2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Holy crap. If this isn't real labor, someone else is going to have to have this baby, because I quit. Contractions vary in duration and time between based on position, but they're not giving me any breaks. We have dinner on the way, then we'll do more contraction timing and see where we stand. Hopefully soon. I was 3cm at the midwife's, and 75% effaced, and she did a sweep, so I think my odds are pretty good.
You can do it mrsk. Sounds positive. Have everything crossed for you!! Xxx
Congratulations, redskins! :)

So... we are team blue! :D Thomas Reuben was born @11:25 on 10/3/15 weighing 7lbs 9ozs. He's adorable and doing brilliantly. Thanks for good wishes and best of luck to those mamas in waiting! :) x
Just talked to the midwife. She said I can come in whenever I want at this point, but her recommendation is to give it another hour and see if the pattern holds. I'm going to take her advice for now, unless things go nuts, because I can swear in peace at home ;)
Exciting MrsK. Hope this is the real thing.
Congrats on the new additions.
Congrats Kealz!! :blue:

Momma, I'm glad you have an end in sight. Make the last few days count!

How exciting MrsK! Good luck, I hope you have a quick labour to make up for the last couple of days. :hugs: Come on Teddy!!!!
This slacker baby is taking his time. I'm only a 4. Aargh. They have me walking the halls to see if it dilates me more, but I'm taking a break while DH moves the car. I really don't want to be sent home, but I'm so tired.
MrsK: Have you tried bouncing on a birthing ball to help out with the contractions? I'm sure you'll dilate more since the contractions are so strong. You'll get through it, I'm sure. Have your DH find coffee or something sweet for you to nibble on to give you some energy. Sending positive vibes your way. =)
I'm up to a 5 and leaking fluid, so we're definitely here to stay! Still tired, but progress helps. I wish the contractions hadn't woken me so early today.
How exciting! Come on Teddy, we're all waiting to meet you! Good luck MrsK!
Congratulations, redskins! :)

So... we are team blue! :D Thomas Reuben was born @11:25 on 10/3/15 weighing 7lbs 9ozs. He's adorable and doing brilliantly. Thanks for good wishes and best of luck to those mamas in waiting! :) x

Congratulations hun! Fantastic day to be born - my birthday ;)
Hi all! Just wanted to let everyone know that Blake Samuel arrived at 8:20 am last Tuesday March 3rd by repeat c-section . He was 8lbs 9 oz. and 21.5 inches. He is doing great and nursing like a champ!

Congratulations! He's gorgeous! X
Congratulations to all of you that have now had your babies. For those still waiting I hope it goes quickly for you. We're doing well. George is 13 days old now. He's great. I love him so much. Unfortunately he has his day and night wrong way round though. Really hoping we can sort that soon and then maybe I'll feel a little more human. I know I've never posted on here as regular as a lot of you, but I have read your posts a lot and found this group very useful. Just wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to you all. I hope we all have our beautiful babies soon and can help each other with the new challenges. Thanks again x
molly, do you turn on the lights in the evening when little one wakes up? I've been told to not turn on any lights and to even use some ice on their feet to wake them up during the day.
I wonder if my little one will have things turned around as well. It feels like he/she is sleeping mostly during the days and is up and kicking, shifting right when I want to go to bed. I am kind of sedentary during the day and I make sure to just wear a bra around the house so there is as much light on my belly as possible recently and so far baby is waking up not too happy but oh well. Trying to get the sleeping issue taken care of in utero. lol
I lost part of my plug today, I suppose it's almost a bloody show but I know that means nothing since I stopped having contractions. Going to head out to the pool and hopefully that will get things going again. Maybe I'll try to catch a nap beforehand if little one complies. hope everyone has a wonderul week. Send me all your labor dust, lol. Monday can't come soon enough.
All advice I've heard about turning their days and nights boils down to keeping nighttime quiet and maintaining normal noise levels during the day. Also only change diapers at night when they're dirty, not just wet. Of course my little guy
Poops just about every time. Lol.

Terrified to jinx myself, but this guy seems to have days & nights straight almost from the beginning.
I have a midwife appointment tomorrow. It will be my first one for over 40 weeks. I'm trying my best to be patient, but I'm really starting to want my baby here. Thankfully last night I slept much better. If we talk about doing a stretch and sweep, I might go for it. I have GBS, so I'm not sure about the risk of having the membranes breaking before they are ready, so that will be a factor.
I have everything around the house ready that needs to be ready, so now all I'm doing is keeping things tidy like normal. Last week I had a few dates with my mom and nana, but this week she is working a lot, so the only thing I have to look forward to is my appointment. My husband has been taking the car to work so he can leave when he needs to just in case, so I can't do anything (I live in a small village- all we have is a church :) ). It's finally nice outside, and I'm trying to enjoy it, but walking makes my back hurt if I'm up too much, just because of all the weight on the front of me. Sorry it sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm anxious to have her!
So sorry for lack of updates! Phone has been dead and out of reach.

We still have no baby! After about 26 hours of no sleep, no baby, lots of pain, and a total panic at the very aggressive contractions when we tried the breast pump, and finding out I was only at six centimeters, I decided sleep and not being miserable won out over hippie ideals. I've been half asleep on an epidural and a slow pitocin drip most of today, making slow but steady progress. Finally got up to 8cm, so hopefully he shows tonight. I started leaking waters around midnight, and the midwives aren't crazy strict about a 24 hour timeline, but I know there's still a limit. I'm guessing if I'm not closer next check, we may up the pitocin.

I always knew he'd find some way to make up for breezing through the actual pregnancy!
Congrats kealz!

I completely understand what you're saying bucherworm and I don't blame you for feeling the way you are. I hope you have a good appointment. It's good that you're keeping busy. Maybe try to put your feet up and make the most of this time. No doubt she will be here before you know it. X
Oh mrsk you trooper!! Keep on going. You're so close now. Can't wait for teddy to make his arrival!
Thanks bumpwishes! It's hard waiting, and I am for sure getting in lots of rest and trying to enjoy every day, but I end up just thinking about it and driving myself crazy, so I need stuff to take my mind off of it.

We're all rooting for you MrsK. Definitely don't blame you for taking the epidural. You withstood way more than you should have had to! Try to get as much rest as you can before you have to start pushing, you've earned it. Conserve your energy, and we can't wait to see baby soon!

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