2016 May Miracles

Sugar, I'm 6.5 weeks out and I don't feel normal, so I understand. I still have high blood pressure, I have a bladder infection (1st one ever), my episiotomy isn't totally healed, and I have a probable partial separation of my pubic bone. Plus low milk supply due to PCOS and a baby with colic. It's definitely rough. Hang in there!
Goodness Drjo. I guess I'm not alone and I need to be prepared to go through these ups and downs for a while. Sorry to hear you have so much on your plate. I hope you're surrounded by people that can help.
Ja - sorry to hear about the weight gain issues. I went through that with my daughter and I remember how nervous I was before each weigh in appointment and I cried in the doctor's office when she didn't gain weight. It's so hard! Have you tried any supplements like fenugreek pills? I have a few friends that have used them and it's really helped increase their milk supply.

We did IVF to conceive so I thought we wouldn't need to worry about contraception but my doctor said people have surprise conceptions even when they had to do IVF. So we will probably use condoms because I hate hormonal birth control. I'm on the fence right now about having another baby. I definitely would not want to get pregnant until this little guy is at least 2 yrs old.

Sugar - I'm 3.5 weeks out and still don't feel 100%. It just takes time. Pregnancy and delivery really takes a toll on our bodies. You're right celebrities make it look so easy! But I think they hide themselves until they are all healed and they also have teams of people to help them get back in shape.
Since I'll only be exclusively breastfeeding for a few more weeks, I've decided to just exclusively pump. Even though I hate it, knowing that he's getting enough it one less thing to stress about. According to my scale at home, he's gaining weight!
He takes the acid reflux medication twice a day, and I go back and forth on if I think it's working. He still has times where he spits up a lot, but it hasn't been every feeding.

Em- I haven't taken any supplements since it seems I'm making just enough while pumping. I know I should want to make more so I can store it, but I already get so much discomfort from my breast, I'm worried about an over-supply.

Other than breastfeeding, I've been lucky in how I've felt physically. Ever so often I still have some pelvic pain toward the front, but it's minor. I've worried if that will be good by the time I'm 6 weeks pp though. I've been really looking forward to starting an exercise routine, and I hope my body is ready for it by then.

I've lost nearly 20 lbs so far, so that means I have about 10 more to go to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm not as concerned about the number, I just want to be healthier and more fit.
Definitely takes time to feel normal again! I was surprised at how sore and unme I still feel, at a month out today I physically feel pretty good but know downstairs is still pretty rough!

William has a cold now! I'm praying it leaves quickly and doesn't turn into anything! It is horrible to listen to him trying to breath through a stuffy nose! We've had a rough start health wise with Samuel being sick and then myself and now William :hissy: not impressed!

Otherwise we are doing fairly well... Cannot believe our little guy is already a month old! :shock:
Drjo - sorry you aren't feeling well. That sounds like a lot to happen at once. I hope things get better soon :hugs:

Ja - oh I didn't realize supply was not the problem. Yeah you definitely don't want to start having oversupply problems. especially since you are exclusively pumping now it's easy to cause that. I had that with my DD because I had to start pumping a lot since she wasn't breastfeeding well and it caused a whole host of other problems for her and me.

Baker - I'm sorry William is sick! It's so frustrating to have illness sweeping through the house with a newborn. My daughter has a stomach virus now and I'm freaking out, hoping Alexander doesn't catch it. She is never sick but now she has been sick twice since we brought this little guy home it's crazy!
Hey ladies, sorry I haven't checked in much. 4 kids 4 and under is so flipping hard! Add on top of that the fact that Hand Foot and Mouth just went through my house and the fact that I just found out my DS1 has Autism, and it's made for a really crazy few weeks. :( But Levi is doing well and is cooing and smiling now, so that's been fun. :flower:
Sorry to hear about all the sickness! That is stressful.

Bennett's weight check was today, he's gained 6 oz this week so he's now 6 lbs 13 oz! I've started my slow transition to formula. For the last few days, we've given him 2 oz of formula a day. I'll probably up it another ounce or two tomorrow.
I've also started pumping less, about half as many times as I was. I may pump ever 6 hours instead of 3. Oddly enough, it seems like I'm expressing more overall! Now that I'm almost to 6 weeks (on Tuesday) I'm just going to be casual about it.
Spiffy sorry things have been so tough.

Ja glad your feeding plan for Bennett is working well.
Sorry to hear all the difficulties our mommas are going through. :hugs:
Poking my head in to say that our second daughter, Lottie May, was born at 10:33 this morning. Lottie was delivered at 30 weeks weighing 2lb 9oz, and she's currently in NICU. She and Maisie, our now 1 year old daughter, share the same birthday!

I miss you all dearly and hope you are settling in to motherhood well. I think of you often and read all of your posts.
Wow alea congratulations. I hope she is doing well!!! And happy birthday to both of your dd's. Why was she born early if you don't mind me asking? I hope you are doing well too
Awww Alea, sweet of you to pop in and let us know. Praying your sweet girl graduates from NICU quickly and you'll all be united really soon.
Alea, thanks for stopping in. I hope your tiny one is thriving and you are doing well!

Afm...my phone broke on Saturday and is not repairable. It won't even start up and stay on...which means I lost all my pics. :cry: my automatic backup stopped working April 3 for some reason, so the pictures from the end of my pregnancy and first 7 weeks of Nora's life are completely gone. So sad :( :( :(
Drjo, you should be able to recover those. Can you take your phone to a tech repair shop? My phone did the same thing a few years ago and even though the phone wouldn't power on they were able to recover my pics. I sure hope that's the case for you too I know how devastating that feels!!!!
I took it to 2 Verizon places and a phone repair place. They all said if the phone wouldn't turn on, there was no way to get them. Do you know how you got yours?
I'll ask my husband to explain better tomorrow, but I think they got it off the hard drive? That probably sounds silly.. could be completely wrong .. I'll ask dh tomorrow and report back (he's the techie)
Hi everyone. I have had a rough time so haven't been on bnb much. I have been in hospital nil by mouth for 6 days and have on been out for a week. I almost died from a rare complication, basically I had two undiagnosed stomach ulcers and I was prescribed voltaran after my c section and it ate into my ulcers and made them really bad. I started to pass black stools and was in huge amounts of pain, I was admitted to hospital and they put a camera down my throat to see what was happening and when they did the ulcers ruptured and took out an artery, they managed to stop the bleeding and I ended up having three blood transfusions and was transferred to a high dependency unit. The drs said if I hadn't come into hospital I most likely would have just collapsed and died at home. Very scary time. I was also separated from Fin the whole time and wasn't allowed to pump to keep my milk supply up because they needed my body to focus on recovery and not milk production.

I'm home now and have rebonded with baby Fin, I'm lucky that he latches well so I am working on rebuilding my milk supply and am currently toping him up on formula. I was very down about all the time I missed with Fin but I have dealt with the trauma and an just happy to be reunited with him and dh and feeling lucky that I'm here with them and that dh made me go to the hospital when he did. It's been a rough start. Hope everyone else is doing well and are happy and healthy and enjoying their little ones
Alea, congrats! :flower: I hope Lottie gains weight quickly and does well in the NICU so she can come home soon. And that's pretty cool that she and her sister share a birthday! And, for not being a May mommy, you actually came pretty close in the end! :winkwink:

NZKiwi, that sounds scary! I'm so glad you got to the hospital in time and that you're safe and all is well now. :hugs:

Not too much going on for me. Levi is being super chatty, just cooing and "singing" all the time, which is fun. :) Crazy to think he'll be 2 months old on Tuesday!


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Oh my goodness NZkiwi, I'm so thankful that things didn't turn out differently. That is so scary to even think about. I'm so glad that you and Fin have been reunited, your poor husband must have been beside himself with worry. Loads of love and prayers for continued recovery.

Spiffy, Levi is a cutie pie!

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