2016 May Miracles

My son did something similar! Before he went to sleep for nap yesterday, he patted my belly and said "see baby couple days!" super excitedly.... :nope: Hopefully he is confusing weeks and days! :haha:

Krissy; hopefully your dd means A friday, not THIS friday! :dohh: :wacko:

Checked for the cervix tonight, still nothing :nope: Its still SUPER high!
Drjo - ok that's good news you don't have pre-eclampsia. Fingers crossed everything looks good today and you don't have to be induced on Sunday.

Spiffy - I'm sorry to hear about the hypertension :(. Well, at least you have an end date though. I bet since you're already 4cm dilated the induction will be an easy process. My SIL was 3cm dilated and they broke her water and she had my niece 2 hrs later. No need for pitocin or any other interventions.

Pink - it sounds like things are progressing! I'm so bad at checking my own cervix. I thought I was 2cm dilated but my OB checked and said less than 1cm lol.

Krissy and Baker - wow, your little ones sound very intuitive! It will be interesting to see if they are right :)

AFM - I'm trying to get unpacked we have a mountain of boxes from our move on Tuesday. This big belly is really slowing me down. I'm excited to start washing baby clothes and getting everything set up. I can't believe I'm going to have a baby in 5 weeks!
Em, I could easily not even be dilated to 2. I didn't probe in there so it could have just been the outside making it feel nickel sized. I'll keep checking though and look for progresss. My dr likely won't check until 38 weeks!! :)
That's the tricky thing about checking your cervix. You have to be able to feel baby's head to really check for dilation, because the external opening of the cervix is almost always wider than the internal opening.

Em, I moved when I was 32 weeks pregnant with my first, and it was not easy! I also moved when I was 10 weeks pregnant with DS1, and again when I was 6 weeks pregnant with DS2, but it was by far the hardest the first time because I was already huge and uncomfortable.

Baker, just because your cervix is high doesn't mean it's not getting ready. At my appointment yesterday (when I was 4cm dilated, mind you) my OB described my cervix as "high". So how high or low it is doesn't mean much, since it can drop in a second when baby decides to snuggle in down there. And second babies love to pop in and out all the way up until labor. :winkwink:
Spiffy not long for you now since you stop your injections this week!! Do you have everything ready now?
Had a midwife appt today. Saw someone I hadn't met before, she was nice. I usually have good experiences in person there though, that's why my opinion has been back and forth.

Fundal height is measuring right on at 36 1/2. She made sure he was head down, which I was already pretty certain he was. I'm a pound away from reaching 30 lbs. the recommended is 25-35lbs, so I think I have a good chance of staying within that. Makes me happy.
I asked if they started checking the cervix at a certain week, and she said not usually until you're past your due date. Sometimes they will at 40 weeks if mom is just dying to know. So I'll just be going off what I think as far as cervical progress. I can't imagine going past my due date, but that may just be me being a naive FTM!
I haven't checked mine but my doctor probably will at my next appt in a few days.

Em I don't envy you a bit! I've been getting so uncomfortable lately so I couldn't imagine unpacking a house!
My dd lately likes to talk about how babies cry (with a demonstration). Hope that's not intuition of a fussy baby!
Spiffy; I thought maybe that was possible! My midwife said they would start checking in a few weeks so I guess time will tell!! Info think it would be cool to be able to feel it myself! This baby definitely goes between engaged and not ALL day long!

Still measuring right on! Today the heart rate was in the high 130s, most of our midwives are guessing boy!

Ugh I couldn't imagine moving right now! Your my hero! We moved when I was 11weeks this time and I definitely don't want to do that again!
Haha, TTDuck, it's funny the things kids come out with. My nearly 4 year old keeps putting his teddies up his jumper, then running around until one is born. I hope my delivery is that uncomplicated!

I haven't even tried to check my cervix and the midwives here won't check at all. I'd only get to find out if I get a sweep after going past due date.
I couldn't imagine moving either.. I definitely don't envy you!!!

I did get a lot checked off my list today.. did a thorough deep cleaning on the house, I got all the gift baskets done. One for my dr, one for my doula, one for my photographer and one for the nurses on the l&d floor when we go in. They turned out so nice!!!
I also bought all my nursing tops and bras today. So all I have left is to finish sewing the diapers and then maintain the cleaning of the house and wait on little girls arrival. It feels so good to have so much done already :)
I'm glad you all think moving this pregnant is crazy too! I have felt like such a complainer lol. Luckily my DH has been doing most of the work but I still feel like I've doing too much so I'm going to be taking it easy this weekend and letting him do everything ;)

Pink - good job getting all of that done! where did you get nursing tops and bras? I'm having trouble finding anything that is comfortable. I've been ordering and returning a ton because they always end up having itchy straps or the bands.
Agree I moved early second tri and it was tiring, let alone approaching full term, will feel good when you are all unpacked though.

I don't think we get checked for dilation either unless we are having a sweep when overdue, I'm not checking myself either as I don't want the expectations or feelings of disappointment that could come with it.

I had a growth scan yesterday and my boy is estimated to be 2.4kgs already, almost at a good birth weight with six weeks to go still!

Spiffy how fast do you think labor will start after your injections wear off?
Glad to hear everyone is doing well! I had another appointment today. I've been taken off work and put on modified bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy now, but still no signs of preeclampsia. I know low potassium can be related to high blood pressure, so the midwife is almost wondering if that's what's going on and not necessarily true gestational hypertension. So no induction for now. I have another appointment tuesday to see where things are.

The midwife also checked my cervix today and I'm almost 4cm dilated and 80% effaced, and my cervix is very anterior. I rarely have any contractions so I'm not really sure when that happened, but at least it changes the method of induction if that becomes necessary, so I'm feeling a little better about things. She also suggested I drink red raspberry leaf tea and have a chiropractic adjustment to see if anything helps put me into labor on my own.
Pink, I've pretty much got everything ready to go (it helps that I already have young kids, so I've got all the gear, and most of it is already out and ready to go). Sounds like you're getting a ton done! That's awesome.

NZKiwi, I think labor will start this weekend, personally, since I've been getting more contractions just before my next shot. We'll see, though! Maybe baby will shock us all and just sit tight until my induction on the 26th.

Drjo, last time you mentioned your cervix you said it was very unfavorable, so that's amazing progress! You're pretty much sitting where I am. I wonder if our bodies know that the high blood pressure will go away after baby is born, so it sort of just tries to "evict" baby to solve the problem? Anyway, I hope it just happens naturally for you so you don't have to be induced.
So I've been getting Braxton hicks frequently tonight. Just started timing them, the last few have been 6 minutes apart. Only feel the tightening though, no pain at all, so I'm not thinking it's anything real.
Oh good practice run, I have only had a few braxton Hicks, that I've noticed.

My nesting instincts are kicking in though, tidied up the nursery, got a plastic box to make into my home birth kit, got some items for the home birth and so far have washed all the bassinets attachments, all the sheets, mattress protectors, hooded towels, sleep sacks, swaddling cloths, blankets, bibs, flannels etc, still have all his clothes to go. I started to organise his room too, I had just been storing stuff in the packaging as I got it but now it's looking more like a nursery and less like a storage facility! Anyone else nesting?
The BH kept on that way until I feel asleep, didn't turn into anything of course!

I think my nesting comes and goes. Anything baby related I want some ASAP! I still have some things around the house I've been meaning to do, and I've been getting a little done here and there. I'd say I'm very close to being done.

The nursery is finished, I took pictures to post today. I'm on my phone and it wouldn't let me post all four. I'll just post one for now and try to fix the post later.


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Ja, your nursery looks adorable! :flower:

NZKiwi, sounds like you're getting very organized! I had a friend do a homebirth, and it was interesting the things she had to buy to get ready for it, that I wouldn't have thought of.

I had some contractions coming every 5 minutes last night, but when I put them to the "sleep test," they went away, so still no baby. My shot will be out of my system in the next couple days, though, so I'm expecting this baby to be here this week for sure.
Ja i love the colour of the nursery, it's gorgeous!

Spiffy, I guess we can officially start labour watch for you then!
Thanks! :)

Here are the other 3 pictures. Sorry the lighting is weird with the bookshelf picture, was very sunny outside!

Also wasn't sure about rotating the pictures :/ The original photos are the right direction!


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