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Drmum: the nurse sounds hilarious. I really want a muffin now. Maybe I'll have on on a cheat day this upcoming week. So last night i was starting to pack more in the hospital bag and couldn't decide what to bring as babies going home outfit. I put 3 options in the bag all different sizes because if baby is huge, it won't fit newborn clothes. I am really hoping baby is not massive, when I say massive I mean like 20 pounds with a full grown beard asking for a lager after I deliver. I have this image in my head of a pudgy long legged babe. I don't mind wrinkly or pudgy. :wacko: I don't think I'm asking for much. I just keep telling myself a few more weeks, a few more weeks.

What is everyone's fear about delivery? about how the baby will look? About labor?

I just know I should go in with a clear mind and hope for the best but I keep worrying that baby will get stuck, lol. Darn my doctor and for mentioning this kid is built like a linebacker.
Lol Mommasquirrel, your post made me laugh! I'm expecting my little guy to be born hairy, so I really hope he doesn't have a beard! My daughter was teeny tiny (6lbs 8oz) so I'm not expecting a big baby, although I am hoping he is a bit chunkier than she was. The only thing I worry about during delivery right now, is that he'll be sunnyside up and won't turn like his sister. I don't want to tear so much again :S I can not wait to see his little face though. Our daughter looked nothing like we expected (blonde and blue eyes coming from a greek man and a French Canadian woman... unexpected) so we will see if he looks like his sister or more like his parents.
My biggest delivery fear is that I'll need another episiotomy... from conversation with my doctor it's nearly a given because I push babies out so fast my lady bits don't get time to adequately stretch... couple that with scar tissue from 2 previous episiotomies and yeah, lucky me. Trying to just accept it. She did make a note and promise me that they would try to avoid it, but it if comes to baby's safety (as it was with DD2 - at least - she had heart rate decels that didn't come back up between contractions) they'll do one again. Also would be really great if baby wasn't sunny side up. Had back labor with #2 and it wasn't fun at all! She turned in the birth canal and banged her nose up on my pelvis poor thing.
I'm doing okay. Felt really weird most of the day with tons of pressure down in my cervix area. Even spotted a little but it went away a few hours later. DH thinks it's my body preparing for little one. It's scary yet exciting to think in as little as 4 weeks I could have a little one to cuddle with. I have been crying on/off for the past few days. I feel like I don't have enough time to clean and get everything done. DH has tried to be supportive and keeps telling me to breath and know that everything is okay. It's odd because I've never felt like this before. It's almost like the anxiety the day before a huge exam.
Other than that, I packed part of my hospital bag and I'm getting my vacation bag ready. I'm so ready for a vacation and I'm hoping it will relax me. I don't like being a nervous and anxious person.

Aww mommasquirrel :hugs:, I'm not surprised you're getting a tad emotional. There is a lot going on. Don't stress too much about the cleaning, it is only expected that you probably won't be able to do it all. I'm an anxious and nervous person too, it's no fun right? aha. It is exciting how soon your LO could be here :). It's good you've started packing both bags, a vacation will be great!

I love the nurse story DrMum! that's brilliant that she brought you a muffin and apple juice, yum.

I have started feeling very heavy now, not good considering i'm on at 30 weeks! I feel so compact and when baby moves, it's my whole stomach that moves. Reckon I'll be a right grump for the last few weeks aha. I was lucky enough to drive by our local mamas and papas on Tuesday, they're shutting down and had huge savings! I caved and bought the bouncer I love even though it had only £8 off, however, I got my preferred changing bag half price! Shame we hadn't known sooner or we could have bought some of the display furniture cheap.
MommaSquirrel, you'd better find some plaid flannel onesies for taking your lager baby home!

My biggest delivery fears (besides the obvious emergency situations) are that I won't be able to handle it, and that after going to so much effort to minimize needles and sharp things, I'll end up needing all the needles and sharp things. IVs, epidural, episiotomy, stitches, maybe a c section for good measure.

As long as the baby's not goofy looking, I'm happy. We have a couple friends with funny looking babies, but that tends to be more common with girls looking just like dad. I can imagine some funny combinations looking at us as adults, but we were both cute babies, so hopefully the baby will be too. And if not, I'm sure he'll grow into it.

And there's still that little worry at the back of my brain that we'll get all set up for a boy and he'll come out a girl and not even have a name. All the big stuff is neutral, at least...

Still no word from the midwives, I bet the ultrasound place didn't send my records again. I'll call and check once lunch hour is over.
Lol, mrsk, that's basically what happened to me last time! Everything other than the C-section! honestly though, if your labour is strong enough, you won't feel any needles! Fingers crossed we all have quick easy labours and deliveries this time!!!
I'm scared I just won't have the strength or the energy to push him out. I imagine the midwife telling me I need to do bigger, stronger pushes and then I'll be saying I can't. I don't know why I think that. I know everyone manages it.
I feel like I have so many fears I don't even know where to start, many of which have already been said :nope:
Ok ladies, I need help! I don't know what this child is doing today but two things are happening.
1: I feel like I have a couple drops of pee in me at all times, causing me to go to the bathroom every 5 seconds (and of course there's nothing there)
2: I don't know where her hands are positioned, but my guess is down because it's like she's tickling my vagina/arousal area... it is NOT arousing, but quite uncomfortable... it tickles and also causes me to feel like I have to pee, and has been practically non stop for the past 4 hours.
Anyone else get this? Any ideas for remedies? I'm going to a hockey game tonight, and I feel like I'm going to be walking incredibly funny trying to handle these two strange sensations.
Sounds like she's hanging out really low! I get those pelvic tickles sometimes, I've been carrying low in general. Have you tried walking around and shimmying and kind of jostling the baby? Sometimes it works for me. Or lay on your side and see if she'll shift.
I heard back from the midwife finally. It was kind of reassuring but kind of not. I suck at reading ultrasounds (I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise), and it turns out all of him is in the 6th percentile. His femurs are proportionate now, but all of him is still tiny. Apparently he was 6th percentile at the last scan, too, but slightly lower on the 6th percentile. The midwife thinks that it's nothing to worry about - that he's just small. His fluid levels are good, my weight gain is good, and he looks healthy. We're doing another ultrasound in 2 or 3 weeks to make sure he's still growing at a consistent rate, and I'm guessing they'll be frequent til the end. She said if he drops below 3rd percentile, then they'll get even more frequent. I have an appointment on Tuesday so I can ask more in depth questions, once I've had some time to process.

All of their patients have to meet their consulting physician, and we have an appointment to do that on Tuesday after my midwife appointment. Sounds like we'll be discussing his size with her, as well, and seeing if she thinks we need to get in for an ultrasound at 2 weeks instead of 3. I'm a little freaked out that it's at a point where we need to get an OB involved.

I hope he keeps growing and we don't have to look at getting him out early. He was measuring right on track at 9 and 20 weeks, within a couple days. I looked it up and 6th percentile if he makes it to 40 weeks is a little under 6lbs. That seems so incredibly small.
Fx he has a big growth spurt and all goes ok :D I guess ideally u could do with him being a little late to give him more time to grow or won't that make any diff? Sorry iv never dealt with the percentile stuff etc
I really don't know. If it's a placenta issue or something, he's better off coming early, but the midwife didn't seem to think it was the placenta because he grew at a steady rate since the last ultrasound. As long as he's healthy, he can stay in as long as he wants...
missfrick: I know this will sound weird but get down on all fours and lower yourself to your elbows. keep your butt high and wiggle your hips back and forth for a few minutes. Gravity will shift baby out. If you're lucky she/he won't be giving you that feeling when you stand up again. If so, then it's a matter of time til the babe falls asleep and you'll be in the clear. Wear a pad just in case. I am constantly running to the potty lately. My little one is literally so low that when I go to the bathroom I can feel its head moving. It's horrible but part of pregnancy.

Hope it helps.
MrsK: don't worry too much about him being small. my adopted mom was telling me when my brother was born he was less than 5 pounds. She was 42 weeks along with him and it was an easy birth since he was small and she took him home the next day. Now he is 5'7'' and 150 lbs, almost 27 years later. It's all about genetics. If your short and your hubs is short you could have a small baby. I'm a giant in my family and so is my husband so we are having a giant baby. I was hoping it would be small since everyone in my family is small framed. Girls are around 5'1'' and boys 5'6''. Also, don't trust the ultrasounds, sometimes they are wrong and a few mm in measurements could mean the difference of a pound or two.
How tall are you and DH MrsK? I have a friend who is a short woman, and her husband is short as well. She had a wonderfully healthy girl at 39 weeks who was 5 lb 11 or 13 oz (I get confused because the time of birth was either 5:11 or 5:13 so I just remember the numbers, not which one applies to weight and time). I'm sure if baby has been hanging out at the 6 percentile everything is fine and baby is just proportionally small! Hope everything goes well with your future scans!
Thanks. I'm 5'4" and he's 5'7", so our height could be a factor, but this seems extreme, you know? We were both somewhere in the 7-8lb range at birth.
Some people just grow tiny babies :). I have two friends who each had two babies under 5.5lbs at full term. All 4 babies packed on the pounds as soon as they were born! It's good that they will monitor Teddy's growth, and hopefully he's just a tiny guy. I get it though, these babies make us worry about them from the moment we know they exist!
Mrs K hopefully baby goes through a growth spurt over the next couple of weeks.

I think I've begun to lose my mucus plug already only a very little of it but still enough for me to notice, I'm not sure this is my first time around maybe some of you experienced moms could be of help here I have an appointment on Tuesday and will discuss it with the doctor then. Trying to hold this little guy in at least until 37 weeks....
I hope the little dude stays put, ladybrown. I think mucus plug can regenerate.

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