2019 Junebugs

I believe we start going every 2 weeks where I am at as well. Since getting diagnosed with GD I am pretty sure I definitely have to go in every 2 weeks. Sorry about the hip pain ladies. Hope you feel better soon. I have been very busy with looking up stuff about GD now so may be quiet on here for a bit. It takes me a lot of time to plan the meals that I need to eat. I have to eat every 2-3 hours now but stay in range for carbs that are allotted. It seems like to much food and I almost felt like puking the first day practically force feeding myself to meet requirements. Fun fun!
That sounds horrible! What are the different diet requirements for GD? We have a regular prenatal visit on Monday and I imagine we will be scheduling the glucose test here as next week I will be 26 weeks.
Can’t believe time has already flown by this fast! When do our ladies start their third trimester?? Some must already be there right?
mykyer - I don't remember that exact term (stuck in a contraction) but I had a day where I felt like my belly was tight (BH) ALL.DAY.LONG. I called my doctor about it and they asked about timing. I said what timing - they haven't stopped! I had to go in to get checked. But I honestly think it was mostly because I also said reduced movement - I was feeling the baby, but not as strongly as I usually do. Hang in there hun <3

Mummy - YES! Can't wait for better weather! :) I've never had a sweep done, or even offered to me. I'm in the US. Not sure if that has anything to do with it?

Hoping - Thinking of you as you navigate GD! <3 I'm on the "every 2 week" schedule here as well. Will be hitting 28 weeks this Sunday. Then I think at 36 weeks I start going every week till 40 weeks.

Shanlee - I think someone in here said 27 weeks? In that case, I hit 3rd tri last Sunday! Crazy right?!?

AFM, I'm off to my ultrasound to check my placenta, 28 week appointment, and glucose test in a couple of hours! Hoping for some great baby spam to share :haha: I've never had a scan done past 20 weeks with my other two, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing baby again :cloud9: In other news, I'm HUGE! I mean, when I tell people I'm due June 2nd, their eyes bug out :rofl: Nobody thinks I'll make it that long - which is fine by me! Still hoping for baby to be born and me to be home before my DD's dance recital on June 2nd! I'm not allowed to be in labor/at the hospital on that day! :haha:
The GD diet may be different per doctor and per your own BMI/caloric needs etc but my Diabetic nurse wants me to focus on Carbs. I have to eat 2-3 times a day and I am supposed to have 2-4 snacks. I have to do 15-30g carbs for snacks and breakfast and then 45-60g carbs for lunch and dinner. I am starting to get the hang of it already and I only had my appt on Tuesday. I had previously lost 36 lbs with diet and exercise and I wouldn't say I ate bad at all but having to get 45-60g carbs for dinner and lunch can be tricky for me at times because I usually tend to have less carbs per meals.

@Mummy2Corban- Yes I will be diet controlled until Baby girl comes or if the numbers creep up to high they will put me on medication. So we will see how it goes :)
Talking about hip pain @Babybump87 and other ladies - I get round ligament pain or sciatica but I found that a brace helps a lot, I wear it out all the time now and I see a chiropractor which makes a huuuuge difference plus no more headaches. :thumbup:


When I roll over in bed though it feels like my crotch is going to split in two! :rofl:

@Mummy2Corban - I don't think my OB will do a sweep but I can go to a private midwife if I need one. Since they're telling me I need to go into labor by my due date I might have to go for a sweep to speed things up.

Oh man, I'm getting so big too. I got my 1st "Are you sure there's just one in there" already. ](*,)

I've got a going home outfit picked out and my outfit for maternity photos and I just bought a king mattress today so there's room for baby. Still a lot to do but plenty of time. Having a lot of fun planning. <3
Oooh speaking of, I'd love to see coming home outfit pics! I was just telling DH yesterday that we need to find an outfit. I'm not sure which route I want to go; since this one's a little girl I'm tempted to go overly girly, but then the practical side of me is like why bother trying to put a newborn in anything too complicated lol. My son came home in a simple blue striped pants/newborn shirt with the little snaps to the side outfit thingy... practical but was still cute
@Mrs. JJ when can you get a sweep from? Are you gonna try anything else to get things going nearer the time?

@mkyerby16 im hoping for a homebirth so I just have an outfit.... mine have all had a similar sleepsuit.... unisex saying born in.... I’ll post a picture in a bit. I’d love to see everyone’s choices too! So exciting!!!!!

@BellaRosa8302 how did the scan go?

@Hoping4numbr3 fingers crossed that what your doing is all you need.
B12 levels normal phew! Only a week into my iron tablets and not feeling much benefit yet but hear it is 2-4 weeks for reserves to go up.

Also feeling huge! Had a few ask when I’m due and shocked faces at the mid June answer! It is my fourth though come on give me some slack!!

I’m rubbish at replying g to everyone but love following you all and sharing this journey with you! :Dxxx
@mkyerby16 oh god I haven’t even thought about going home outfits! Is that something all you ladies have already thought of? We haven’t bought anything for baby boy or even started thinking about things for him yet. Idk when we will start doing that. What is everyone’s status on their baby items?
This is babies first outfit! Nothing crazy but like I said before mine have all had a similar one for there first outfit. I bought this after our 20 weeks scan. I’ve a few bodysuits and cardigans but that’s it as I wanna wait until I know if baby is pink or blue!

On baby items this past few weeks I’ve managed to get a double pushchair, a crib and a bouncer. I’ve been thinking about a Moses basket seeing as the weather will be warmer so baby can sleep outside if we are rather than the bouncer. Also have a car seat but need to get the newborn bit still (I keep forgetting to ask sil if she has it)

What about everyone else? X
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This is babies first outfit! Nothing crazy but like I said before mine have all had a similar one for there first outfit. I bought this after our 20 weeks scan. I’ve a few bodysuits and cardigans but that’s it as I wanna wait until I know if baby is pink or blue!

On baby items this past few weeks I’ve managed to get a double pushchair, a crib and a bouncer. I’ve been thinking about a Moses basket seeing as the weather will be warmer so baby can sleep outside if we are rather than the bouncer. Also have a car seat but need to get the newborn bit still (I keep forgetting to ask sil if she has it)

What about everyone else? X
I feel like you are so prepared! I am waiting until after my baby shower to get anything as I don’t want double items and I expect to receive a lot of the necessities but also we have so much from my daughter seeing how she’ll only be 20 months old
I've been trying not to buy a lot since we were really determined to move before she comes, and I have no room in this house for any extra stuff. Of course at this point that probably won't happen.

Since this is my 2nd I thankfully have most of the big stuff already. We're going to buy my son a new set of bedroom furniture and use his for Baby Girl/convert his toddler bed back to a crib. Besides little things like sleep sacks, blankets, pacifiers etc I really just need girl clothes. With my son all of my cousins and friends kids were boys so we got lots of hand me downs, but we haven't been so lucky this time. My sister & a family friend are going to give me a shower at the end of April so I can get all the cute girly stuff. :cloud9: Plus my mom keeps buying outfits every time she goes out :haha: It's really funny bc my husband is normally the frugal/ "do you really need to buy that?" type, but he's been so excited he actually keeps picking out things! He gave me a pack of baby hair bows with my bday present bc he said he saw them at the end of an aisle in the store and couldn't resist :laugh2: This little girl already has her Daddy wrapped around her finger and is going to be so spoiled by him. He actually had hoped for a girl with our 1st ( not that he would trade our DS for anything of course!!) We hit up a clearance rack the other day and he picked out a onesie and was like "I'm just so excited, I love her so much." I feel horrible bc for some reason I just don't feel like that yet. My DH was like how could you not you're the one feeling her inside of you. :sad1: Idk I just feel like I've had so many worries this time around between the bleeding early on and just this bad feeling like something would be wrong plus non related stresses and wanting to move so badly before she comes. I just can't even picture her actually being here. It still seems unreal for some reason. I always said I wanted girls and felt like this was a girl from the beginning and when the ultrasound tech confirmed I was so excited and cried happy tears, but soon after the appointment this weird feeling of fear hit me at the thought of having a girl and I really can't explain it.
@Shanlee16 because I thought cooper was the last we got rid of everything!!!! So I’ve been looking on Facebook marketplace/ gumtree and if I’ve found a bargain we’ve gone and got it. I got a nearly new crib for £5! Like you say if you having a baby shower then you’ll get a lot of your bits and pieces then!

@mkyerby16 have you found anywhere that is suitable to move too? It’s lovely that DH is so excited! Also that your mum is picking up lots of lovely pink things for baby girl. Personally I always think it’s hard to imagine baby here and I too always try keep a little distance because I always worry about the what ifs. Until baby is in my arms I worry. You’ve a lot going on so it’s normal to feel a little strange about things. Hopefully you can get things a bit more sorted so you feel a bit better about things xx
Well this baby is going to have to just slot into existing life here - we really need a bigger place but not going to happen soon. My boys share a room, my youngest and step daughter (when here) share a room. Baby will have a couple of drawers for clothes in my room, sleep in my bed, no space for anything else. Maybe a bouncer downstairs I guess. Got a sling, got boobs, that will have to do!
Myker - I was one of the people talking about being stuck in a contraction. Last pregnancy it was triggered anytime I walked for exercise or by too much physical activity. This time it was a full bladder, so when I would wake in the early morning hours I would be in a contraction for a while. Now I get them with physical activity again as well. I didn't have these my first three pregnancies, just these last two. Last time it was considered Irritable Uterus but I haven't been to the doctor to discuss it this time so not sure if they will say the same.
Mummy2 - I got rid of everything since my last was my last, too - ha! Friends have given me random baby items so already have a little stash going. Once I get closer I'll have to get serious about it!

Mark&Annie - I hear you on the space! We bought our house after our family was complete so it has been interesting finding room for this little surprise. I'm glad I lean towards minimalism because I only have room for the essentials.
Haha.... yes currently the baby has a draw in my bedroom and will have a crib but we co sleep so that’s why I didn’t wanna pay much for a crib. Currently my oldest has his own room, the girls share (only 18 months between them) then the little man has him own room. Baby will go in with him for a bit.... if it’s a boy then those 2 will swap and go into the eldests room. If it’s a girl then we will have to magically create another bedroom! Haha! It will all fall into place!!! Somehow!!!!
@mkyerby16 have you found anywhere that is suitable to move too? It’s lovely that DH is so excited! Also that your mum is picking up lots of lovely pink things for baby girl. Personally I always think it’s hard to imagine baby here and I too always try keep a little distance because I always worry about the what ifs. Until baby is in my arms I worry. You’ve a lot going on so it’s normal to feel a little strange about things. Hopefully you can get things a bit more sorted so you feel a bit better about things xx

Unfortunately no. There hasn't been much of anything for sale on the market here. Some more houses are just starting to pop up though, which our realtor said would happen this time of year. I'm frustrated bc we have a few things to do still around our house before it's ready to put on the market and my DH keeps procrastinating and not getting them done, so even if a house does pop up we won't be ready yet. In fact a nice one just popped up yesterday, but I know it'll be gone by time we're ready. ](*,) With less than 14 weeks left I can't see us selling/moving by then. I know we'll make it work and she'll sleep in our room for the first few weeks anyway, but I literally don't even have dresser or closet space for her clothes. I think not being able to have a nursery space all set up makes it seem less real too. To add to the urgency to move, we ended up with 5 hunting dogs that we can't keep at our current house bc of laws about the amount of land to have a "kennel" so we're having to keep them at our club 40 minutes away which is stressful not being able to have them at our house and going back & forth constantly to carr for them, so regardless we have to move asap.
I've been trying not to buy a lot since we were really determined to move before she comes, and I have no room in this house for any extra stuff. Of course at this point that probably won't happen.

Since this is my 2nd I thankfully have most of the big stuff already. We're going to buy my son a new set of bedroom furniture and use his for Baby Girl/convert his toddler bed back to a crib. Besides little things like sleep sacks, blankets, pacifiers etc I really just need girl clothes. With my son all of my cousins and friends kids were boys so we got lots of hand me downs, but we haven't been so lucky this time. My sister & a family friend are going to give me a shower at the end of April so I can get all the cute girly stuff. :cloud9: Plus my mom keeps buying outfits every time she goes out :haha: It's really funny bc my husband is normally the frugal/ "do you really need to buy that?" type, but he's been so excited he actually keeps picking out things! He gave me a pack of baby hair bows with my bday present bc he said he saw them at the end of an aisle in the store and couldn't resist :laugh2: This little girl already has her Daddy wrapped around her finger and is going to be so spoiled by him. He actually had hoped for a girl with our 1st ( not that he would trade our DS for anything of course!!) We hit up a clearance rack the other day and he picked out a onesie and was like "I'm just so excited, I love her so much." I feel horrible bc for some reason I just don't feel like that yet. My DH was like how could you not you're the one feeling her inside of you. :sad1: Idk I just feel like I've had so many worries this time around between the bleeding early on and just this bad feeling like something would be wrong plus non related stresses and wanting to move so badly before she comes. I just can't even picture her actually being here. It still seems unreal for some reason. I always said I wanted girls and felt like this was a girl from the beginning and when the ultrasound tech confirmed I was so excited and cried happy tears, but soon after the appointment this weird feeling of fear hit me at the thought of having a girl and I really can't explain it.
I just want you to know you’re not alone. I felt this Abby was a boy from the beginning but when we found out I was gonna excited and then soon after I’ve had fears. Adding that with the struggles seeing his heart and the different things we’ve been going thru I definitely don’t feel as attached to him. But I also didn’t feel overly attached to my daughter when I was pregnant. I think sometimes it just depends on the woman. I love my daughter now more than life itself and couldn’t imagine life without her so I think it may just be a not seen -not emotionally attached kind of deal. At least it is for me. So try not to feel too alone.

I just want you to know you’re not alone. I felt this Abby was a boy from the beginning but when we found out I was gonna excited and then soon after I’ve had fears. Adding that with the struggles seeing his heart and the different things we’ve been going thru I definitely don’t feel as attached to him. But I also didn’t feel overly attached to my daughter when I was pregnant. I think sometimes it just depends on the woman. I love my daughter now more than life itself and couldn’t imagine life without her so I think it may just be a not seen -not emotionally attached kind of deal. At least it is for me. So try not to feel too alone.

Thank you for that! <3

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