Awww, thank you!
So, story time:
At 24 weeks, she started measuring smaller, but was still within normal size ranges. She floated around the 35th percentile for a while. Then, at 32 weeks, she dropped below the 10th percentile, and we were diagnosed with IUGR. They classed us as high risk, and I had to come in for monitoring twice a week for the rest of my pregnancy. On Tuesday, I came to the maternal fetal medicine center for a routine doppler/BPP ultrasound. One of my Doppler flows had a slight abnormality, and they sent me to the birthing center triage for an NST. While doing the NST, they took my blood pressure, and it was hiiiigh. They decided to admit me. I was 36+4, and the doctor came in and said they would be monitoring my blood pressure. She said they were hoping I could hold out until Friday (37 weeks), but that I was definitely having a baby this week.
My blood pressure didn't go down. They diagnosed me with pre-eclampsia, and put me on a magnesium sulfate drip. They decided at this point, it was safer to take her out than keep her in.
I had to wait 8 hours from the last time I had eaten, so they wheeled me in to the operating room at about 9:55pm on Tuesday night for a c-section. The spinal block was super easy. Not painful to do at all! They strung up the sheet, brought in hubs, scrubbed me down, and got started.
Lucina Jade was born via c-section at 10:29pm, due to pre-e, IUGR, and breech. They told me after they pulled her out that I have a heart-shaped uterus, and that's why she couldn't flip head-down. She was 3lb 14oz and 17" long. Scored a 9/9 on her Apgar tests.
They had a hard time getting her to cry. She really didn't want to! They managed to get two good cries out of her before giving up. She had her eyes wide open, and she just wanted to look at her new world. She still doesn't cry much, and would rather look around at things. She's started to find her voice in the last day or two, though. Healthy, just small! She has a feeding tube now, just to help her get enough food to start putting on weight.
Hubs feeding her, totally in love:
She is already our whole world.