Bennett will be 5 months old on the 10th! (Picture was taken the day he turned 4 months)
At his 4 month appt he weighed 12 lbs 6 oz, and he was 24 inches. To other people, he's so tiny, but he seems so big to us! He's grown so much, and I can tell he's been steadily growing since.
He's always smiley & happy, unless he's sleepy, of course! If he's sleepy, he just wants his mama!
At four months old, I started putting him in his crib (he had mostly just been sleeping with me or pack & play) I thought he was sleeping good anyways, but he slept even better in the crib. He wakes up at around 4-6 am and I usually just bring him into bed with me and he falls right back asleep. Haha to early for anything else!

I get so amazed at how much of a little personality he has! He has likes and dislikes, and I feel special to know them. For example, he loves music and his favorite song is 5 little monkeys!
We've still been battling the issue of him spitting up a lot. He is still on medication for reflux, but I started a soy formula yesterday to see if that helps.
Is anyone having baby fever yet!? I don't want to be pregnant just yet, but I'm often thinking of when would be the best time. Sadly, I think it will be awhile before we can ttc though. I'm not sure if I ever updated on this- I did start back at work, but after two weeks put in my two week notice. It was too long to be away from son, and I also decided to go back to school. Now I can be a SAHM for a little while. Most of my classes are online, and the one that isn't is in the morning when my husband is still home. So since I'm not working or income is very tight, and I won't be finished with school until 2019.
I've always felt very strongly about my children being close in age, but I also have to make responsible decisions.