2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

I'm all strapped in and guess who's napping? I even had lunch late and had a diet coke in hopes of him getting active... We're both a little concerned that these inconclusive NSTs are going to get us an early induction, so I hope he wakes up...
Cute names ladies!

Nelly/CoffeePuffin I am with you ladies, I'm sore and bitchy and uncomfortable.

My discharge seems to have picked up, sort of like EWCM is this normal?

Also you are brave for all that crochet my least favorite part of needle crafts is attaching and sewing in ends!
Frenchie: that pattern is awesome. It reminds me of rainbow brite. Now I want one, lol.

MrsK: Hope Teddy cooperates. When is the next Ultrasound?

I had my 33 week appt and all went well. We're going to wait on an ultrasound until after Valentines day. Doctor said he will check my cervix at the next visit. =( I'll be almost 36 weeks. Really not looking forward to feeling someone pushing against my cervix. Also, I just finished working on my birth plan. Hooray, I just need to print out half a dozen copies and put it in my labor bag. All that is left is to put everything near the front door so it's good to go. DH is getting ready for a work trip next week. It's going to be stressful not having him around for a week. Really hoping this kiddo stays in place until after Valentines day because we're making reservations to eat out at a fancy restaurant. yumm!! Other than that, I am feeling quite exhausted all the time and it feels like this kid has run out of room, I can literally feel every twitch and turn. I think feeling so much makes it even more uncomfortable to sleep. I'm scared this kid is going to make me an insomniac before it's born. Praying my belly will give in and grow a bit to give him/her more room.
Hope everyone is doing well, I'm going to try and sneak in another nap.
Cute names ladies!

Nelly/CoffeePuffin I am with you ladies, I'm sore and bitchy and uncomfortable.

My discharge seems to have picked up, sort of like EWCM is this normal?

Also you are brave for all that crochet my least favorite part of needle crafts is attaching and sewing in ends!

You're welcome to tell your DH the name, but tell him not to tell anyone! It's a secret until he's born outside of you guys :)

I know people say it's worse to be preggo in the heat, but right now I am really hating the cold and having to put on so many layers and boots. I would give anything to be able to wear flip flops right now.
MrsK, Teddy sounds like a little bit of a rascal! My neice was uncooperative like that when my SIL was pregnant, and she is certainly the rascalliest (not a word lol) of her siblings :) I hope he wakes up and gets more active!
Thanks, ladies. He finally woke up, though it wasn't quite the usual mega baby party. Midwife said she's happy with his results and to come back in 2 weeks for another NST unless the OB says otherwise. We're having an ice cream because I got a shot, then heading to the OB for an ultrasound.
Sounds like a big day today MrsK. Hopefully everything goes well with the rest of the appointment.

I had the day off today, but I've stayed busy. I cleaned out part of the laundry room and made room for the stroller. I also did other cleaning today, bathrooms, vacuuming, etc. Im worn out now. I have a busy day tomorrow. I have a midwife appointment, which is usually Thursday, but I am meeting the alternate one. So I have that and then I work afterwards, too.
Well, that was reassuring but not reassuring. The OB said he looks healthy based on her quick scan, but she had a long talk with the radiologist who did the earlier scans and wants another growth scan in a week because it is his proportions in question, not his overall size. She does want me seeing the midwives for NSTs weekly. So we're back to big mystery status, but hopefully will know more in a week.
Thats good they are going to keep an eye on things for you mrsk, but these appointments do get stressful I know. Sometimes I feel the same...reassured, but not, at the same time!

Hope you get some rest now after what sounds like a long day!
I posted and ran earlier, so I'm back to read more thoroughly.

Missfrick, I think all kinds of mucus (or lack thereof) can be normal in pregnancy, but notable changes can be a sign of infection, so it never hurts to mention it. I'd bet that it's nothing in your case, though.

You're so organized, Momma! Do you anticipate going early, or are you just getting prepared just in case?

Nelly, I know I couldn't handle a hot summer right now, but I'm totally with you on the shoes. Every time it's snowy enough to require boots instead of slip on shoes, I'm bummed out. At least mine zip instead of lace.

Tonight was the first neighborhood knit night that a lady set up, and I wasn't sure I'd be up for going, but I figured it would be good to go do something social, so DH dropped me off after our appointments. I'm glad I went, it was nice to meet some other neighborhood ladies. The project I brought isn't working out - the recommended knitting needles are too big, so I'll have to get smaller needles and see if I need to adjust the pattern, too. I did have a different set of needles with me, so I started on a matching baby hat. I think I'll make it pointy and elfy. It was a good distraction from the baby health stress, too.

I'm having lunch with my SIL on Thursday. Maybe we'll do some baby shopping, too. It'll be good to get together with her. She understands the baby stress, even if she's coming from a different perspective with different specific experiences.

We had the crib shipped to DH's work and it arrived today. We still haven't painted, but once we do, we can get it all set up and ready to go.
Good work, everyone!

DrMum: LO is definitely measuring big. His head and predicted weight was off the charts at my last scan 2 weeks ago. DD was also big at the same scan, but not off the chart. I'm not sure if the French charts are a little lower, as French babies tend to be smaller than their American colleagues. I kept a pregnancy journal with DD that periodically asked for my weight and waist measurement, and I'm a couple inches bigger than I was last time at 34 weeks. Yikes!
MrsK: I think I am just anticipating going in earlier because of the gestational diabetes. I'm also getting very antsy. Pre-pregnancy I was pretty anal retentive about organizing things a certain way. My boss loved it because she said she could find anything she needed at my desk if I wasn't there. Also, my house was always ready in case someone came for an impromptu visit. However, since getting pregnant and moving everything has turned upside down. I feel pretty unorganized and so I work even harder to try and clean but darnit I feel so exhausted just thinking about it. I know that is a lame excuse but seriously I want to sanitize everything and scrub the floors before baby comes but I feel like I don't have enough time.

So, I am getting super frustrated with this testing my blood sugar 4 times a day. I am having great numbers after each major meal but my numbers for fasting are higher than I would suspect. I just want to throw my meter out the window and say I'm done. The doctor is pushing for me to go on insulin but why do I need insulin when my numbers after eating are great? Can't wait for baby to come so I can throw the meter or possible crush it with my hammer.

Ok, I'm going to go an try to find some humor online to get me out of this woe is me mood.. Maybe I'm hungry?
Mommasquirrel, I hope your day improves! Sometimes pregnancy is just hard, and our emotions and hormones do not help lol!

Frenchie, off the charts?! Oh my! I have a friend who was 12 lbs when she was born. It's funny because she's a very tiny woman now - about 5'3" and thin. Some people just make big babies :)
I hope he doesn't get too big, Frenchie! How was your DD's birth?

Momma, I'm impressed, my house is never company ready... Pregnancy is a pretty valid excuse for not having as much energy as you used to. Building entire people from scratch can be pretty exhausting sometimes. And Nelly was right, we all have emotional days sometimes. All those hormones... I hope you can figure out the blood sugar thing.
I really identified with what CoffeePuffin expressed the other day, that she wanted her body back. I think most of us know we could handle all this prep and stress if we were not so wobbly and exhausted and hurting all over. I stopped running/jogging when I got hit with major nausea within a week or two of my BFP. Running used to be a great way to take some time to myself in the morning and feel like I accomplished something. Now I feel like I'm in a fishbowl taking care of DD and not being able to do much without feeling exhausted. Just a few more weeks...

DD was 9 lbs 13 oz at birth, and I delivered with an episiotomy and a bit of tearing, but she had no problem making her way through my pelvis. I'm hoping LO's head isn't much bigger by the time I deliver, so I should expect him to be able to make his way out! The tearing etc really freaked me out before, but when you're in the thick of it, you're only concerned with getting your baby out. I definitely preferred that to a last-minute c-section.
And my daughter was 6lbs 8oz and I had a 3rd degree tear lol, so the size of the baby isn't everything... the worst thing about the tear was hearing it :S
Ack, I didn't even think about hearing the tearing! Creepy!

I'm sure if you managed ok with an almost 10 pounder, you can take anything this guy sends your way!
Yeah, I shouldn't have mentioned that! Don't want to scare anyone! At least I didn't feel it :)
If I heard my tear I immediately forgot about it. I had an episiotomy & small tear.

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