mostly hand me downs, for the little guy, but haven't bought any small necessities like diapers, bath stuff, gripe water etc. need to make a list! We also need to install the carseats and set up the basinette. So many things to do now that Christmas is over!

Any body else planning to have more than just their hubby in the delivery room? I only had my hubby the first time around, but this time I have asked my sil (who can't have kids due to chronic illness) and my mom. Both don't live in town and don't plan to come until things start so there is a good chance neither will make it in time, but we will see!
I have a friend who will be on call in case I decide I need extra support, but otherwise I'm planning on just DH. I doubt I'll want to call my friend in, it just seems like such a private thing.

I have so much to do. I really wanted to at least have the big stuff by now, a carseat and bassinet and crib, but my shower is in a week, so it seems silly to start buying things now. We haven't even picked out a carseat yet, we have to do that Tuesday after my ultrasound. I'll feel much better when he has something to ride home in and somewhere to sleep.

Our new Keurig is acting up today, and DH was out taking care of some stuff, and he got really cranky about bringing me a cup of coffee. There's a Starbucks a mile from the house, it's not like it's some major trek if he's in the car, and if I did it myself, I'd have to walk or take the bus. It's crazy, I can make some offhand comment about how a bath sounds nice and he's offering to scrub the tub and run to the store to get a tub stopper because we lost ours, but I can't get a simple cup of coffee when he's already out?
We had another birth class tonight. I like the classes, but the birth video at the end of each class is freaking me out. It'll be good to be sensitized to what normal labor looks like, and I'm glad we're watching them, but good lord, that does not look fun! I think it's really hitting me that we have to get this kid OUT soon... It's kind of fun to watch ALL the pregnant women getting all teary when the video babies are born, though :D
I started crying when they went over, how to handle a crying newborn. It was intense seeing the parents have to walk away because they got overwhelmed. Of course, i know it's a video but still I cried. Hoping I won't need to have moments like that. Praying this little one is not colicky.

I'm so excited for tomorrow. We're doing the hospital walk through and preregistration. As each week passes, it gets more real. Today we put the car seat base into the car. I put it behind the drivers seat since I know I will need as much room as possible when we get out of the hospital. DH was not happy about the arrangement but I said deal with it because he didn't have to worry about stitches or birthing a baby out of an private area. That made him shut up real quick. :blush: I am getting bossy this past week.

Going to set up the hospital bag this week and put it on the car seat with baby's go home bag. Told DH to get his ready before the end of the month as well, just in case.

Why do I have this weird feeling that I don't have enough time to do everything that needs to get done? is it just me? DH says it's "super" nesting phase, lol. I keep telling him about everything that I need to do and he rolls his eyes and says I will have plenty of time. I don't think guys understand..maybe it's the last surge of hormones.
I don't know if it's hormones or a more realistic grasp of everything that needs to be done, but I feel the same way! Our nursery isn't even painted all the way! Aaaaah!
Here's a current pic of me and the bump. We went on a lovely walk around the lake near our home in Florida. It was so hot outside so I was squinting.


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I'm glad I'm not the only one desperate to get everything ready. Dh says there is no point filling our house with stuff we don't need yet. He doesn't seem to understand that some babies come early. He thinks that is really unlikely and if it does happen he can go out and buy things while I'm in hospital. I just want to be prepared and have everything now!
I had my 3rd trimester scan this morning. Everything checks out, but the dr was curious about DD's head size at birth, since this LO's head circumference is off the charts. His weight is estimated at 2.15 kg (4lb 12oz), so I think he'll more than double over the next 2 months. I guess he'll be in 3-month sizes right away!

Happy Monday, everyone!


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Frenchie are they talking about inducing you early in case babies head is estimated to be bigger than your DD?

I have so many newborn clothes I fear that when baby arrives he/she will be too big for them, lol. Oh well, I can always put them in a hope box for the next one.

I had such a hard time sleeping last night because little one was moving so much. I know it will only get worse in time. Hope I can get a good nap today so I won't have on my grumpy pants this afternoon. Really want to be a in a good mood and ready for the hospital tour to ask questions.
Mommasquirrel-lo wouldn't stop moving all day yesterday for me either! It was crazy! I've had loads of moment and big moments over the past weeks, but yesterday was the most active day I've had, this morning has started out somewhat similar...hoping baby doesn't decide to change it from days to nights :( Fx'd you get in a good nap today! I feel like I nap most days anymore, regardless of how well I sleep at night:shrug:
I hope you enjoy your hospital tour! I liked mine, it's nice to know what to expect.

T has been more active at night lately, too, though it's not too crazy yet. He's always followed my schedule pretty closely, so it's an interesting development! I guess he's practicing for keeping me up all night after he's born.

Tomorrow is the short femur follow up ultrasound. So hopefully I'll get a midwife call in the next few days with some news.

I have a friend embroidering a few blankets for him (I'm kind of jealous of her embroidery machine). I'm getting one monogrammed, one with an adorable mama and baby bear, and I'm doing one with a little dapper bear in a top hat and his name. I'm torn between Teddy and Theodore for that one, but I'm thinking I'd rather put his real name on it if it's something we're going to save for him. I may use a photo of the blankets to announce his name on Facebook this week. A lot of people coming to the shower know, but my mom still doesn't, and I'm going to be in deep you know what if anyone slips and she finds out she's the only close person I haven't told (even though it's mostly been DH telling). I doubt using "Well, nobody else is constantly negative and hypercritical" as an excuse will help...

I'm so excited, one of my friends is coming all the way from Boston for the shower! She tries to come for a weekend every January anyway, so it's not entirely 100% just for the shower, but it's still really cool. Her husband just accepted a new job and there's a lot of transition stuff going on, so she wasn't sure she'd make it this year.

Hope everyone is feeling ok and not too beat up by feisty babies :D
Good luck on your ultrasound tomorrow, MrsK! and I would also put Theodore because that's what we've put on some artwork we made lol.

Little bit of a funny story, we have told our daughter ( who will be 3 in a month) that her baby brother will be named Theodore. She says he will not, his name is Jack, and has been telling everyone that her baby brother's name is Jack! We will see what she thinks when he's born and isn't named Jack hahaha. We haven't told anyone other than our siblings the name though, so at least she isn't going around telling people his actual name!
I haven't heard about any talk of inducing - every dr I've seen just asks me how the delivery with DD went. His abdomen measurement isn't off the charts, so I don't think he's too much of a chunker, just a big head. DD had about the same measurements at the same scans and no one talked about induction then either. I'm having another scan at 37 weeks to check on the same brain structure that we've been monitoring, so I'll have another measurement then.
Swampmaiden, that casserole sounds delicious! I am definitely going to try that.

Squirrel- you are adorable with that bump!

MrsK- good luck with the scan and yay for your friend coming out to visit!

Frenchie- I am having a big baby too. She is at 89% growth. Ugh! They didn't tell me exact weight estimation Friday but I will make sure to ask next week at my next scan.

As far as freezer cooking, I have a pan of baked ziti, some soup portions, some chili portions, and a turkey pot pie. We have a small freezer so I'm not entirely sure how much more I should make.
I have had the most intense thigh cramps yesterday and today. Oh it hurts so bad that I haven't been able to get anything done! I am hoping to start clearing out the office to set up the baby stuff. That way the dogs can start getting used to the new smells.
Oh and I am only planning on DH being in delivery but if my wonder twin were able to be up from SC for it she would be allowed too. I was also finally able to find a baby class that didn't interfere with work or school schedules. It's not at the hospital we are delivering at though.
Funny how Momma & Twinkie had major movement days on the same day when you are the same gestation! I will have to see what mine does at 31w1d.

Lovely bump pic Momma!!

Super cute button nose on your LO, Frenchie! I hope everything is starting to settle down a little bit over there. I heard they are upping the military presence to prevent anymore attacks.

MrsK, good luck tomorrow and I agree with Theodore rather than Teddy on the blankie! With DS we named him Jacob but intended on calling him Jack, then I insisted on calling him Jacob at first (so he would know his full name) and now we all just call him Jacob all the time and he doesn't like Jack. My dad calls him Jakey and his god mother calls him Jake but those are literally the only two people he will allow to call him anything but Jacob!

Funny Nelly! We let DS "pick" his sister's name (from a very short list that were mostly variations on the name DH and I had already picked out years ago). My Aunt (we see them maybe 3 times a year) ended up getting a puppy last year for Christmas and called the dog Charley- our baby will be Charlotte Lousie, but we (& DS) intend on calling her Charlie. At Christmas, while playing with the puppy, DS told my Aunt and my cousin's finance that he likes the name Charlie and our baby's name is Charlie (we have not shared the name with anyone). My Aunt who used to work with kids said "What a lovely name! I like the name Charlie" with lots of enthusiasm, I didn't confirm or deny and DS beamed at her... my cousin's fiance (whom I have very little regard for since the first time she met my family & grandparents she decided to wear a short dress and no panties) said "You can't call the baby Charlie, Charlie is a boys name- the baby is a girl." DS ignored her the rest of the day. :haha:
Lol Lilfoosh foosh, that is cute! And I like the name Charlie for a girl! Adorable!

I am jealous of that florida pic! It is snowing here right now :(

Don't worry too much about baby weights predicted for the ultrasounds! I had an ultrasound the day before my daughter was born. They said she was a little over 8 lbs. She was born 16 hours later at 6lbs 8 ounces. She was very long, but not chunky at all. She always measured long during the ultrasounds, and this guy is measuring average, so I guess he will be short compared to his sister hehe.

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