2019 Junebugs

@Babybump87 im feeling you on the tiredness. If I sit down I just wanna nod off! I’ve got the midwife Tuesday so she will take blood then and I guess we will see what they say! Exciting that your buying bits for baby! I keep looking at boy and girl outfits! Super cute!!!!! We just got bunk beds for our girls as it freed up so much floor space!!! Amazing!!!!

Hopefully your bloods will come back all ok ! Pregnancy tiredness sucks, god help us those first few days haha !! Ooo amazing !! We are getting bunk beds for our girls too ! Probably mentioned that somewhere but can’t remember haha .
Anyone else suffering with hip pain . I have a pregnancy pillow but my hips are still killing when in bed . Tossing and turning all night !

Arghhh I feel like throwing this pillow out the window it’s useless !

Edit . I’ve for sure developed SPD/PGP my hips and back have been sore for over a week but last night and this morning they are throbbing . Couldn’t sleep all night . I did have it with DD but not until a little later in the pregnancy . Any recommendations on a support band etc ! Last time I was just given a massive tubagrip to go over my bump by the hospital and it was so uncomfortable
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Thank you to all you ladies for the words of encouragement. Over the weekend I got access to my medical records and found the doctors exact writing: “All four chambers present (thank god,) lack of visualization of cardiac outflow tracts and left ventricular echogenic foci” So I am trying to remain hopeful. We have an appointment in April to do the echocardiogram and I believe they put it this far out to give him the opportunity to move around and hopefully the echogenic foci will be gone. I am trying my best to remain positive, but will feel better after having discussed all of this at my next appointment on the 11th
Thank you to all you ladies for the words of encouragement. Over the weekend I got access to my medical records and found the doctors exact writing: “All four chambers present (thank god,) lack of visualization of cardiac outflow tracts and left ventricular echogenic foci” So I am trying to remain hopeful. We have an appointment in April to do the echocardiogram and I believe they put it this far out to give him the opportunity to move around and hopefully the echogenic foci will be gone. I am trying my best to remain positive, but will feel better after having discussed all of this at my next appointment on the 11th

I’m glad your feeling more calm and hopeful ! Hopefully baby is just lying in a awkward position ! Good luck for your next appointment
I’m glad you are able to look at the notes. Hopefully by the 11th you’ll get a good clear look at baby. Got all crossed xx

@Babybump87 no I’ve no idea about support bands. I had some issues with my first but nothing to bad. Hopefully someone can recommend one and things are as uncomfortable.

How is everyone? X
Shanlee - with my third child, I had an ultrasound that showed water around the baby's heart. They said she was in heart failure and sent me to a specialist. A week later at the specialist, their ultrasound showed no water. They had the pics side by side and it was just gone. I do think sometimes things happen as they grow and fix themselves. Hopefully it was just an inability to see the heart correctly, but if there was something off, I hope it fixes itself by your next appointment like my daughter's did. Such a hard thing to go through! :hugs:
Do you ladies think it’s ok for me to sleep in this position with my pregnancy pillow popped under my bump and leg? Seems to be the only comfortable position I can get into of a night otherwise I just toss and turn but obviously worried about too much pressure on bump !

Excuse the picture it’s the only one I could find to give you all a more accurate idea ! My left arm would be under my pillow not straight by my side

Babybump - I often do a version of that - using my knee to keep myself off my belly. I find if I lay any other way I end up either on my back or with pain in my hip/thigh joints. It doesn't feel like I'm squishing my belly since I'm partway on my side.
From what I can gather they worry about you laying on your back.... so I don’t think it’s an issue. Plus I’m guessing baby would let you know if it was unhappy.
Babybump - I often do a version of that - using my knee to keep myself off my belly. I find if I lay any other way I end up either on my back or with pain in my hip/thigh joints. It doesn't feel like I'm squishing my belly since I'm partway on my side.

This is exactly me !! Thanks for posting x

Thanks mummy I’ve had a look and like you posted apart from back sleeping and sleeping on the left is preferred nothing else comes up.

I think I’ve reached the stage in my pregnancy where it’s starting to take it’s toll on me physically ! We all reach that point aye haha
Yeah my body is starting to ache. It’s my back and ribs. Sitting down I’m so uncomfortable. And the tiredness... needs to bog off!!!! Haha!!!!

Anyone with appointments this week? I have my 28 week midwife appointment tomorrow. As if it’s already been 12 weeks since I last saw her!!!!
Haha I feel like I am moaning all the time now about different aches and pains !

I have an appointment this afternoon for my first b12 shot .

Those 12 weeks have gone super fast! . I see my midwife next week at 27 weeks not sure why she has booked me in a week early but I will take it ha
Hehe! The getting shoes and socks on too.... how can you get out of breath by just putting shoes on:haha::haha:

Oooo goodluck with your injection! That reminds me I need to book my whooping cough jab. Hopefully I can get it the same time as my next midwife app.
Midwife went ok! Heard baby! Fundal height 28cm.... blood pressure 90/50 so a little low (she wasn’t concerned) and didn’t seem too bothered that I’m exhausted and out of breath! See her again in 6 weeks at 34 weeks x
Shanlee - Glad things seem to be looking up. I know it's hard to wait, but FX you get good news on the 11th!

BabyBump - YESSSSSS! I'm assuming my pelvis is already widening because after being on my feet a minimal amount of time, my hips ache terribly and I feel like I'm limping/waddling everywhere! And that picture is exactly how I sleep in my pregnancy pillow, when I'm sleeping facing my right side. (On my left side, I just have the pillow between my legs and side sleep. So weird that I have different positions when I face different ways - it's like I can't flip flop them, lol!) And one arm is ALWAYS under the pillow. Then I wake up with numb fingers :wacko: But yeah, I am a reformed belly sleeper (as in, before kids that was the ONLY way I slept!).... and was told that I could sleep on my belly as long as I like, but after around 16 weeks, it will start to feel like you're sleeping on top of a basketball :haha: So that I may want to stop around then. I can't even sleep on my belly anymore, even when not pregnant. So weird!

And YESSSS! Let's talk about how UNCOMFORTABLE this is becoming! I cant bend over my belly, I cant put my feet up, get shoes/socks on, can't see anything going on under my belly :rofl: I lost a bunch of weight before getting pregnant and have basically just gained it all back in baby... I keep telling people I feel like I put on a fat suit and I just need to TAKE IT OFF! I'm tired of carrying around the extra weight! Then my own kiddos are always wanting to climb all over me and I'm just like, 'I love you but GIVE ME SPACE!" :haha:
I've been a bit MIA from this thread, but I'm still lurking! So much to keep up with! I had a few weeks where I was super emotional and down, but doing better now. Sciatica and lower back pain has been killing me though. So glad I'm not the only one who already finds it a chore to put on my socks & shoes :rofl: Had my glucose test yesterday... have to wait on results. Uterus was measuring right at 25 weeks tho (I will be 25 tomorrow) and heartbeat sounded good. Can't believe I only have one more appointment (28 week) before I start going every two weeks!
Was it in here that awhile back someone mentioned they keep getting "stuck in a contraction"? I keep feeling like that. I've been having lots of lower back issues anyway, but a couple of times a week my lower back will suddenly tighten up and hurt really bad and my stomach feels tight and sometimes I feel pressure "down there". It last for 10-15 minutes and seems like there's nothing I can do to relieve it except try to breathe and eventually it just goes away.
@BellaRosa8302 i know what you mean about being a climbing frame! I sleep on my left side mainly and turning over is becoming harder.... you have to kinda wake up to move! Haha! All I keep thinking is it only gets worse!!!! Bring on flip flop weather!

@mkyerby16 havent any advice for being stuck in a contraction... sound uncomfortable. Hopefully your glucose test comes back ok. Wow you’ll go every 2 weeks. I think here after your first it’s 28 weeks, 34 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks then 41 weeks.

When are you ladies offered sweeps?? It varies so much from place to place from what I gather.
I believe we start going every 2 weeks where I am at as well. Since getting diagnosed with GD I am pretty sure I definitely have to go in every 2 weeks. Sorry about the hip pain ladies. Hope you feel better soon. I have been very busy with looking up stuff about GD now so may be quiet on here for a bit. It takes me a lot of time to plan the meals that I need to eat. I have to eat every 2-3 hours now but stay in range for carbs that are allotted. It seems like to much food and I almost felt like puking the first day practically force feeding myself to meet requirements. Fun fun!
@Hoping4numbr3 i guess it’s got to be done but force feeding not fun :haha: so you have to have another test at some point or just keep the diet up until bubba arrives??

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