2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Love the bump pics! I got all dressed up today for the shower and didn't think to get any good bump photos. Oops!

We got a bunch of cute little stuff, and a check from my mom that will cover our seriously expensive car seat (stupid small car), and then some, so I'll order that as soon as I get to the bank. And after taking stock at the shower, we decided our bassinet was the best use of the gift card DH's aunt and uncle gave us for Christmas. So now we have a place for him to sleep, and a car seat, and enough clothes to start, and the start of a diaper stash, which I'll probably fill out partially with the remaining money from mom. I'm feeling a lot more prepared with that taken care of!
Sounds like you have a plan, MrsK! Relieved a bit?

Mommasquirrel, you two make a cute couple. Those pics will look even better with a baby in them! Soon soon soon!
Momma squirrel you guys are cute!

The photographer is going to email me "sneak peaks" in about a week so we will all have to hang on until then :D

After a full weekend of fun, I went to bed at 7.15 last night!! It was bliss! This super early bed thing may just see me through the last few weeks of hip pain and reflux!
Oh how I wish I could get to sleep so easy wen I go bed :p I don't know where the idea that baby should be slowing down now since he's ment to be running out of space, this little monkey seems to be getting more active not less. He also causes me a lot of problems, I lie on my left side to sleep but he won't even allow that as he kicks me until I move and feels like I'm squashing him or something so I end up sleeping Sat up with a pillow against my headboard and then end up waking up so many times and end up with a soar back by morning :(
on a plus thou only 3 more weeks til all go for my home birth so little monkey best stay put til then :p I was thinking again last night trying to figure how I want to give birth lol now I'm thinking of doing it stood up til last few mins, birth pool won't happen with such a short time left and still nappies and few other little things to buy like bathing stuff and bedding.
Frenchie, it feels so much better to have a plan! If he showed up today, I could pull money out of savings and get stuff we really need, but I'd really prefer not to. I'm just hoping we can get our tax return done soon. We're just waiting on one form (from the old boss who's going to do our taxes, funnily enough), and once our refund is in hand, we can get any last bits and pieces, and the crib.

MummySmurf, that sounds miserable! I'm getting more frequent movement, too, and overnight (which is a new development), but thankfully it's not too strong yet. I guess there are advantages to growing small babies.

We had a great birth class last night. We're finally getting into the really hands on practice. We tried out some different positions for relief and that help make contractions more effective, learned some massage techniques, and held ice cubes with and without partner support to prove that it does actually help to have that distraction. I made DH hold the ice cube after I had to freeze both my hands and it didn't faze him one bit :dohh: I'm starting to get more scared as we get closer, but also more confident as we're learning how to handle labor - it's a weird contrast.
Lovely to see the bump photos!

MrsK I'm glad you had such a lovely shower and got a lot of the stuff you needed. I can understand how having now had it you must be feeling a lot more organised. I think I will feel the same after mine.

Is anyone else getting pins and needles at night (mostly)? I keep getting it in my right hand and it can be really painful. I'm also trying to accept this horrible heartburn and aching under my left rib- it is all worth it.
Nice pictures ladies! Did you both have fun with the shoot?

It sounds like everyone is enjoying their classes. Anyone not enjoying it or finding them not very helpful?

Sorry I haven't been able to keep up lately =( I put in over 50 hours last week and this week I feel like I'm trying to catch up on sleep. We had a crappy weekend too, the ILs are being stupid. https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-third-trimester/2276799-another-laws-thread.html

MrsK how was your shower? Did you have to play games? I was at a shower on Sunday too, for my cousin's wife. I had an ok time, I got to catch up with my grandma but I was exhausted by the time I got home.

Anyone else have their shower coming up?
I have my shower this Saturday for my family and friends. My work is planning one for me the first week in February, too. I'm really excited! I feel like once we get the gifts home, things will REALLY start feeling real! I can't wait to start putting it all away! :) Then my husbands family is having a shower for me, but not until after baby is born...so more of a meet and greet type shower.
It was fun, Foosh! No games, though I don't mind the ones that aren't gross. No thanks on the melted candy bar in the diaper one :p Baby showers are kind of fun, nobody would let me so much as carry an empty plate into the kitchen! My mom made a blue cake, and we brought home a big slice that we shared last night, and I almost had a heart attack in the bathroom this morning when I saw what all that blue food coloring did! :D

Midwife and our meet and greet with the consulting physician this afternoon. I'm looking forward to asking all my small baby questions. I'm feeling him so much more this week, I really think he must have gone through a growth spurt. I don't know if it was enough to bump him into a higher percentile, but at least it feels like he's growing! I've been researching which cloth diaper brands are best for itty bitty babies, since even a lot of the newborn sizes start at 6 or 7 lbs.
Good luck at your appointment today, MrsK! I hope the doc makes you feel better about your little man!

As for cloth diapers, we didn't bother using them until our dd was about 3 months old. We bought Charlie bananas, which are pretty much the only one sized diapers that get really small, but they still didn't fit her forever. I am sure there are brands that do smaller, but I felt like buying all different sizes kind of defeated the point of cloth diapers from a cost perspective for me.
So happy everyone is enjoying their showers! It's nice to be spoiled :)
I'm having my hooping cough vaccination tomorrow oh the joys lol has everyone else had it?
I haven't had whooping cough yet, but my midwife warned me it was coming up soon. Maybe today?

I considered just using disposables for the newborn stage, but DH really didn't like the idea. I'm 1/3 of the way to a newborn stash through hand me downs and gifts, so it shouldn't be too expensive, especially if we have a second baby or sell them.
I haven't had the whooping cough vaccine yet, but I need to remember to ask about it on Friday at my appointment.

I'm sorta jealous of all you ladies who are getting showers, I know it was my decision in the end to not have one, but it still sounds like fun (even if it's not such a Jewish thing to do)

The parts we ordered for the stroller arrived today, so now I have the basket all put together and it's finally ready! It's so exciting as things become to come together!

Aaaaaand - I have a severe bladder infection, so boo to that!
I'm not having a shower and I didn't with my first either so ur not alone, I guess it's not so popular in the UK :p

Ouch I bet the bladder infection isn't nice have u got some anti biotics?
Hope the infection clears up soon! Sounds miserable.

We had a busy day with appointments. Midwives first. I was a ball of nerves at first, so my BP was high, but since I was anxious about the tiny baby stuff, we agreed to check again at the end, and it was much lower, back in my normal range. Phew! High BP combined with small baby points pretty heavily towards pre-eclampsia.

So, we talked over the ultrasound results, and did a non-stress test. It wasn't as conclusive as the midwife hoped, because my brat child slept through it. His heart rate was in the normal range, but she wasn't able to check out what it did as he moved around because he didn't move around much. We ended up cutting that a little short (if a 90 minute appointment can be considered short) because I had the OB visit, and my midwife thought we'd probably get better information there anyway.

So, off to the OB. My blood pressure was even lower there, even though the NST made me a little nervous. We talked a bit, discussed the ultrasounds, and she did an ultrasound of her own. I really appreciated that she was very transparent about what we were looking at, as opposed to the tech I have at the imaging center who really leaves me out of the loop. I'm 33+5, and she said he was measuring 34 weeks. But she also said that according to her measurements, I'd be due March 10, and I'm due March 5, so I'm a little confused... But a 5 day difference doesn't bug me, I know there's a lot of "normal" range with ultrasounds, and she said (very tactfully) that my weight makes it a little harder to get fully accurate.

So, he looked good on the ultrasound. Still good fluid, his size looked better (maybe that growth spurt I suspected last week amounted to something), good movement, etc. She said that if I'd had certain other symptoms (high BP is the one I remember) and a 6th percentile baby, she'd have been looking at delivering him. As it is, since he looks good, I go back to the midwives in a week for another NST, then to the OB afterwards for a biophysical profile. If that all looks good, she's releasing me back to just the midwives unless there's some delivery complication (which would apply to any of the midwives' patients). If it doesn't look good, course of action would depend on the results, I guess. Either way, the midwives will keep a close eye on us and it looks like I'm being bumped up to every week appointments early. And I'm supposed to call the midwives immediately if I notice any decrease in movement.

All in all, it's a little confusing but mostly reassuring. I'm off to research biophysical profiles so I know what to expect.
Oh, and he's back to head down again, because he really loves to keep us guessing! I hope he stays there this time.

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