2015 MARCH-MALLOWS... Due in March 2015!! Come join us!

Thanks ladies!

Looks like the first week of March brought lots of babies, congrats mommas!!

Mrsk & Momma I hope things are progressing for you.

Can't wait to hear about all the coming births. Love that it's finally March and we are all getting to meet our little ones
Starting to feel some sharp pains in my crotch. Is this normal? I know I've been loosing my mucous plug over the last week. :/
Hey girls! Congrats foosh. I am so happy for you!! Our journeys have been very similar and I'm sure you feel a huge sense of relief! Delighted for you lovely!

Sorry I've been kind of quiet, you know how it goes with nursing and visitors etc! DS2 is doing just great, nursing like a trooper and back to birth weight exactly by today which is 2 weeks. Kind of hard to believe it's 2 weeks already.

So... Who is next ladies! Mrsk I am so rooting for you. And momma I feel like you are going to be soon! Where is Frenchie-is there any news there yet? Or mrs frick is she momma frick yet?!

Gosh exciting stuff for the March mallows!! I knew I'd always be a February imposter, but I'm excited for everyone!!
MissFrick's little girl showed up on the 1st :) If Frenchie has any news, she hasn't shared yet. The front page looks like it's pretty up to date!

I've had some sharp pains, lamago. Feels like the little guy was trying to drill his way out. Yowch! I assumed it was just another random pregnancy thing.

I've had a few random mild contractions today, but nothing really exciting. It's good to know things are getting going, though. DH works tomorrow, so I'm hoping things don't go too crazy while he's at work so I don't have to call him home, and then he's off on Tuesday, so I'm thinking it would be good timing if things started ramping up tomorrow evening or Tuesday morning.
I am so ready for it to happen. We went to the local pool today and I had so much fun. I literally feel re-energized after the swim. The only part that sucked was getting out of the pool. i had a few sharp contractions while I was moving around but the sense of weightlessness made the pain bearable. No wonder people rave about water births. I am so signing up for one with the next munchkin.
I get sharp crotch pain a lot these past few days but I figured it was another pregnancy thing just as MrsK. Our bodies are slowly getting ready for the birth and hopefully it's a good thing and will make labor easier.
MrsK: Have you been tracking your purple line? My DH took a look at mine today and the line has gotten wider and thicker. The last time he checked was over 3 weeks ago and it has changed considerably. I wonder if I am finally dilating. Looking forward to seeing my OB Tuesday. Hoping for some good news.
If DH is in a good mood we may go back to the pool tomorrow. I am so excited and ready to go for another swim. Hoping the increase in exercise encourages baby to come out.
Ohh...If frenchie has gone in we probably won't hear from her for a few days. I remember she mentioned the hospital will keep moms for a few days. soo exciting. I was looking at our growing list of babies and so far it's 20 little ones that have arrived..Can't wait for more updates.. Feels like everyone is playing the lottery at this point.. =)
20 already!? So many babies!

The pool sounds wonderful. I'd love to float around for awhile. I'm glad to hear that water helped with the contractions, since I have the option of a waterbirth. I'm hoping it'll help. The contractions I've had made it all a lot more real...

I keep remembering my purple line when it's 3am and I'm in bed. Oops. I should see if DH will take a look, or if I can get a good look in the mirror maybe. I'm sure I've dilated since my appointment, but I have no idea how much, and the earliest I'd get checked is Tuesday.
Well good to know its normal. Kinda threw me for a loop a little!
I'm still here, baby in belly. I've been pretty tired since DH has a stomach bug which I don't want to get, but I've been taking care of DD 100%. She's been good, but the bending over is really getting old. I have to get my platelets tested again, so I'm going to sneak out during her nap so that DH doesn't have to have any contact with her.

When I do go in to drop babe #2 I'll update on Facebook from my phone, but the bnb front page might not be up to date for a couple days, as Mommasquirrel said. They'll keep me for 4 days, but I'll try to haggle it into just 3, since there is nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed.

I'm really rooting for all the nursing mamas. I just started putting a little bit of lanolin cream on my nipples cause they were looking kinda dry. Cracking was a big problem for me last time, so I want to nip that in the bud if I can.

Can you believe that over half of us in the Facebook group have already popped? We're just now starting the second week of March!
The weather is supposed to be above freezing this week! Sounds like a good time to bring a baby home.
Hey ladies, just popped on to put up a pic. Charlie has day and night mixed up so we are pretty exhausted and DS is home sick today! It is really hard to get him to stay away from me and the baby but it would be terrible if she got sick already.

Milk came in last night and I was not prepared for these after pains (apparently they get worse with each pregnancy) :wacko:

ETA: I don't know why the pic is upside down, I will try to fix... nope- no idea why it's upside down =(


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What a cutie lilfoosh! Hope your boy feels better asap and nothing passes on to charlie :). Hope you manage to get a bit of rest here and there xx
ha ha know what u mean with afterpains they have been horrible wouldn't wish them on anyone but fingers crossed iv been ok today.
Cute picture of Charlie :D
Aww, Charlie is too cute! I think I need to stare at newborn pictures all day or find a new baby to cuddle. The idea of labor is freaking me out! Gotta keep in mind the prize at the end...

I'm still getting the sporadic pre-labor contractions. Teddy is really dragging things out... I think tomorrow I'll ask the midwife if she thinks a sweep will get things moving. I was ok with him being late, but the contractions are doing a number on me, emotionally.

I hope everyone else is hanging in there! Hopefully your DH is feeling better soon, Frenchie.
I was just thinking the same thing, Frenchie... Incredible that over half the FB group has already had their babies, and we're only a 1/3 thru March!!

Im a bit worried about my weight gain... its been really sporadic. In January i only gained 2 lb the whole month, then gained 8 lbs the first 2 weeks of Feb, then since mid Feb, Ive LOST 6 lbs!!! How is that even possible?!

Baby seems just fine tho, still kicking and squirming away. I had a smoothie for breakfast and the sugar really got her going.. I usually dont feel her when Im standing or sitting, but Ive been feeling her squirm a bunch just sitting at the computer

And yeah, Im starting to get the 'hows things (baby) going?' phone calls too... Ive got 8 days until my due date and hoping to go at least a day or two past my due date to comply with our adult lives but I know thats a joke...

Those that want their babies early go overdue, those that want their babies late will likely have them early.. Murphys law or something!

AND>>>>> MANY CONGRATULATIONS to those that have had their babies... just want to do an offical B&B congrats, even though Ive personally got most of you on FB. :)
My mom is starting to get a little less funny and a little more annoying with the texts. I didn't mind the jokes about how to get him out, but the daily "Update please!" is getting old. I've told her a million times that she'll be in the loop if anything happens. There's no update to make! I'm still pregnant. There is still no baby. Literally nothing has changed in the 12 hours since I updated! I won't forget to text if something happens, I swear!
I know, its funny to consider that family would honestly think we wouldnt bother to announce labor or birth without being bugged about it. I've been using that standby also: "youll be one of the first to know when things start to happen!"
I know, its funny to consider that family would honestly think we wouldnt bother to announce labor or birth without being bugged about it. I've been using that standby also: "youll be one of the first to know when things start to happen!"

It's just so weird. I've even been specific about when I'll update. Barring actual rush to the hospital emergencies, I will update when we leave the house, and I will update when the baby is born! I will probably update before that, too, when things get serious at home. I even updated her when I started having these pre-labor contractions, just to kind of reassure her that I'm updating. Grandmas!:dohh:

She's also reminded me a few times that family gets to visit first after he's born. I happen to agree with her, assuming family is ready to visit and isn't delaying it for 12 hours or something and making everyone else wait forever, but I'm pretty sure that's MY decision, not hers...
You planning to allow visits in the hospital immediately after birth?

At the Birth Center, they want us to leave within 6-12 hours after the birth, so we were just planning on visits a day or so after we get home. My mom isnt happy, but oh well!!!
Not immediately immediately, but shortly after. I'll be in at least 24 hours after the birth, up to 48, even with no complications. We'll take a few hours to bond and rest no matter what, then see how we feel if it's during visiting hours. There are only a few people who would visit in the hospital, and they all know better than to linger, so I don't think it'll be too bad. I'd rather that than have to stress about visitors while we're settling in at home.
Yeah, visitors do seem like a bit of an obligation. In theory its awesome, you want to show off the baby but in practice... just being exhausted and recovering and not the best groomed or most energetic hostess can be a lot

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