2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

missfrick: I know this will sound weird but get down on all fours and lower yourself to your elbows. keep your butt high and wiggle your hips back and forth for a few minutes. Gravity will shift baby out. If you're lucky she/he won't be giving you that feeling when you stand up again. If so, then it's a matter of time til the babe falls asleep and you'll be in the clear. Wear a pad just in case. I am constantly running to the potty lately. My little one is literally so low that when I go to the bathroom I can feel its head moving. It's horrible but part of pregnancy.

Hope it helps.

Thanks, she's been a pain today, and when I went to the hockey game she was perfect... I get home, and it's more of the same. Hopefully she'll get out of whatever position she is in by morning, otherwise I'll try your wiggling technique. I'll try anything at this point, I have errands to run tomorrow and this will be most inconvenient!
MrsK, hearing baby isn't perfectly perfect can be hard, but he is perfect for him! With the extra monitoring they will find out if there is something wrong and you both will be fine. They will also find out if there is nothing wrong and you both will be fine. So it is kinda win-win. Like some other ladies pointed out- a) not all baby's are big and b) those scans can be inaccurate. :hugs:

MissFrick, I hope LO has moved a little.

Ladybrown, the mucous plug does regenerate and it isn't uncommon to start losing bits as you get closer to term. If the plug has bloody streaks in it call the doc.
@ladybrown : It could also be your cervical mucous thickening? The hormones are really spiking at this point.

@missfrick : Do you think she could be having hiccups? DD had them all the time in utero. I think just yesterday I felt them for the first time with this little guy. He's also sitting (head down, so is it really sitting?) lower than his sister, so I have those frequent potty stops that end up just being a trickle - when last time my bladder was fine. I'm up to 2 toilet visits during the night, but it's not too bad since I need to switch sides anyway.

@MrsK : I really think it's all about genetics. He may have seemed to be growing more steadily in the beginning because there's less variation between babies in the first trimester than later - when each baby seems to start developing into the specific little man or lady that he or she will be. DH's family is slightly worried/shocked by size estimates for this LO and definitely did a double-take when they saw DD for the first time. His side of the family makes tiny babies, but my genes have definitely taken over - to the point where he may even be a bit too big! If it's not one thing, it's the other. At least you don't have to worry about popping a cantaloupe-sized head out of your shmee-shmaw!
shmee-shmaw hahaha!

Anybody else feel like your pregnant with an octopus lately? This guy feels like he's trying to escape!

Frenchie, how has the potty training been going? We did it over Xmas break! Told my daughter that she was done with diapers and could wear pullups to bed and that was it - then stuck to it. The first few days were a bit rough, but after two weeks, she had no issues. She is also going to be three in a month so that probably helped.
Thanks, ladies. I'm feeling calmer about it today. I always need that day to come back to reality, you know? I'm just formulating all my questions for my appointment on Tuesday now. We don't really talk much to DH's family (small family, anyway), so I don't know what the average baby size is, I just recall being told at some point that he was 7ish lbs. His mom is really short, so there are small genes there... Both are families have really short people and tall people and not much in between :p My nephew was a tank when he was born, and still is, so I guess he got all the tall genes and Teddy is getting all the small genes, just like my brother and me. I may ask DH to email his uncle and see if he has any idea of averages, but there are so few babies in that family, who knows what he knows?
Glad you're feeling a bit better today MrsK! I am sure seeing the doctor will help reassure you as well. Do you know what a 6th % baby is expected to weigh at birth? Although 6th % for length may not mean he's 6th % for weight lol.

Anybody still having cravings? I could really go for a frozen yogurt right now!
I'm so hungry, I'd eat just about anything right now ;)

I don't know exactly what 6th percentile is at full term, but it's a little under 6lbs. 5.8ish, I think.
I'm taking a break from work for a few minutes and wanted to tell you all about last weekend! I have been meaning to all week...

On Saturday DH booked me for a massage and I told him I wanted to get my eyebrows done too, since I was starting to look like a mountain lady and I was too lazy/tired to do it myself, so said it would be nice to have them waxed first and then end with the massage. I also contemplated getting a full leg & bikini wax but decided I wasn't in for that much pain, so I just stuck to the eyebrows. I've gotten my eyebrows waxed before and didn't think anything of it, but Saturday night my forehead and eyebrow area was so itchy!! I took a look in the mirror and had very clearly broken out in an angry red rash all over where she waxed. :nope: I'm not sure if it was the wax itself or the after lotion stuff they put on but it was not ok. That was the 3rd time I had an allergic reaction to a skin product this pregnancy; I'm normally not so sensitive. Anyhoo- SOOOOOOOO glad I opted out of the full leg/bikini!

And the massage was nice...
Ooooh I want a massage! But that sucks about the wax!!!!! Definitely good thing you didn't go for the bikini/leg wax!!!
Oh- And, about 3 weeks ago someone I used to work with told me that she has had really bad BO ever since she had her kids... I didn't know what to say- it was awkward.

ANNNNNDDDD- I was in the kitchen at work the other day and someone who I barely know (like had to ask someone her name, because she talks to me all the time and I had no idea what it was) started telling me about her varicose veins and how they are all over her legs... Then is got really weird and she said "When I get my period, oh my gosh, my vagina! It gets all swollen and heavy." WTF?! I got outta there so quick
..... some people.... way too much detail lol! What can you even say!?
hi ladies!

Been busy this week.. my classes are 3 days a week, and it gets exhausting on top of everything else.

MrsK, I know what you mean about getting all teary eyed at watching the video births... theres something really precious about it, and Im not a cryer but even I was moved

Also, you mentioned your baby is breech position again.. have they gone over stretches in your class that could encourage the baby to rotate to head down? one stretch they gave us was to go on all fours and arch the back up then back to flat (not sagging). The instructors said that can really help turn a baby if you do it for a few minutes everyday, worth a try!

bookwrmgal- thats a really nice pic!! Your bump looks great, and you have a really nice warm smile too :)

missfrick, I sometimes feel baby really low down there too, but its more akin to pressing, kicking, punching my bladder more than any other part. I agree with who said to get on your hands and knees with your head down to kinda jog the baby out of that nook. Hope it works!

I got our stroller in the mail the other day... Im really excited about it, and the fact that the baby will be here in about 8 weeks!! Its going to go by fast

Also, my step-sister just had a baby girl about 6 months ago, and she is going to bring me all of her 'old' newborn clothes, which is great! because I have NO clothes yet lol
UGH! I tried everything, including getting down on all fours and trying to wiggle her away... it didn't work... made some pretty embarrassing noises at Target today when she would poke me "just so"...

Is anyone else starting to freak out a bit more? 33 weeks today means technically if my baby came in 4 weeks my doctor is all right with that... holy poop!
Hahaha teddy has been trying to escape via the Alien method all day today, and i'm sitting here at work saying "ouch" constantly! I don't know, they made me do that all 4s thing when I was 10cm dialated with my dd as well, and it didn't get her to budge then. Sometimes these kids just don't like to listen.

Yeah, I was thinking about the 4 weeks thing today too! Crazy!!!!!
Foosh, oh my god, I'm so glad you didn't do the bikini wax! Yowch!

My SIL mentioned today that she wanted to get me a massage but wanted to be sure I wanted one before she did it. I told her if the had the special table with the belly cutout, I didn't even need the massage part ;)

Swamp, our instructor recommended Spinning Babies, but didn't go over any particular exercises. Teddy's been all over the place since the ultrasound, though. I swear he just flips between ultrasounds and midwife appointments to make the midwives look like liars ;) Since he's still itty, I guess he has plenty of room for somersaults. I figured I'd ask at my appointment Tuesday and see what position he's in and what the midwife thinks I should be doing. Some of those inversions and such on Spinning Babies don't look like things I should be doing while home alone, and we won't have time for supervised inversions til next week anyway. The pose you recommended should be easier, though, if I can find my yoga mat.

I'm definitely freaking out a little, Missfrick! Especially since there's a chance now that they'll want to get him out early! The midwife didn't sound like she thought it was actually IUGR or anything risky, but I'm trying to keep my mind as open as possible to induction so it doesn't come as a shock to me if it happens.

I couldn't get a good photo, because paint colors never photograph well, but I painted a couple swatches in the nursery so we can decide on paint colors. The dark teal is definitely too dark, but it has a beautiful depth to it. The light blue is more the tone we want, but it's kind of boring. I'm hoping we can find something similar with a little more depth and interest to it, maybe a hint greener, but I'll be ok with the light blue if that's what we end up doing. The green on the top is staying, but it's more cheerful in real life than in the photo.

And if you're ever at the paint store and wondering if there's actually any difference between "light base" and "medium base," those two greens are technically the same color with a different base (oops). I didn't even know paint base had different shades like that, but it's amazing the difference!


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Nelly, this LO is definitely maxing out all of his living space. I can feel his bum and legs/knees rolling around all the time, especially after 7 pm.

Potty training has been going really well. We just went for the underpants with no pants option all day with lots of encouragement. I think it only took a couple of days for her to figure out that the accidents weren't fun. She only has diapers for naps and overnight. It has been more difficult to get her comfortable with #2 on the potty. I really think she was holding it in for a while, but now it just depends on her mood whether she wants to relax enough to go in the potty. It's been about a month, and I'd say she's doing well overall. Thanks for asking! I'm glad your little lady is pottying well too.
I've had a killer headache all day. Not fun, especially with my weekend shower guest arriving tonight... But it feels like a growth spurt headache, and I haven't had one of those in weeks, so maybe the kid has finally gotten the memo! But seriously, someone saw my head off...

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